Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1326: Super Gorefiend Avatar

c_t; "Laughter! The two great peak masters are tolerant to you and show mercy to you, but you hurt the killer. I can't keep you such a villain!"

Just when all the peak masters were shocked, the giant blood peak peak master fiercely let out a violent roar, and suddenly attacked. [, the website page is refreshing, there are few advertisements, I like this kind of website the most, it must be praised], the latest chapter visit:. Please search to see the most complete! The fastest newest novel

Juxuefeng and Chu Chen had the deepest hatred. The master of Juxuefeng had a violent sex. Seeing that the two peak masters were severely injured by his shots, he couldn't bear it anymore and decided to kill him!

Among the twelve peak masters, his strength is almost second only to the master of the two peaks of Nether and Heavenly Demon, so he decided to avenge the giant blood peak and also avenge the two peak masters who suffered heavy losses.

Accompanied by a roar, the endless blood ‘color’ light gushes out from the main body of the giant blood peak, directly condensing into a huge one-eyed blood demon in the void.

The blood demon was several hundred feet tall, his muscles were ‘flesh’ knotted, and a series of strong evil auras and murderous intent condensed into a substantive blood ‘color’ mist spreading around, quickly covering the entire world.

"Calm down! Don't act rashly!!"

The peak master of the Heavenly Devil on the side frowned upon seeing this and let out a soft drink.

It's just that when he uttered his words, the Giant Blood Peak Master had already jumped up and flew into the sky, like a giant beast rushing toward Chu Chen.

The one-eyed Gorefiend who was hundreds of feet above the sky screamed at the sky, and with a fierce wave of his giant arms, the billowing blood quickly condensed in front of it, unexpectedly growing a pair of arms under the arm again.


In the next second, I saw the four arms that were as huge as small mountain peaks moving together, and the four big giant fists blasted towards Chu Chen!

One giant fist is enough to make the space collapse, four punches at the same time, so that the world will be broken!

"Four-armed Gorefiend! No, this is the strongest secret technique of Juxuefeng, big brother, hurry up! This is the strongest body of the one-eyed Gorefiend of the Juxuefeng line!!"

Han Ye's exclamation cut through the sky above the cliff.

As the third senior brother of Duxu Peak, Han Ye's time in Demon Underworld Sect was second only to Zhao Shi, so he also knew many secrets.

Among the many secret techniques in the Juxuefeng line, the one-eyed blood demon incarnation is known as the town's secret technique, which is the basis for many powerful secret techniques that can destroy the world.

And the four-arm form of the one-eyed blood demon is one of the strongest laws of this kind of exercise.

This secret technique is far from being as simple as having a pair of giant arms!

In ancient legends, the pair of arms above the four-armed Gorefiend controls power with one hand and speed with the other.

And the pair of arms below it control the blood of life with one hand and the blood of death with the other! !

In front of the four-armed one-eyed Gorefiend, all opponents will not be able to control their own blood circulation.

Within the Gorefiend domain, it can easily convert all the blood in the monk's body into the blood of death, cutting off its vitality without any effort!

Within the domain, the one-eyed Gorefiend has suffered multiple damages, and it can transform its own blood of death into blood of life, regaining a steady stream of vitality!

This is where the Four-armed Gorefiend is most against the sky, ordinary opponents, unless they are bombarded and killed in one fell swoop with the most powerful force far beyond it.

Otherwise, once the battle is deadlocked, then the one-eyed Gorefiend who opened the Gorefiend realm is almost invincible!

"Chu Chen, run away! The four arms of the four-armed Gorefiend are connected to each other, and they can explode with infinite power and cannot be resisted!"

After Han Ye cried out, Zi Xi's stern shout also spread out.

She is not a member of the Demon Underworld Sect, so she doesn’t know the mystery of this town-style secret technique, but her powerful soul perception has instantly'understood' the tyranny of the four-armed blood demon, which is a kind of spiritual river realm. A terrifying shock that no monk can resist!

"Big brother, get away!"

"Master, don't..."

Feng Qiang and many other disciples who had captured this scene in the hall also yelled.

Because the scene in the void is really scary. When the huge one-eyed Gorefiend waved his arms, the void collapsed and shattered, and waves of devastating lightning entangled on the **** giant fist. A wave of intense tyrannical murder.

The shocking blow of these four punches is definitely enough to destroy the world!

"Knowing that my sky fire is strong and strong, it is the nemesis of all the'yin' and evil forces in the world. How dare I spur the one-eyed blood demon incarnation in front of me, looking for death!"

Chu Chen smiled coldly as he watched the larger and larger Zhan Ying flying above the sky.

What if the sky is broken and the void is continuously broken?

Gray Yishaoyoung raised his right hand lightly and pressed it three times in the void.

With every click, a small light golden ‘color’ sun will fly out.

After three virtual presses, the three rounds of little suns quickly merged in the void, quickly smelting into a round of little sun like gold casting, a slight shock, and then flew radially toward the four-armed blood demon. go with!


The scorching golden ‘color’ sun is like real gold, filled with the dazzling luster of metal.

After it drew a dazzling golden ‘color’ light arc in the void, it rushed directly into the first giant fist that the four-armed blood demon blasted down!


He actually drilled a small golden ‘hole’ in that fist, and then sank into the giant arm.

In the next second, the huge body of the four-armed Gorefiat paused slightly, completely stiff in midair.

The golden sun seems to have penetrated into its body!

I saw inside the dark red ‘color’ body of the Gorefiend, a faint golden ‘color’ light flowing through the body in the blink of an eye like an electric current.

A dazzling golden ‘color’ light radiated from the strong dark red ‘color’ huge body, making the one-eyed blood beast instantly turned into a gold ‘color’ demon god!

Hundreds of feet of one-eyed blood demon turned into a golden statue frozen in the sky.


After a moment of dead silence, a crisp cracking sound came into everyone's ears.

Everyone looked up subconsciously, and saw the fist of the one-eyed Gorefiend, and the dazzling golden light was emitted from the small golden hole!

The golden light is getting more and more dazzling~www.ltnovel.com~ The huge gorefiend wrapped in golden light looks like it is in a round of golden ‘color’ blazing sun.

Chu Chen said coldly, "This is the killer of pain!"

While speaking, his open right hand suddenly shook violently, as if it had crushed something? [Starting

boom……! ! !

Accompanied by a earth-shattering explosion, the endless golden ‘color’ light burst out, instantly blasting the body of the Gorefiend to pieces!

A thick **** ‘color’ mist spread, and it hasn’t spread far, just like ice mist under the scorching sun, completely washed away and purified by the burst of golden light.

The bursting golden light filled the whole world at once, making everyone almost unable to open their eyes.

Soon, the spreading golden light gradually disappeared, and the heaven and earth returned to peace.

Let everyone be "hairy" in a terrifying "calm"!


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