Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1257: Desolate Shield

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"Also, you shouldn't have come alone? If you want to come, you also know that if you are alone to provoke, it is tantamount to looking for death... What about your little lover? Let him come out! I want to see. What kind of three-headed and six-armed Big Brother Duxufeng, who was passed down in the Demon Emperor Sect!

Guo Kaiyu roared loudly, and the space began to vibrate.

"Zi Xi, it turns out that my big brother is your little lover."

Before Guo Kaiyu's words fell, the air around Zixi's body rippled like a huge vortex like a water wave, and a not very tall figure stepped out of the air vortex.

A young man whose eyes were brighter than the stars appeared in front of Guo Kaiyu's eyes, covered by his pale gray robe, his upright posture was as straight as a javelin.

His aura is faintly like a strange peak pointing straight to the sky!

"Your cultivation is not good, but you are very courageous."

Seeing Chu Chen coming out, the anger in Guo Kaiyu's eyes instantly burned to the limit, and he saw him let out a cold snort, his figure shook, and a strong murderous intent burst out without concealment.

"Last time I asked you to bring the brand of the Golden Wing Roc to my blood peak and destroy my blood. This time, without the Golden Wing Roc, you can't tolerate you anymore. I must let you pay for it!"

As soon as the voice fell, the blood of Baizhang burst out from his body, as if a blood-colored volcano suddenly erupted in the void.

The thick blood qi in the void turned into a blood-colored dragon with a body length of several tens of meters. At a glance, there were actually nine blood-colored dragons!

This kind of blood... is really amazing!

Chu Chen's pupils shrank violently, and I have to say that Juxuefeng's exercises were too bad for the sky. At this moment, when Guo Kaiyu raised his cultivation base to the peak state, his blood energy could actually transform into a giant dragon.

To be honest, there are quite a few super powers in the Linghe realm that Chu Chen fought, but no one is as strong as Guo Kaiyu!


A full nine scarlet dragons roared in unison, coiled in the void, the huge figure seemed to fill the entire world.

The next moment, with a long roar from Guo Kaiyu, the nine giant dragons turned upside down one after another, turning and submerging into his body like a hundred rivers returning to the sea!


The nine **** dragons were integrated into the body, making Guo Kaiyu's breath instantly strong to the top. It can be seen that his figure swells like a puff, and his muscles are knotted. It takes only a few breaths, Guo Kaiyu It became a humanoid monster more than ten feet tall.

The dense blood rolled up and quickly condensed on his body surface, turning into a thick blood-colored armor covering his whole body.

Even the parts of the eyes turned into two huge blood-colored crystals, and the whole person looked like a demon **** puppet from ancient times, exuding an aura of destruction.

Only the strong in the Linghe realm can be a unique spiritual transformation secret technique!

Can quickly improve combat power!


After Guo Kaiyu was completely transformed, **** mists began to flow around his body, and the mist spread to the entire space, like layers of dense silk nets filling every inch of void.

It can be clearly seen that with every breath he breathed, the whole world around him shuddered slightly!

Give Zi Xi a feeling, as if this entire little world is already under his absolute control!

"This is the legendary secret technique of Juxuefeng Supreme Spirit Transformation, the technique of madness of huge blood... Purple Seal, you have to be careful!"

Chu Chen's expression instantly became awe-inspiring. At this moment, Guo Kaiyu's breath not only increased sharply, but Chu Chen felt faintly depressed by his manipulation of the surrounding space.

Obviously, those strands of blood-colored mist had truly affected the entire small world. At this time, Chu Chen felt like he was suddenly pressed onto an invisible mountain peak, and his body instantly became heavier.

"go to hell!"

Guo Kaiyu, who urged the blood madness technique to its limit, suddenly screamed up to the sky, and a huge fist wrapped in the mighty torrent of blood blasted out fiercely.

He attacked the target, as Chu Chen expected, it was indeed a purple seal!

He wants to break one by one!

The huge fist was covered by blood-colored armor, and there were barbs on it that looked like a spear. Before the fist was close, the girl noticed that the threat of death was overturning, making her kind The feeling of suffocation.

Fist waves like a sea!

"Ziji Sword* Martyred Sword Heaven!"

With a cold anger, Zi Xi's figure soared into the sky.

However, the **** torrent was as violent as a tsunami and rolled straight towards her in the air.

Waves of intense purple energy burst out from the girl’s palms, and instantly condensed into a ten-foot-long purple lightsaber around her. In the monstrous torrent of blood, the purple giant sword seemed to be opened. A burst of purple light went up against the current, cutting through the torrent fiercely, slashing towards the giant fist in the torrent.


With a shocking sound, the huge purple lightsaber was shattered by the giant fist, and the torrent of blood and energy seemed to be a ferocious poisonous dragon continuing to devour the purple seal!

So strong!

The girl's complexion couldn't help changing, her figure squinted, and then raised ten feet higher, dodged dangerously and dangerously before the blood burst.

It's just that the entire space is under Guo Kaiyu's blood pressure at this time, which greatly limits her speed.

Zi Xi felt like she had fallen into a deep quagmire. She thought she could at least hide farther with her own speed, but she just passed that **** and dangerous way!

"Yes...As a cultivator of the Lingxi realm, your burst of strength is already very strong, but in front of the cultivator of the Linghe realm, you are still an ant that dies in one pinch!"

Easily smashed Zixi’s strongest sword energy, Guo Kaiyu laughed wildly, his fists were consistent, two huge blood-colored fist prints burst out of the void, and Guo Kaiyu’s body screamed and blasted towards Zixi. past.

At this moment, the girl only felt that the pressure of the whole world was gathering in an instant.

You can see Zixi's figure suffocating fiercely, and she is so frozen in mid-air!

The next moment, those two huge fists seemed like two ancient sacred mountains blasted down wildly, and the pressure of death instantly became extremely strong.

However, Zi Xi was caught in the blood mist, unable to move, she felt cold, and closed her eyes reflexively.

In the battle of the strong, every second counts.

Guo Kaiyu can actually confine the space for a short time, and she has no time to react.

The time he confined the space was too fast, maybe not even a breath time ~www.ltnovel.com~ The girl fell into an unprecedented passivity.

One wrong step, lose all! !


Seeing that a pair of ferocious fists were about to hit Zi Xi's body, Chu Chen's figure soared into the sky, and his figure stood in front of Zi Xi's body, roaring with spiritual energy.

A pale golden spring eye phantoms out from around him, and quickly condenses into a golden light shield to seal the pair of giant fists.


Two blood-colored giant fists slammed on the huge golden light shield almost at the same time, uttering a sore sound!

It was like someone was holding a hammer and hitting the steel shield vigorously and continuously.

The golden shield suddenly appeared fierce cracks, and then quickly expanded, and finally exploded with a loud bang! I1292

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