Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1312: Zhao Shi's last wish

The little hamster looked at the staggering figure of Chu Chen who was constantly walking forward on the Wanjie Ancient Road, and its brow furrowed deeper than before.

A question lingered back and forth in its mind...

This ancient road of ten thousand ranks always makes it feel that something is wrong, and there is a huge crisis hidden in it, which is why it has always had the impulse to stop Chu Chen from moving forward.

No matter how the little hamster looks at it, he feels that this ancient road is like a thick mist. Although many things are not clear, what did he suddenly want to catch?

The little hamster felt that the cold hairs all over his body stood up, because this ancient road of ten thousand steps actually seemed to lead to another world! ! ?

Perhaps when Chu Chen reached the end of the ancient road of ten thousand steps, he was no longer muddy and lonely, it seemed that the reincarnation of life and death of thousands of realms was buried!

On the opposite side of this vast and endless bridge, the peak master of Duxu Peak, wearing a blue robe and dancing with silver hair, stands in the air. His beautiful face is indifferent and hollow. The beautiful shadow of the world is as high as a god, a kind of indifferent to ordinary dust. The cold air...

I finally saw the arrogant figure of Peak Master Duxu overlooking the world, the look in her eyes that did not belong to this world, and the huge goddess statue she had transformed into!

Even if I took one more step, it seemed like I was going to fall apart completely. Can I still cross this endless bridge?

Taking a heavy breath, Chu Chen felt a heavy feeling gradually filled his mind.

An irresistible feeling of exhaustion hit his heart, and his consciousness gradually faded.

At this moment, there are no stone steps in his eyes, no endless bridge that spans the ages, and the mighty river of life and death, everything is gone...

When it reaches its limit, it seems that one's own consciousness will also disappear with the wind?

Even the last obsession in his heart is quietly fading away, too tired, it is time to rest!

After struggling for so long, I still lose!

This huge bridge of gods, how can a mortal thing like himself be able to cross it?

Before the giant bridge, I was as small as dust, nothing more, nothing!

Just let me sleep, Wanjie Gulu, I'm doing my best...


Just when Chu Chen felt extremely heavy in his heart and was about to fall asleep forever, a huge beast roared like a divine thunder, as if to shake the entire world to pieces.

This is the last angry roar of the old pangolin. Above the high sky, in the frantic siege of the peak owners, it exhausted all its strength and issued a roar that would destroy the entire world!

This was its last effort. It snarled with all its strength, causing the little blood in the giant to rush out from the wounds all over the body.

The clouds in the sky seem to be dyed red by it!

In this second, the entire Duxu Peak was covered with a thick rain of blood!

Even the dark gold stone steps on the Wanjie Ancient Road were stained with scarlet redness.

Zhao Shi's unyielding final roar was just for Chu Chen to keep the last line of sanity, just to keep Chu Chen who has persisted until now~www.ltnovel.com~ not giving up at the last minute.

This is the last roar of the old pangolin who has guarded Duxu Peak for thousands of years!

Chu Chen heard the last thoughts of the second senior brother Zhao Shi. Baidu Sister-in-law@—九阳帝尊

Big brother, I have guarded Du Xufeng for such a long time, now my life has burned to the end, I am leaving...

Then, big brother, please guard Duxufeng for the last time for me!

Before giving up completely, take my last will and try again!

A dazzling golden lightning flashed across Chu Chen's mind suddenly, making his consciousness suddenly sober.

The next moment, his body shook suddenly, and a strange force suddenly burst out from the depths of his soul, making him involuntarily roar up to the sky!


The loud voice of the golden winged roc shook the sky, breaking through the heavens and the earth, breaking through the bans on the ancient road of ten thousand steps!

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