Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1398: Dragon type giant vine

What surprised the monks even more was that during the entire process of bundling and packing, Huangfuyin and the four elders didn't have any resistance at all?

It turned out to be just obediently letting Chu Chen lock the chain on their arms.

The cultivators couldn't figure out, were they caught Chu Chen's evil?

This guy...what the **** did this guy do, how can the five super monks of the Linghe Great Realm have no resistance?


The chains trembled, and the five super monks from the Linghe realm lined up on the glittering chains. The head was held by Chu Chen. At first glance, it seemed that a secular farmer was holding his family. The head of livestock is brought to the market for sale.

Among the five people, there was an old man whose aura was extremely weak and seemed to exhaust all his vitality. He was framed by two other old men one by one. This kind of picture made everyone feel a deep sense of disharmony.

"It is said that this mysterious lock is the supreme treasure of the person in charge of the Medicine Palace, and it must be able to protect us in this magic temple."

Chu Chen urged the nine-ring void lock in his hand to transform into transparent ripples to block the void, and smiled faintly at Lu Yan.

"This ghost place is really gloomy, Senior Sister Lu, if you wait for us to go out this time, you have to think about how to repay me."


Lu Yan was speechless for a while, but she was also a mind-boggling person. Knowing that Chu Chen deliberately made fun of her to make the dignified atmosphere in the team lighter, she asked timidly, "How do you want me to repay?"

At this time, the cultivators were indeed relieved by the atmosphere by the two of them.

"Hehe... as the saying goes, the hero saves the beauty, and the beauty repays her."

Bao Shaolong grinned and chuckled. After the boy had experienced a series of shocks and shocks, his original cold and arrogant appearance disappeared for a while, and he made a rare joke.

"Smile and laugh...Senior Sister Lu is the sweet girl of the sky, so how can she look like a Lingxi realm kid like me."

Chu Chen laughed, and changed the subject calmly, "No matter what, let's continue walking inside. What is in this magic temple, this time we must figure it out."

The cultivators followed behind, and continued to explore further through the Nine Rings Void Realm opened by Chu Chen.

There was nothing to say all the way, anyway, the presence of a few Linghe-level super prisoners made all the monks except Chu Chen feel that they were still depressed. This was a kind of pressure that originated from the strong.

Even if they were imprisoned, even if they did not exude any aura, the instinctive coercion of the high-level powerhouse still made everyone feel heavy.

But soon, the attention of the cultivators shifted away from the five powerhouses such as Huangfuyin, because as they went deeper into this magic temple, the sights they saw along the way became more and more weird.

After walking to the depths of the main hall for about half an hour, a strange and strange plant began to appear around him.

Those were terrible vines, each of which was as thick as a bucket, and shone with a green color all over.

The most chilling thing in my heart is that the vine has layers of fine dark red fluff on the surface, making the whole vine look like the tentacles of some kind of monster, plus the one that it emits. The **** and rancid smell made everyone's complexion change drastically, and Lu Yan was even more disgusting and hardly dared to open his eyes.

After the vines, more and more enchanted plants began to appear around. There were black long grass as high as two people, and the edges were covered with jagged edges;

There are ancient trees as high as hundreds of meters, with skulls and human heads branded on the bark; there are also dense bushes, where you can see huge white beast bones from time to time.

Even some demonized plants are so huge that they grow directly in the walls of some dilapidated halls. It feels like they have come to a forest of demonized plants alone!

"It's getting closer and closer...These plants are all affected by the magical power of the Heavenly Demon Spring."

The slightly excited voice of the little hamster appeared in his mind, causing Chu Chen's eyes to burst. In ancient legends, the Demon Spring is a kind of demon fountain produced by the accumulation and precipitation of the essence and blood of the ancient demon over a long period of time. It contains the most gloomy, evil, and demon power in the world.

All plants that have been soaked in the Heavenly Demon Spring will be demonized into weird monsters. And the most powerful and top existence among all monsters is the legendary old tree of monsters!


A huge figure flicked in midair, and when it passed through the translucent blocked apertures around everyone, the figure paused for a while and then drew back silently.

"My God, that thing...is that thing also a vine?"

An exclamation came from Lu Yan's mouth, and everyone followed her gaze and saw that a "mountain" was slowly shaking in the distance, and the huge shadow that passed over everyone's head just now was that A branch of the "mountain"...

When everyone saw the true face of the thing, everyone gasped at the same time!

Where did the mountain come from!

It was clearly an unimaginable dark green vine!

It's just that the vines are too huge, they are tens of feet in diameter, and they are like endless "mountains" on the ground!

At this moment, the mountain-like vines were slowly "crawling" like a snake. All monks who watched this scene felt a biting chill from the deepest part of their hearts...

God, how powerful is that vine?

Apart from other things, the spiritual power that can be accommodated by that huge body is beyond the imagination of ordinary creatures!

Demon vines like dragons?

At this moment, that huge unimaginable vine was drifting away, as if where it was going, it quickly disappeared from everyone's sight.

Even though it has disappeared ~www.ltnovel.com~ there is still a huge phantom lying across the sky, like an ancient dragon, entrenched there for a long time.

"Chu, Junior Brother Chu, if that vine goes wild, can you handle it?"

Lu Yan took a few long breaths of air-conditioning before speaking intermittently. While saying this, her teeth kept trembling.

She was still looking at the direction where the giant vine disappeared, lest it go and return.

"Sister Lu, you really think of me as a god. This kind of creature who doesn't know how long alive has survived, I'm afraid it has already transcended the category of spirits and has become another kind of creature, how could I have been able to fight... …But anyway, there are too many things we can't fight in this magic temple. As the saying goes, if there are too many lice, you are not afraid of biting, and there is nothing to be afraid of."

Chu Chen chuckled very rascally, in fact, this was his truth.

This magic temple is too mysterious, and the creatures inside are tyrannical beyond everyone's imagination.

At this point, everything depends on God's will.

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