Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1276: Mysterious river

Just when the crowd of Duxu Peak children were so excited that they had already flown to the purple seal on a high cliff on the outermost periphery of Duxu Peak, the girl still looked indifferently into the abyss.

She was very calm, so she knew that Chu Chen had one of the biggest obstacles in grasping the victory, that was, he hadn't really taken a shot at Han Dian, son of Netherworld.

And in the abyss, there is already a mess at this moment!


In the depressive atmosphere, Master Zhimofeng, Pang Hun, let out a roar that shattered the sky. Almost as soon as his voice fell, his whole person had turned into a dazzling, translucent sword light and flew quickly.

"We are not his opponents, run away!!"

As soon as these words were spoken, several other big brothers and big sisters were shocked, one by one, they were awakened from a daze like a waking dream, and then scattered like birds that were greatly stimulated. flee.

Destroying the tyrannical existence of the sky magic body and killing the sky devil Feng Tianyou in one blow was simply not something they could fight against.

At this moment, all the high-ranking elder brothers Gu Feng had lost their fighting spirit.

Like a prodigal dog, fleeing around with its tail sandwiched.

Chu Chen didn't chase, but raised his head and looked over the abyss, because he knew that his true opponent was not these fleeing bereaved dogs, but the children of the deep in the abyss!

At the same time, the corner of Han Dian's mouth above the abyss flicked a cold smile, "Finally we can kill! Peak Master, you have restricted me for too long..."

As soon as his figure was vertical, it turned into a gray streamer and shot into the abyss from the air, bursting towards Chu Chen's direction.

In the process of flying, billowing gray awns rose into the sky, and the figure that wrapped him swept across the sky like a gray-black tornado.

Heaven and earth have been swept away by Han Dian!

With a piece of heaven and earth, Han Dian kept approaching where Chu Chen was.

At this moment, Chu Chen was floating in the dark abyss, the golden light in his eyes quickly disappeared, and a golden red light suddenly lit up around his body.

A huge pale golden wild spring emerged from around him, and then turned into a thin light curtain that only wrapped him.

In the next moment, I saw his figure violently rise into the sky, turning into a golden rainbow light and flying upwards toward the abyss!

Heading to the direction where the son of the nether descended, there was no shrinking at all!

A golden rainbow with no hesitation, a gray firmament swallowing heaven and earth, both are constantly approaching, approaching, approaching again!


The air was torn apart and there were bursts of harsh screams. At this moment, everything seemed to have disappeared!

The whole world, only the billowing gray storm and the dazzling golden Changhong!

One is the inheritor of the strongest ancient peak of the Demon Underworld Sect, and the other is the legend of the waste peak who killed countless elder brothers of the ancient peak.

Two can only live one in the end!

The two broke through the space, separated the sky and the earth, like two comets, kept approaching, and then collided together.

boom! !

When people encounter the moment, it is as if a comet collides with the earth, and the whole world is violently turbulent at this moment.

The space has become extremely unstable!

The billowing gray light was accompanied by the radiant golden aura and exploded in all directions, transforming into a huge mushroom cloud in the void and rising into the air.

It was just the collision of two people, and the world seemed to collapse.

When the burst of phoosgene gradually dissipated, two tyrannical figures could be seen standing opposite each other!

The air around the two people is rolling, and the void is stagnant around them like steel, and an invisible coercion radiates from the two people, making the big brothers who fled from the distance to watch the battle feel a sense of origin from the soul The deepest oppression.

...... The shocking impact just now was just a trick for the two to test each other!

All the big brothers are completely dumbfounded, and there is such a play?

The cultivator of the Lingquan realm actually competed with the super strong of the Linghe realm!

You know, this Linghe great realm powerhouse is still the strongest son of Demon Mingzong.

too terrifying!

The space seems to have been destroyed by the two of them, and the aftermath of the force generated by the two impacts has already shattered the void!

Is this really just a test?

When you really do it, will this abyss completely collapse! ?

Bang bang bang...

Accompanied by a muffled sound, a dazzling beam of spiritual power rose into the sky.

From a distance, one could see the 72 ancient peaks of Demon Mingzong, and almost every ancient peak was lit up with a bright beam of spiritual power.

Those beams of light transformed into a huge photocopying light screen, and the two figures of Chu Chen and Han Dian were clearly reflected in the void.

Obviously, the battle between the sons of the Nether and the new master Du Xufeng has shocked the entire Demon Sect. At this moment, everyone is paying attention to the strongest battle of the younger generation of the Demon Sect!

In fact, the battle at this time was not only a battle between Chu Chen and Han Dian, but also a battle between Duxu Peak and Nether Peak.

It is the battle for the rise of Duxufeng, and the final decisive battle for the reshuffle of the powers of the Demon Mingzong! !

Suddenly, the entire Demon Underworld Sect heard it, and a strange voice suddenly came from the abyss!


With the loud noise of ebb and flow, the gray-black phosgene emitted from Han Dian's body became more and more, and in the end he even condensed into a roaring river around his body.

This long river is nearly a hundred feet wide, and I don't know how long it is, and it has spread to the depths of the endless void.

One, like a mysterious river from the deepest part of the world, appeared next to the son of Nether!

The river water presents a thick gray-black color. If you look closely, you can find that the river water is still mixed with sorrowful blood colors, which makes the hair creepy.

Huge stars are looming in this river, but they are not the same as the stars in the ordinary Linghe realm. The stars in this river don't emit much light?

All of them were extremely dim and withered, and they looked like deep abysses. At a glance, they seemed to feel that their souls were swallowed in.

This is a field of dead stars!

A long river mingled with sorrowful blood, wrapped in a piece of dead star field, galloping and roaring rushing from an endless distance.

It seems to be able to submerge the sky and the earth~www.ltnovel.com~ annihilate it!

All the disciples of the Demon Mingzong who watched the battle couldn't help but a touch of fear and despair from the heart...Jiuyang Emperor:

"This is... Death Styx, Huangquan!"

Chu Chen's expression suddenly became solemn. This gray-black river of death was really overbearing. The dead stars were not dead and still, it was obvious that they were spinning gently.

Although the light emitted by the Death Star is very weak, the strong death aura it emits is extremely astonishing, like one abyss after another.

People's spirits can be involved at any time!

It is also the sixth layer of the Linghe Great Realm, and Han Dian's sense of threat far exceeds Feng Tianyou.

Although Feng Tianyou is arrogant and transcendent like a **** above the dust, Han Dian seems to be in control of the universe and can influence the ultimate existence of the world.

Two of them, in the minds of all the disciples of the Demon Underworld Sect, one is a sharp sword, and the other is the hand of the gods!

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