Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 957: Stroke 1 stroke

Chu Chen, who was thinking about whether to take a gamble, suddenly heard an abnormal noise not far behind him. At this moment, there was almost no one on the deck except Chu Chen.

He looked back and saw that not far behind him, a few majestic monks walked out of the cabin with solemn expressions, and they walked towards the side of the ship with a tragic expression of death.

What are they going to do? Chu Chen didn't react for a moment.

This group of people are old and young, male and female, and they are all strong people who have reached the realm. Everyone has a sadness on their faces. "Fiction" novel chapter updated fastest

The leader was a tall young monk, he was about twenty-five or sixteen years old, wearing a rough leather armor. There was a hideous scar on that hard face, spreading directly from the center of the left eyebrow to the right lip, looking shocking.

He walked in the front of the crowd, his eyes flickering, and he couldn't hide the anxiety in his heart.

Behind him was an old man in black and a handsome young man holding a paper fan. The old man's face was withered, but his pair of eyes were exceptionally bright, as if two lamps were faintly shining with yellow light.

The young man has a fair complexion, a green robe, and a snow-white folding fan in his hand. He is handsome and looks like a romantic scholar.

Behind them were two beautiful female sisters in purple clothes. The two followed closely behind the weak scholar. They looked timidly, biting their lips tightly, and their eyes revealed that they were scared and scared. It is an expression of expectation.

"Everyone, now we are trapped. Although our future is uncertain, since we are monks, how can we sit for nothing!"

The scarred man at the head seemed to think clearly about how to convince his companions. He turned and looked at the people behind him. He stretched out his hand and pointed directly at the golden light outside the ship and the boundless sea of ​​blood around him.

"I see it, old and bloody, the light mask he emits will not last long! It is also waiting to die if you continue to stay on this ship, it is better for everyone to take a risk, maybe there will be a ray of life!"

Obviously, he had said this to the monks behind him a long time ago, but everyone really came to the edge of the sea of ​​blood, because of instinctive fear, their faces were definitely lightened.

Looking at this **** unknown world, these cultivators hesitated again. The legend of the sea of ​​blood is really weird, and staying in this steel building can at least temporarily ensure safety.

If you really want to leave this ship and enter the sea of ​​blood, then you really cannot control life and death.

Besides, what about after a sea of ​​blood? If you enter the vast and endless West Sea alone without a boat, even a super power in the realm of Lingxi will not last long!

The scarred face man obviously sensed the instinctive fear of his companions for the sea of ​​blood, so he began to instigate everyone, "What else do you have to hesitate? Waiting here to die, maybe there is still a ray of life when you crash out!"

Chu Chen understood their intentions, and they even wanted to leave the big boat guarded by Yu Lao to find their own vitality.

The handsome young man shook the fan in his hand, "I think it should be, it is indeed the difference between early death and late death on this boat."

The black-clothed old man also nodded, "This feeling of waiting for death is too tormenting. This kind of waiting for me, the old man, can't stand it. Let's fight it. Let's use the fastest Sùdù to cross the blood fog."

"Everyone, are you planning to leave this big ship and explore the sea of ​​blood by yourself? I advise you not to do this. The horror in this sea of ​​blood is far beyond your imagination, not that you can escape by speeding up."

Chu Chen couldn't help but speak out, reminding the group of monks who had reached the ship's side.

"We can't escape, at least we've tried it. It's better than just waiting to die."

The scarred man sneered and glanced at Chu Chen with disdain, "You can't leave by yourself, do you want to take us to accompany you to die? We are not like you who can't even walk normally. !"

"Don't worry about this little brother. We are looking for life. It is your own business to wait for your death here." The scholar in Tsing Yi shook the fan in his hand and looked at the two girls in purple clothes. He smiled, obviously disdain to talk with Chu Chen.

"Little brother, there is a lot of wind and waves here, and your body is very weak. Go back soon. If we leave, we will find someone to save everyone." The black-clothed old man said in a gentle tone.

Chu Chen couldn't help sighing, "You are going to die. I shouldn't have been nosy. Even if you think I am troublesome, I still have to remind you that you'd better wait on the boat. Maybe you want to show up soon. Up."

"Hope appears right away? Falling from the sky? Or are you lame wanting to save everyone?"

The scarred-faced man waved his hand impatiently, turned his head and said to the fellow monk, "I'll clear the way! You have to fight hard to survive, you can't solve Wèntí by sitting there and closing your eyes!"

Accompanied by a violent drink, the scarred face figure shook slightly, and a series of majestic spiritual power whizzed out of his body, transforming into seven gray ferocious dragons in the void.


Scarface clenched his right hand into a fist and slammed forward, "Boom!"

The seven gray dragons rushed into the sky with the trembling dragon roar, and rushed toward the boundless blood mist outside the ship!


The sacred dragon cracked the sky, and the void shook. The seven dragons easily passed through the golden mask under the Yu Lao cloth, and forcibly opened a space channel that was more than ten meters wide in the boundless blood mist.

That space channel is grey and grey~www.ltnovel.com~ It doesn't matter how long Zhīdào is, you can't see the edge at a glance.

"Go! We will use the fastest Sùdù to rush into the bleeding sea before the fog beasts are fully condensed!"

Seeing the complete formation of the space channel, Scarface suddenly roared again, and his body flew out like a gray lightning, and quickly sank into the space channel.

The people behind looked at each other one after another, gritted their teeth, and followed him, turning into streamers and disappearing towards the space channel, quickly disappearing into the boundless blood mist.

At this time, there were many more monks on the deck, and it was obvious that Scarface and the group decided to leave, which attracted everyone's attention.

This Scarface had long been clamoring to fight to the death and entered the sea of ​​blood to find a way to escape, but few people really had the courage to go with him.

Now that these people actually fought out decisively, the fire of hope was ignited in the hearts of the cultivators, and perhaps they could bring everyone a ray of life.

Everyone couldn't help but pray for them, wishing them good luck, and good luck for themselves.

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