Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1455: Gumai Awakening

Chu Chen felt like a dead heart. At this moment, his spiritual power was about to run out. At this moment, the huge shadow below was about to burst out of the sea, and he no longer had any strength to struggle.

The little monk not far away was also pale, with blood red eyes and bulging veins all over his body, as if he was about to explode.

Above the huge sea, the two are as small as two little blacks flying on the sea. These two little monks who finally escaped from the sea are about to be swallowed up by the sea again!

At this time, the huge shadow horse is about to break out of the sea, and the sky full of waves will rise to the sky!

Chu Chen and the little monk rushing to the sky were instantly surrounded by black and blue waves!

That's it!

When Chu Chen was in despair, an old and powerful voice suddenly rang from the sky.

"Don't be surprised, you have passed the trial, I will keep you safe!"

The two of them looked up through the turbid waves of the sky, and saw the old Yan Lao in a blue cloth volleyed down in the sky thousands of feet above, with his hands quickly clasping several seals in front of them.

Countless blue rays glowed all over his body, like a giant blue sun, illuminating the world.


After a thunderous shout, a silvery ancient talisman flew out of his palm, and the word "town" appeared faintly, and it rose up against the wind, instantly turning into ten tens of meters in size, and flew toward the sea. Pressed down.

In the process of depressing, the silver light was released, and the quaint words of the town skyrocketed to hundreds of acres the moment it was about to enter the sea, completely shrouding the huge shadow and immersing in the deep sea.

After the sky of silver light disappeared from the sea, the dark sea turned back to green!

At the same time, that huge and vast coercion disappeared.

The word "town" actually played a miraculous effect, repressing the huge mysterious shadow that was about to break through the sea back to the bottom of the sea.

As for what this huge shadow is, it is obviously a mystery!

Only then did Chu Chen discover that above the sky, everyone except Yan Lao was there! !

Sure enough, my guess was confirmed, and no one was killed.

The little monk still looked like he had lingering fears. Obviously, the aura from the shadow just now was too tyrannical. If it weren't for the suppression of the ancient talisman issued by Yan Lao, he still didn't know what terrible consequences would happen.

Almost buried in this cyan ancient sea.

The little monk is obviously a genius who has a long-term plan for his own path of cultivation. He couldn't help sighing again and again in his heart. It's great to survive.

At this time, entering a safe state, Chu Chen and the little monk were completely relaxed. The exhausted two were invariably, their bodies in the void lost their support, and they all fell straight to the sea.


Void whistling, a bright white wave of air swept out from the cracks in the space, and the two of them were rolled and taken directly to the height of thousands of feet!

The two were taken to him by Yan Lao.

At this time, Chu Chen clearly saw that there were familiar figures sitting in the void around Old Yan.

Shi Yuyan, Lan Xuan, and the old white-haired monk are all in this case.

They were sitting cross-legged one by one, their eyes closed slightly, and a cloud of purple mist lingered around them, and there was a small electric current flickering in it!

The purple mist is very magical, and the bodies of the monks are looming under the mist, and they seem to be transparent at any time.

That is... a state of spiritualization!

Chu Chen once heard a little hamster introduce the spiritualization state, and the spiritualization state of the item was still normal.

But the monk's whole person is spiritualized, this is a golden opportunity that cannot be met!

Among millions of monks, there may not be a chance to encounter spiritualization, and now in front of Chu Chen's eyes, every new member of the blood eagle has entered a spiritualized state! ?

What a joke!

Did the little hamster lie to yourself before? Don't want to encounter it once in your life, in a spiritual state!

In other words, this is the magic of Xiaoxianjie!

Is this mysterious purple mist that can help the monk enter the spiritual state?

In fact, the so-called spiritualized state is also called spiritual awakening, or ancient awakening.

Chu Chen's mood couldn't be calmed for a while, and Gu Mai awakened, how could it be such a bad street? How many days the proud son has consumed the financial resources of a family or a sect, and never exchanged such an opportunity.

The so-called spiritualization refers to the temporary change of the flesh and blood organization of the monk's physical body, which makes the affinity between the body and the spiritual power rise unlimited, even to the level of "tonghua".

Once this level is reached, the efficiency of the monk's body for the absorption and transformation of spiritual power will rise to an unimaginable super height.

The state of "spiritualization" in just one hour is almost comparable to that of a monk who has been cultivating without sleep for two years!

This state has always been a godsend opportunity that everyone dreams of! !

However, this is not the most critical place. If this is the case, it is not enough to make all monks frantically pursue spiritualization.

According to ancient legends, when the monk enters the spiritualized state for a certain time, the potential of the body will be fully activated, and there is even a great chance to awaken the ancient blood in the body!

Hearing from the little hamster, the ancient blood is not limited to some special ancient races.

But all humans are the relics of ancient humans, but the power of many people's bloodlines has been indifferent, and they have become ordinary people without any special qualifications.

But because all people actually originated from the Primordial Age, there is at least a trace of ancient blood hidden deep in their bloodlines, and the spiritualization is to awaken the power of ancient blood in everyone!

"Are they...really entering a spiritualized state?"

Chu Chen looked towards Yan Lao, his voice trembling with excitement.

"Yes, you read that right, they are indeed entering a spiritualized state, ready to start the ancient vein awakening!"

Old Yan nodded very surely, looking at Chu Chen and the little monk with admiration.

"This ancient sea is actually a sea of ​​rich spiritual marrow, and the sea contains a lot of innate spiritual marrow."

Old Yan glanced at Chu Chen and the little monk~www.ltnovel.com~ and laughed very meaningfully.

"First of all, the longer you can stay in this sea, the more the innate spiritual marrow can absorb. At the same time, every time you kill a strange fish in the sea, you will absorb an extra trace of spiritual marrow. You two are among all people. The monk with the most marrows means that you will get the most benefits, and the spiritualization state you can enter will last the longest. At the same time, the possibility of getting the ancient vein awakening is greater!"

Old Yan's remarks made Chu Chen suddenly enlightened. It turned out that he was still thinking, after killing the strange fish, what is the mysterious spiritual silk inhaled in his body?

It turned out to be the necessary fuel for the spiritual state!

The blood eagle claimed to the newcomers that this was just a trial. In fact, this trial was a super blessing.

The blood eagle can be said to be very generous against the newcomer, and it really is a big break.

As for the top ten breaking formation groups, what the Fuze for the newcomers is Chu Chen simply can't imagine, can only say that Xiaoxianjie really has opportunities everywhere!

(To be continued.)

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