Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1328: 3 Dragon Sword

Chu Chen's words angered all the peak masters. Throughout the ages, there have been people arrogant to this level!

Challenge the dignity of the twelve peak masters with your own strength, and there is only one blood path in the end!

"This little beast... this little beast is really hopeless, it's not a pity to die!!"

Fairy Xiuluo's complexion was pale, and she was so angry that she sucked in several air-conditioning breaths, and then slowly recovered from the huge anger.

The Asura Peak Master, who looked like a fairy in white, had murderous aura and evil spirits lingering all over her body, as if the whole figure was about to explode, she shouted angrily.

"This son is born rebellious and must not stay! Brother Dao, who will come and kill this dog with me?"

Her silver bell-like voice echoed in the void, with a fascinating magical nature.

"I'm here! There is no need to pay attention to morality when dealing with this kind of person, we will join hands to kill him!!"

"So presumptuous, then I will teach him to be a man together, and then slaughter him across the Xufeng!"

Following two roars, one large and one small figure flew into the air and came to Fairy Xiuluo.

It is the peak master of the two veins of Abi Yuantu.

One of the two great peak owners is tall and burly like a legendary giant, while the other is thin, like a little dwarf.

The two are very different in appearance, completely in two extremes, but the aura from the two of them blends with each other, and the fusion is extremely perfect.

The wisps of sword intent containing the cold, poisonous and evil aura whirled back and forth between the two great peak masters, making their combined aura almost multiplied! !

The tacit understanding of the peak masters of the two veins of Abi Yuantu is the best of all peak masters, and the combined strength of the two is far beyond the giant blood peak master!

"This evil animal has a lot of cards, and the true life of the fire is powerful. You must remember not to fight him easily, first suppress it from a distance with your strength."

Seeing the two great peak masters flying to Fairy Xiuluo, Qingshanshu said calmly in the distance.

The three people in the sky nodded when they heard the words, and exchanged glances with each other very tacitly. In the next second, they saw a **** light from Fairy Xiuluo bursting into the other two.

The breath of the three of them merged with each other ~www.ltnovel.com~ At the beginning, Fairy Xiuluo's breath seemed unusually abrupt, incompatible with the breath of the other two.

Just accompanied by a mysterious-Jiuyang Emperor

After the thunder robbery disappeared, the three magic swords also disappeared without a trace, completely missing.

Since then, the Three Dragons Demon Sword has become a legend and taboo in the Demon Sect.

No one knows the final result of the three magic swords, and no one knows what happened in the end.

Today, after nearly 700 years, this legendary magic sword has actually reappeared in the world, and it has also been mastered by the peak master of the Abiyuan Tu Xiuluo three veins. At this moment, everyone feels deeply in their hearts. Deep fear.

The Three Dragon Magic Sword represents the unknown, which is a real magic weapon.

From the date of casting, there have been all kinds of unknown foreshadowings. The grievances of the three evil dragons persisted, and the flesh and blood essence of the previous suzerain existed. In the end, even thunder was brought to come. It can be said that this magic sword itself represents a disaster!


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