Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1300: 01

The twelve horrible and powerful figures reappeared in everyone's field of vision, just like twelve gods who are about to destroy the world, cold and noble!

The murderous aura radiated by their bodies is as real as it is, turning into thunder and lightning to tear up the space and spread to all directions!

The world on this side is at stake.


With a roar like a demonstration, Zhao Shi's ancient pangolin body, which resembled a huge floating island, floated and sinked in the void, bursting and bursting with breath.

Every piece of its huge dark gold scale armor was trembling, trembling violently, as if they would peel off at any time.

It is too old, its huge body seems to fall apart every minute, let alone an angry roar!

Layers of bright cyan-gold phosgene burst out from its body, making it look like it was about to burn, and its aura was as vigorous as a giant sun covering the sky.


The old pangolin's huge mouth with interlaced fangs spit out a huge cyan-gold beam of light that penetrated the world!

"Wrath of Chuanshan!"

The sky and the earth dimmed at this moment, and everyone's vision was left with this brilliant blue and golden light that penetrated the sky and the earth!

It was so dazzling that everyone's eyes were almost blinded. Many disciples who crossed the Xufeng closed their eyes.

It's called a blow through the mountains, but it penetrates layers of space, wherever the cyan-gold beam of light passes, it collapses and shatters, leaving a huge black vacuum!

The blue-gold light cannons were almost inconceivable, and the moment they blasted out, they had already hit the twelve peak masters. They had no time to dodge, and were hit by the huge beam of light!

After the huge cyan-gold beam of light hit the twelve peak masters, it still whizzed to the sky without hesitation, and flew to the boundary of the horizon. Everyone saw the distant place. After the violent explosion, the brilliant red light blew out several times. , And then a huge cloud in the shape of a green golden mushroom rose up!

At this time, the sky of Du Xufeng had also recovered its brightness. What made the disciples of Du Xufeng extremely alarmed was that the twelve terrifying figures were still there!

The twelve peak masters who lay above the sky, everyone was surrounded by a thick blue aura, and a blue-gold flame was still burning on their body.

However, the blue flames quickly extinguished, and the blue aura quickly faded. The outline of the twelve peak masters gradually became clear. Each of them looked like electricity, their clothes fluttered, and they were all unscathed!

Chu Chen on the ground, like the other Duxu disciples, was very surprised. He didn't expect that Zhao Shi's violent blow after his real body had no effect? !

Above the sky.

Among the twelve peak masters, the scholar with the least blue aura on his body raised his left hand slightly to signal the fierce peak master not to shoot the pangolin.

The red-haired Sky Demon Peak Master looked at the scholar in Qingshan suspiciously.

"This old thing is hard to deal with, let's kill Chu Chen first!"

The scholar in Qingshan locked his eyes for an instant, and on the ground thousands of feet below, it was like a little black spot of Chu Chen.

The twelve peak masters nodded their heads immediately, and with a bang, the twelve people shot down everywhere, preparing to surround and hunt Chu Chen, while the scholar in Qingshan fell straight down like a meteor.


The scholar in Qingshan who swooped down nearly a thousand feet in an instant, suddenly found that Chu Chen, who had gradually become clearer and bigger, had turned into a black spot again?


The scholar in Qingshan was shocked to realize that he had actually returned to the original position in the void, the high altitude before he began to dive?

He immediately discovered that the other eleven peak owners who had been flying around had also been forcibly moved back!

They returned to the place where everyone was originally out of trouble, that is, the place where they were hit by the old pangolin with "Mountain Rage".

Obviously, they were all flying away, but for an instant, an invisible mysterious force once again confined the twelve peak masters somewhere in the void! ?

The Jungfrau Master of Soul Eater looked fiercely at the old pangolin hundreds of feet away, and said silently, "It turned out that the attack was not to kill us, but to lock us!"

The scholar in Qingshan sank his gaze and nodded, "It should have forcibly left a space imprint on us just now, preventing us from leaving the space within two thousand meters of its body."

While the scholar in Qingshan spoke, his right index finger was raised, and a little silver light lit up. The silver light quickly illuminated the entire space, and it also shone on the twelve peak masters.

Under the silver light, a dark golden scale armor brand faintly appeared on each of them. This was obviously the spatial confinement brand that Zhao Shi, the old pangolin, had forced on them just now.

"It's a pity that we are all confined to the Spirit River Realm. If it is the Tianhe Realm, it would never want to trap us. Now that we have to kill this old thing first, otherwise none of us can live without!

The Lord of Heavenly Demon Peak has blood-red hair dancing with the wind, his eyes are extremely hideous.

The scholar in Qingshan frowned slightly, "This old thing can't do anything else, but it's hard to kill. Although it's old enough to be decayed, its physical characteristics are close to the immortal body."

"I'll try!"

Among the Twelve Peak Masters, the True Demon Peak Master who looked like an ordinary old farmer, after a dark smile, pinched a sword tactic with his right hand and waved his fingers.

A three-inch black little sword appeared abruptly in the void. The little black sword had no luster, and even light that met it would be swallowed by it!

It is not gold or wood, but it has an unusually sharp feeling, because even if the other peak masters' eyes stop on its sword, they will feel the slight tingling of their soul.

"go with!"

On the old face of the True Demon Peak Master, a touch of gloomy cruelty appeared, and the small black sword turned into a black light and flew towards the old pangolin in the distance.

The terrifying Heimang kept slicing open the world, and the tiny sword marks left by the space it opened up, it hasn't healed for a long time!

"call out!"

The black sword light shot in front of the old pangolin giant in an instant, it circled the ancient volcanic giant a few times, and slammed into the old pangolin's forehead!

The black sword light is too small, and the movement of the old pangolin is particularly slow. It seems that the black light has already shot its forehead before the giant claw is lifted.


The ear-piercing sound of Jinming's clashes even reached the eardrums of the crowd of Duxu Peak disciples on the ground, they frowned and covered their ears.

This voice made them feel unspeakably uncomfortable!

Chu Chen's spiritual sense was fully opened, and he clearly "seeed" that a lot of sparks burst out of the old pangolin's forehead!

These sparks are produced by the impact of the small black sword with the scales of the forehead of the old pangolin.

After the spark disappeared, the little black sword fell feebly from the sky without any light, while the scale armor shot in front of the old pangolin's forehead left only a white mark, and then quickly disappeared.

"Its scale armor is too abnormal. If it can be easily penetrated in the Tianhe Realm, now..."

Fairy Xiuluo lightly danced in white, her pupils contracted slightly.

"It's more than tenacity. Its scales should also have defensive Dao patterns, blending Tao and reason, but ordinary Linghe realm monks can't deal with it. Don't forget that we are the helms of the twelfth-day ancient peak. Let's go. Let it drain the last drop of blood quickly!"

The scholar in Qingshan gave a long laugh ~www.ltnovel.com~ and flew up, and the silver aura burst out from his body, turning into a round of silver scorching sun, and flew towards the old pangolin like the ancient volcano.


The swiftly dancing Heavenly Demon Peak Lord also rose into the air, turning into a black giant sun, crushing the void, following the silver scorching sun, and blasting towards the old pangolin in the distance.

The other ten blood days have also reappeared in the void!

Chu Chen, who had been watching the battle in the sky, suddenly saw twelve spots of light, surrounding the huge, floating islands of old pangolins!

At this time, Zhao Shi's tragic voice suddenly came from the sky, "Big brother, what are you waiting for, go right away, set foot on the ancient road of Ten Thousand Steps, and take down the uninheritance of the peak master."

Chu Chen knew that it was no good to stay longer, and after arching his hands to the sky, he immediately turned and flew up.

Like a meteor breaking through the sky, toward the top of the distant Duxu Peak, toward the goddess colossus that continuously emits golden ripples, it gallops away without hesitation!

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