Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1434: The 3rd Reaper


After the elite monk decayed and turned into dust, Zhou Guanghua, the girl in white that had absorbed him, exploded, and a dazzling white spiritual flame rose from her body.

The entire abyss was reflected brightly. In the dazzling firelight, the aura of the white-clothed girl exploded. In an instant, her aura almost doubled!


Her strength has at least doubled! ! !

Lan Xuan was dumbfounded... Unbelievable looking at this extremely dangerous and mysterious girl in white.


Long Yan rolled, and the mighty bright silver flame seemed to thrust upwards like a heavenly river, instantly flooding the void where the girl was.

The intense high temperature caused the void to be burnt with black cracks.

Before this dragon flame that destroys everything, nothing can resist!

This piece of emptiness has been burned to pieces.

In the eyes of many monks, the girl in white was no longer immune, but Chu Chen and Lan Xuan saw another scene.

The pupils of the two shrank violently, as if they had seen a ghost!

They could see clearly, at the moment when the dragon flame was about to cover the void, the strong white spiritual power around the white girl's body quickly condensed on the fingertips, forming a dazzling beam of brilliance that was difficult to see directly, and it was directly opened. Void opened up a temporary space crack!

The young girl swung her body gently, hiding in the void! ?

This... what terrifying power is this?

This is not a void movement technique like the Purple Seal, but a powerful force that directly violently breaks through the void and hides her in it.

Her strength has become so tyrannical?

Just because it absorbed the life essence of that elite monk...

The shock in Lan Xuan's eyes hadn't completely subsided, but after the dragon flame had disappeared, the girl in white appeared like a goddess, flying in the sky.

Her shadow moved lightly, and immediately turned into a white lightning and flew upwards.

Obviously, although she had absorbed the essence of a monk's life and her strength had skyrocketed, it was still not enough to compete with the wind dragon in the half-step Tianhe realm.

She fled calmly, while Fenglong chased violently.

Fenglong has repeatedly attacked, but she can always dodge fatal attacks at the very moment of her attack.

However, whether she violently broke through the void and hid instantly, or grabbed other monks as a shield to resist the attack, she could retreat all over and continue to flee at the most dangerous moment.

However, the girl would not hesitate to meet other cultivators along the way. She stretched out her slender fingers, breaking through layers of space, and poking her finger directly on the center of the victim’s eyebrows. In the blink of an eye she sucked up all of them. The essence of spiritual power.

Suddenly, there were three monsters raging in the abyss.

Ssangyong and the girl in white clothes made the cultivating monks like living in the doomsday world.

To some extent, the girl in white is more terrifying than the twin dragons!

As the white-clothed girl absorbs life energy more and more monks, the spiritual aura radiating from her body is getting more and more terrifying!

After escaping a short distance of more than a thousand meters, killing with thunder, and absorbing the spiritual power of more than a dozen monks, the aura on the girl's body unexpectedly soared to the level of half a step Tianhe!

Chu Chen's spiritual awareness had clearly sensed that she had surpassed the twelve Heavenly Ancient Peak Masters who were suppressed on Duxu Peak at the beginning!


The void screamed sharply, and the white brilliance flashed and moved, galloping horizontally in the void.

The fairy had broken through the layers of void, and came to Chu Chen's side. The dragon above that had been staring at Chu Li and Lan Xuan, there was something like a deterrent, roaring and dancing backwards. Come on? !

The gaze of the girl in white clothes close to Chu Chen gave Chu Chen a cold look. Instead of shooting at him, she faintly dropped a sentence, "I said I will let you go once and give you a chance to survive. , We owe nothing to each other."

Without waiting for Chu Chen to say anything, the white-clothed girl moved and flew away again like a fairy. She turned against the guest and pushed towards the dragon above, but the dragon below did not act rashly and hovered below her. , Waiting for an opportunity.

In the gloomy abyss, a girl in white clothes, as small as a dust, actually restrained two huge wind dragons? !

Lan Xuan wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, and took a long breath. He gave Chu Chen a lingering look, and patted his chest hard with fear.

"I'm really scared to death. This fairy-like girl is a **** of death. Fortunately, she didn't poke my forehead with her finger. Just now she was so close to us, and my forehead felt like it was about to explode... This girl is terrible..."

Lan Xuan looked almost collapsed.

"Her secret method of devouring other people's life energy is really terrifying. I have lived for so long and I have never seen such a high-efficiency devouring technique..."

Compared to Lan Xuan's infinite sigh, Chu Chen just nodded gently.

To be honest, at this time the three gods of death in the abyss, the girl in white, the **** of death, faintly felt more oppressive than the other two wind dragons.

She seems to have become the strongest master of this space!

And all of this, just because she swallowed all the life energy of a dozen monks in just a few breaths, Chu Chen also felt a chill on her back.

All swallowing techniques in the world, whether it is the magic arts that swallow human flesh and blood or the magic arts that absorb spiritual power, have one of the biggest prerequisites, which is the efficiency of devouring.

Even if a cultivator in the Lingxi realm has absorbed all the spiritual power of another cultivator in the Lingxi realm, it is impossible to refine the absorbed spiritual power 100%.

Generally speaking, the efficiency of this absorption is extremely low. After all, the spiritual power of each person's cultivation has different attributes and characteristics. The spiritual power of different attributes is very difficult to blend and refine. After absorbing a hundred parts of spiritual power, only one or two of them can be perfected in the end, which is already an extremely astonishing secret technique.

Once some of these witchcraft are not handled properly ~www.ltnovel.com~, the spiritual powers of different attributes will conflict, and their cultivation bases may even fall instead of rising, which will lead to confusion.

Seriously, there are even many evil monks who exploded and died as a result!

This is like a warrior eating, even if a warrior eats an entire elephant, it is impossible to directly increase the power of an elephant.

If you don't do it well, you will even break yourself!

And this girl who was practicing ancient charm technique in front of her, didn't know what method she used?

It actually seems to be able to completely refine the opponent's spiritual power 100%!

A monk who absorbed a Lingxi realm, his spiritual power soared to the level of a Lingxi realm, and a monk who absorbed the Linghe realm, soared to a Linghe realm...

Chu Chen knew very well that it should be impossible for this kind of exercise to exist. There must be something wrong? !

(To be continued.)

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