Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1451: Countdown to death

The fish tide swam past the ice prison like a turbulent undercurrent!

They started attacking the monks frantically!

The cultivators also took action one after another, and all of a sudden, radiant fluctuations of spiritual power were flying in the sea.


A white-clothed young monk missed his hand and was bitten on his arm by the two heads of a strange fish, and immediately bit off a large piece of flesh.

The blood immediately spread in the blue water, and the young monk couldn't help but let out a painful scream.

The purple-clothed monk at the center of the ice prison sank, his eyes narrowed, his sleeves waved, and a dazzling purple dragon claw burst out, exploding the hideous strange fish.

Residues and tiny fish scales splashed around, but they dissipated in the blue water in a flash.

The purple-clothed monk’s rescue was obviously too late. Focusing on the hole bitten by the strange fish, the white-clothed boy’s arm quickly turned into white crystals, and the crystal state continued to spread upward, and soon spread to the boy. The whole body.

The next moment, another group of strange fish came through the void, rushing into the body of the previous youth, smashing the crystalline youth to pieces with a boom.

! ! !

The boy also dissipated completely in the sea, as if he had never appeared before.

This scene made all the monks panic. The strange fish school seemed to be extremely excited after the first prey fell.

One after another, the two-headed strange fish made a strange cry of "Hoho", and continued to attack the monks more crazily!

After just a few breaths, more and more monks' counterattack weakened, and more and more flaws were exposed.

It didn't take long for another fat monk to be bitten by a strange fish in his throat. He tore it hard, blood spewed out, and quickly stained a large piece of sea water.

He fell so fast that even the purple-clothed man had no time to save him, and all the cultivators immediately felt a swish cold air.

This is not an ordinary trial, this trial... will really be deadly! !

In the current crisis, many cultivators spontaneously formed a defensive circle, and one burst of spiritual power to block the strange fish.

It's just that there are too many strange fishes. The surging strange fishes are in groups, densely packed, and countless.

And in the ocean, there is no difference between up and down. From a distance, the turbulent school of fish even formed a huge spherical shape, enclosing everyone in all directions.

As the ice cage continued to sink, the color of the sea became deeper and deeper, changing from cyan to dark blue.

And it started to change!

And I don't know when it started. The surrounding sea seemed to be mixed with a special kind of cold air. In the rolling cold wave, a hint of golden light began to emerge from the strange fish.

Blessed by the golden light, the strange fish has become more brutal, with stronger attack power, and at the same time more difficult to kill.

Every strange fish had a light golden halo at this moment, as if it had evolved.

Even though the purple-clothed cultivator in the late Linghe realm guarded the center and commanded everyone to defend together, as time passed, it felt more and more difficult to support.

The fierce golden monster fish formed a frenzy of attack, so that all the monks had no time to breathe, and some even started to take the medicine. They could only urge their spiritual power to resist the waves of monster fishes. Handle.


Finally, after the endless wave of strange fish attacks lasted for a while, a breakthrough was finally torn from the southeast direction!

Opened the defensive circle like iron barrels of the monks.

Numerous strange fish slammed a black-shirted female monk to death, and her corpse immediately turned into a crystal, and then shattered with a bang.

Countless strange fishes swarmed in from this gap and entered this encirclement!

The death of this female monk seemed to have turned on a death signal, and the strange fishes who entered the encirclement became more violent, the original faint golden ring on the body became extremely dazzling, and the attack intensity of the strange fish tide also instantly increased. Several levels, and several adjacent monks were killed at once.

The monks' defensive circle can be said to have completely collapsed!

At this time, the monks could no longer be horns to each other, they had to face the endless strange fish alone...

"This...Is this a trial? This is obviously to let me all die here!!"

"There are too many fish!"

"I... my hands are gone..."

A scream mixed with unwillingness and anger resounded. The huge ice prison turned into a **** of death. From time to time, a monk could be seen frozen into a crystal state by a strange fish, and then blasted to pieces.

And the huge ice prison continued to sink slowly, the deeper the sea, the heavier the chill, and the more dazzling the golden ring on the strange fish!

After several waves of fish attacks, most of the original twenty people were killed or injured. In the end, there were only six people left!

Chu Chen and the frightened Lan Xuan, Shi Yuyan with a cold face, the purple-clothed monk, the core force of the team, and the shameless little monk, and a man with white eyebrows and beards who have reached the late stage of Linghe. Strong elders.

Each of the six exhibited their magical powers to fight against waves of violent fish.

Chu Chen sacrificed to the Lingxi within his body and turned into a giant golden dragon to revolve around Chu Chen's body. When the dragon roared, he constantly shredded the rushing fish.

However, Chu Chen soon discovered that every time a strange fish was killed, spiritual power flowed into his body, and he could clearly sense that there was a mysterious spiritual power accumulating in his body!

Among the other five people, Lan Xuan can be said to be half relying on Chu Chen's shelter, and half relying on his strong body skills and speed to avoid. Therefore, although the number of monsters killed by him is small, he can still survive.

The momentum of the purple-clothed monk was the strongest, the purple aura couldn't help shining, the fish tide was blown to pieces, and the waters around him were the most turbulent!

Shi Yuyan in the north was the quietest. She was like a still goddess, suspended in the sea, but there was a black hole around her body, and the strange fish that flocked to her were swallowed.

To some extent, Chu Chen felt that the girl in white clothes was more terrifying than the strange fish.

The white-haired old monk was also quite tough, punching and kicking, bursting out like a lion with white auras, knocking out the fish!

The shots made by the little monk looked very mediocre, but even with those ordinary shots, the school of fish was constantly repelled by him.

"No, I can't stand it anymore. Brother Chu, we can only meet on Huangquan Road."

After half a cup of tea, Lan Xuan, with the lowest cultivation base, finally couldn't hold it.

Although he has a wonderful phantom body technique in his body, and Duan Xiong also taught him a lot of powerful Sanshou, his attack power is actually not weak.

However, his own cultivation base was too low. By now, the spiritual power in his body was nearly exhausted.

Seeing another wave of strange fish glowing with dark golden light rushing towards www.ltnovel.com~ He sighed and waved to Chu Chen who had been sheltering him.

Chu Chen didn't say much, just nodded faintly in response to goodbye.

The tide of strange fish was endless. Although Chu Chen allocated a part of his power to help Lan Xuan, he was struggling more and more, after all, he couldn't protect him all the time.

Lan Xuan and Chu Chen were just friends with gentlemen, and they only met each other. Chu Chen was able to cover him to this extent, Lan Xuan was already grateful.

"It doesn't matter if you are born in the Yangjian, and you have to go to the Underworld. The Yangjian Underworld are all similar, just drifting in another country! Hahaha..."

At this juncture of life and death, facing countless turbulent strange fishes, Lan Xuan smiled, unable to use the profound flocculent body technique any more, and stood up.

In the next moment, countless strange fishes roared in, instantly freezing them into ice, and then blasting them to pieces.

Forever disappeared in the blue water.

(To be continued.)

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