Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1262: Abi and Yuantu

??? The following is for you ""-"Nine Sun Emperor 1261. Chapter 1261 A Nose and Yuan Tu"-Please enjoy!

The edge of Duxu Peak.

The void is silent, a light blue light wave radiates around, spreading the entire space!

This mysterious light wave makes people feel strange throbbing from the depths of the soul.

It was as if under this light wave, all the secrets in his soul were exposed, and there was no way to hide it.

At this time, the other disciples on the Heavenly Devil Peak also came here, seeing Feng Tianyou performing the Qingxuan Searching God Art, they didn't speak, one by one held their breath and protected their souls, and they didn't dare to make other moves.

When Feng Tianyou searched hard, but couldn't find Chu Chen's deeds, he secretly frowned.

However, he did not expect that under a floating rock about tens of feet away from him, Chu Chen's hands and feet clasped upside down on the bottom of the rock like a gecko, with a faint smile on the corners of his mouth, coldly looking not far. Everything.

At this time, Zi Xi had already used the Void Move technique to return to Duxu Peak. After all, she could not participate in the next battle.

Originally, Zi Xi wanted to take Chu Chen away, but Chu Chen refused.

Now that he is here, Chu Chen naturally wants to meet the most stunning and stunning Tianjiao of the Demon Underworld Sect for a while!

I have to say that this Qingxuan Searching God Secret Art is indeed incomparable, and it can be called one of the top secrets in search.

It's just that the essence of this secret technique is to explore the Quartet with the power of the soul, and Chu Chen's strongest power is the power of the soul.

Since Chu Chen stepped into the cultivation path, he had seen quite a few strong men, but no strong man had the power of his soul.

Whether it is a righteous giant like the third old man in the medicine palace, or an evil hero like Duan Xiong, or even the white ape of the Taoshan Great Formation whose cultivation level has reached the level of a god, their spiritual power cultivation is enough to destroy the world, but the soul But the power cannot be compared to Chu Chen!

Under the interference of such a powerful soul power, no matter how fascinating the Qingxuan Searching God Art was, it would not have any effect.

It's like a stream, no matter how turbulent, it can't control the wind and waves of the sea. The two are not on the same level!

Feng Tianyou felt that his soul power was already full of void, but in fact, all of his soul power was completely controlled and blinded by Chu Chen. The most important thing was that he couldn't perceive this at all.

"He disappeared. Did he escape before I came?"

The blue light waved back and forth in the void for more than ten rounds. Feng Tianyou sighed and finally gave up the search.

Looking around, he reluctantly shook his head.

"Fortunately for this kid, he ran too fast. He may have returned to the peak. You spread the news and tell Senior Brother Zhufeng to continue to block the space around Duxu Peak and don't let anyone leave Duxu. Feng, he will be a dead word sooner or later."

With a soft snort, Feng Tianyou's figure left the place.

Just after the people of the Sky Demon Peak left this place, the surrounding space was trembling, and two tyrannical figures from the left and the right came together from the sky not far away.

This is a pair of twin brothers who seem to be about eighteen or nineteen years old. The faces of the two are exactly the same, and they are handsome and relaxed, as if they were carved out of a mold.

Both of them have extremely powerful auras, like two graceful evil gods.

The two look the same, but their clothes are slightly different. The young man on the left is wearing a pale blue robe, and the one on the right is a white robe.

There is also a very obvious difference in their auras, the one in Tsing Yi looks indifferent, while the one in white looks arrogant.

Both of them were embroidered with a murderous magic sword on their chests, exuding a force of force, as if they would become a real sword at any time.

In the Demon Sect, the two brothers named Cheng Yan and Cheng Mo, can be said to be the most mysterious existence of the entire sect. The two brothers turned out to be Big Brothers Abi and Yuantu Liangfeng!

Their brother is definitely the strongest brother among the younger generation of geniuses!

In the legends of the ancient mythological age, Ah Bi and Yuan Tu are two peerless magic swords hidden deep in the **** world. They possess the strongest **** death spirit in the world. They are fierce and powerful. Trembling.

Throughout the history of the whole world, the past, the present and the future, in the magic way, there are only a handful of magic weapons comparable to these two magic swords!

The two peaks of Abi and Yuantu inherited the sword intent of these two demon swords and became one of the most powerful ancient peaks of the Demon Mingzong.

They are listed as the three ancient swordsmanship peaks of Demon Underworld Sect alongside Soul Slashing Peak, and they have always been the holy land of swordsmanship in the world of Demon Tao! !

The sword of the two peaks of the Abi Yuantu is the sword of death. The more people killed, the greater the power of its sword aura. The sword will kill and the soul will be refined.

As for the two peaks, Cheng Yan and Cheng Mo, wherever they can become the two masters, grief is everywhere, resentful spirits soaring into the sky, these are two killing gods! !

There has always been a proverb in the Demon Emperor Sect: "Never touch the door of the nose if you provoke the son of a demon. Why not be afraid of Netherworld Xuan with the Po Yuan Tujian!"

The meaning is that I would rather provoke the son of the most powerful demon in the face of the sect than to offend Abifeng's mold!

Because if you anger the son of a demon, you might find a way to survive.

But once you offend Abifeng, you will definitely die!

And if even Yuan Tu Feng's sword can be broken, then Nether Peak's profound art is nothing to be afraid of.

Because even the Nether Peak that rules death, there are no people from Yuantu Peak that are vicious and cruel! !

"Huh, Feng Tianyou, who relied on his name as the son of the devil, dare to be arrogant to everyone!"

Cheng Yan in a green robe snorted, with a strong disdain in his voice~www.ltnovel.com~ Our twelve heavenly ancient peaks have always been equal. We are not his subordinates, he really I thought I was the lord of the future! "

"His cultivation has reached the sixth level of the Linghe Great Realm, which is indeed a few more small realms than us, so we have to work harder." Cheng Mo said with a cold face.

"What if the cultivation base is a little closer? With the current cultivation bases of you and me, if you join hands to stimulate the combined sword qi of Abi and Yuantu, Feng Tianyou may not be able to defeat us. We are not afraid of him. ."

Cheng Yan looked dissatisfied.

Cheng Mo shook his head coldly, "Wait a minute, our current cultivation base is still somewhat different from him. We only need to work hard now, once the time comes, the son of the devil will probably fall..."

"Well, that's right."

Cheng Yan nodded, and the two brothers looked at each other tacitly, and did not go on with the words.

It's just that the corners of both of them understand their lips with a grim smile. ;(I love my academy) [Actively cooperate with the \"Special Action to Combat Internet Obscene and Pornographic Information\", please report it! Thank you! 】

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