Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 965: Super ancient city

Ok? What a clever sword spirit!

Chu Chen curled the corner of his mouth lightly, feeling a little surprised.

To be honest, he didn't even know that Elder Zhidào Lingxin had such a clever swordsmanship.

For Zhidào, her cultivation base is only in the realm of Erxi, but the power of this sword aura is almost reaching the level of Sanxi or even Sixi powerhouse.

The evil spirit in the sea of ​​blood is heavier than the evil spirit in the mist, so after killing the surrounding sea snakes, Elder Lingxin made several gestures to Chu Chen and asked him where he was going.

&n Novel; She didn't dare to speak at all, because once she spoke, the turbulent water mixed with strong evil spirits would pounce, making it impossible to resist.

Seeing Elder Lingxin's gesture, Chu Chen waved his hand heavily, beckoning her to leave here and return to the sea, alone enough to deal with this sea of ​​blood.

It was just that the elder Lingxin shook his head decisively after seeing it, with a stubborn expression on his face, which made Chu Chen quite speechless, and the time was too tight, so he had to speed up Sùdù and continue to dive.

As the two dived deeper and deeper, more and more sea snakes appeared in the surrounding waters.

The elder Lingxin held the aquamarine long sword tightly beside Chu Chen, beheading the sea snake that struck him without a word.

She seemed to have identified an idea, that is to protect Chu Chen's safety no matter where he is going or what purpose he has.

When the two dived to a depth of seven thousand feet deep under the sea, the calm sea below suddenly changed dramatically.

The violent waves rolled endlessly, as if the blood-colored light cables formed a huge circle on the seabed.

In the depths of this circle, crimson rays of light galloped horizontally and horizontally, forming a huge formation faintly, flowing dazzling light.

This... what is this?

How could a formation suddenly appear on the seabed? ?

Could it be... Could this be the cause of the formation of the blood sea? ?

If Elder Lingxin had been puzzled by Chu Chen's behavior before, then he really believed that he had discovered the secret of the sea of ​​blood.

This set of abruptly appeared formations is really amazing, and at a glance, the range covered by the formations is full of tens of thousands of square meters.

A strong red light circulates in it, and each red light emits an amazing wave of spiritual power.

This is a set of ancient formations, and it is definitely an extremely powerful ancient **** formation.

Taking a glance at the elder Lingxin’s formation skills, scanning with the spirit sense, there was no way to see what effect this formation had. I just felt dizzy in the head, as if the level of the formation was far beyond her. Imagination.

Even prying will eat the soul!

Elder Lingxin was shocked at this time, but Chu Chen seemed to have expected it a long time ago.

Seeing the formation of the formation structure, Chu Chen's eyes lit up, and without thinking, he speeded up Sùdù and rushed into the huge formation.

The elder Lingxin behind him also hesitated tightly for a moment, and rushed in with Chu Chen without hesitation.


The moment he rushed into the formation, the elder Lingxin only felt a loud noise suddenly appeared deep in his mind.

In the next moment, she felt as if she had stepped into a vast ancient city.

At first glance, the whole body of the ancient city was blood-colored, the outline was vague, and there seemed to be a number of pavilions and suspended palaces.

Around that ancient city, the dark red ancient roads stretched endlessly, extending in all directions, and there were not many at first glance.

This is really amazing, there is such a mysterious ancient city hidden under the vast sea of ​​blood.

Every ancient road seemed to spread from the depths of infinite time and space, and all gathered in this ancient city.

The ancient road is not made of any material of Zhīdào, it seems to condense endless murderous intent and malice.

Being rushed by that intense murderous intent, Elder Lingxin only felt that the dizziness in her mind was getting heavier and heavier, making her mind clouded and almost feeling immersed in it.

Faintly, the elder Lingxin seemed to see the endless roaring and roaring souls on the whole ancient city. The roaring roar was extremely brutal and terrifying.

It's like in the distant Primordial Era. Tens of thousands of people died in this ancient city, and every inch of the ancient city was stained with blood!


Seeing that Elder Lingxin was about to lose his mind by the intense murderous intent, Chu Chen waved his arms vigorously a few times, and quickly swam to her side and wrapped her hand around her waist.

At the same time, Chu Chen's vast soul power spread quickly, forming an invisible soul shield around it, blocking the endless killing intent.

"Is this an ancient formation?"

With those killing intent blocked by Chu Chen's soul shield, the elder Lingxin finally awoke from the state of being lost in his mind, and hurriedly asked with his divine sense voice.

Seeing that Chu Chen nodded his head, his eyes were looking at the ancient city with untold surprise and shock.

Although he had expected it in his heart, when he really saw the "target", Chu Chen still felt that this "blood sea origin" was much more exaggerated than he had imagined.

Lingxin couldn't help taking a breath, and directly inhaled the cold sea water into her lungs. She immediately coughed a few times before coughing up the sea water.

Lingxin's thoughts could not be calm for a long time.

This is really amazing. Who would have thought that there was such an ancient **** formation hidden in the mysterious depths of the sea of ​​blood in the West Sea?

And look at the murderous intent and tragic aura in that formation, it's even Kěnéng is a peerless killing formation laid down by the ancient immortals, gathering the death grievances of hundreds of millions of creatures ~ www.ltnovel.com~ condensing a terrifying murderous air to attack the enemy !

And the most important thing is that this peerless killing array seems to be movable, after all, the place where the sea of ​​blood appears in the legend is not fixed.

In other words, this ancient lore array should be closed on weekdays, and it will only form a sea of ​​blood if it is accidentally triggered by a vessel sailing at sea.

By now, Elder Lingxin finally understood how the blood sea formed.

It is hard to imagine what terrifying power this ancient killing array contains, enough to form that endless ferocious fog beast, which can even be broken through the shields of the Linghe Great Realm.

The formation of Zhidào has gone through endless years of polishing and erosion. I am afraid that most of the formation patterns have been wiped out by the years. Now only a little fur of power is left, and it can have such an amazing attack. force!

In the ancient times, how powerful was this set of killing formations? It's unimaginable! !

With all the thoughts in his mind, the most important thing is that with the strength of the Spirit Spring Realm, what can this child tiger do in this ancient **** formation?

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