Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1462: Final incubation

Looking carefully at the twelve ancient books exuding vastness and coercion in the void, the stubborn Leng Tong looked like a puppet.

Hearing that it was the Great Zhoutian Twelve Star Emperor Jue, all the monks were stunned, completely plunged into madness.

The Twelve Star Emperor Jue of the Great Zhou Dynasty, this exercise is extremely famous in the history of cultivation.

Legend has it that in the ancient times, there was a famous emperor who stood proudly in the world, led ancient humans to the sky and underground, and created an extremely splendid ancient civilization.

The celebrity emperor was called the star emperor, and the exercise he practiced was the twelve star emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

Regarding this exercise, it is quite legendary in the history of monasticism.

Because this exercise is constructed by twelve sets of exercises of different types, different attributes, and different levels.

Each branch practice is a Zhoutianxingchen Jue.

Only when the twelve sets of exercises have been completely comprehended and integrated, can a true Great Zhoutian Twelve Star Emperor Jue be formed.

Twelve sets of exercises!

And their ranks, levels, attributes, etc. are completely different.

Most people who practice a set of exercises throughout their lives dare not say that they can fully understand it. Many people only learn a little bit, and they may not even be able to grasp the essence.

Each of the twelve sets of exercises has a relationship with each other.

It is necessary to integrate all the exercises and finally to cultivate into the realm of the Supreme Star Emperor... This set of exercises is really too difficult and too difficult!

At the very least, from ancient times to the present, apart from the ancient star emperor who initiated this set of exercises, I have never heard of anyone who has actually practiced it! !

After the ancient era was shattered, this set of exercises was completely annihilated in the long river of history, and it was not visible at all. No one thought that this little monk had actually reproduced this prestigious technique in the ancient times!

Could it be that this young man is not a descendant of the ancient star emperor?

"Great fortune, great fortune! Among the twelve exercises, there are four volumes of Linghe, four volumes of Tianhe, and four volumes of Divine River! Each volume of exercises in each realm has its own land. The four basic attributes of, water, fire, and wind. If you can really integrate the water, fire and wind in this place, it is equivalent to understanding the secrets of the world! No wonder the ancient star emperor looks down upon the world and the celebrities are forever! Unfortunately, it is too difficult, too It's difficult! The twelve-volume star emperor is determined to master it, it is harder than reaching the sky!!"

Old Yan sighed, in any case, the little monk's Fuze was already extremely against the sky.

"He is a descendant of the human queen, and according to my tool spirit reaction, he is accompanied by the ancient **** soldier Huanglongblade. From this point of view, this young man has limitless achievements in the future. Now he has awakened the twelve-volume star emperor decision, If one day truly succeeds in cultivation, it is almost equivalent to the rebirth of the Star Emperor!"

Leng Tong nodded his head again and again, and the beautiful eyes suddenly flickered.

"Old Yan, I think we should really spare no effort to win over this kid... Maybe in the future he can change the future of our blood eagle..."

At this moment, the calm blue sea below suddenly churned violently, and huge waves rushed in one by one. The depths of the calm sea were like an invisible giant stirring frantically, and the whole stirred sea looked like It boils as quickly as boiling water.

Is this sea awake again?

Could it be that the huge shadow below is running away now?

Old Yan quickly denied this idea, because the shadow below did not move, but the sea was suddenly angry! ?

In the next second, the sky and the earth were bright.

The whole world is white!

I don't know where the dazzling light appeared, so bright that it made everyone's eyes hurt.

It seemed to everyone that something particularly bright appeared between the sky and the earth, and the stingers couldn't open their eyes.

Just when the whole world is bright!

The last purple light cocoon finally burst, revealing Chu Chen's figure.

Around him, a shining aura burst into the sky.

In the vast aura, a huge seed manifested between heaven and earth.

The seed seemed to be cast from some unknown metal, heavy.

But there is a kind of indescribable mystery and mystery, and the monks vaguely sensed that the things conceived in this kind of child are very scary.

This kind of seed is like an eternal state, and there is a feeling that the shape of this seed has been maintained for thousands of years, eternally unchanged!

The terrible energy in the seed will never leak one day.

But countless silver auras couldn't help flying around the seed, circle after circle, circle after circle.

The cultivators didn't know what would happen, and they became nervous one by one.

It seems that a long time has passed, and it seems that only a breath has passed?

A gap was cracked at the top of the huge metal seed, and a young green sprout was slowly drilled into it, which looked extremely green.

Upon closer inspection, a handful of misty lightsabers appeared in everyone's minds, and the lightsabers were about to move, as if they were about to break through the minds of the cultivators!

Everyone hurriedly closed their eyes or looked away from the two green leaves before the lightsaber in their minds disappeared.

The monks were shocked and terrified, confused.

"What exactly is this?"

All the monks were a little dumbfounded, Chu Chen's bloodline awakened and conceived longer than the little monk, and everyone thought that his bloodline would be more against the sky.

But I didn't expect that just a seed appeared, and then a strange green sprout. At this time, everyone had countless doubts.

"That kind of form, it should be an ancient Taoist kind."

Yan Lao looked at the heavy sprout seed in the void, and he felt very strange in his heart, but he didn't say much, just nodded faintly.

"Ancient Dao seed is the most common type of blood awakening, which means that the power of this person's blood has not been fully activated. Only when the Dao seed has fully germinated and matured and condensed into a'Dao Fruit' can we know what bloodline he has awakened."

"He got an ancient Taoist seed?"

Leng Tong still seems to be confused.

"It should be, but it's a little strange. This kind of path seems to be advanced for a while." Yan Lao said slowly.

"But after we waited for so long, this Chu Chen gave birth to a dull Dao Seed?" Leng Tong shook his head, pretty eyes with unconcealable loss.

"The Dao seed is immature, whether it is a surprise or a mediocre, it is not easy to say, but since all the bloodlines are awakened, then everyone follow me."

The cultivators nodded one after another and said that they had received it. The last purple light cocoon was such an ordinary result that disappointed everyone.

Compared with the Twelve Heavens Book of the little monk, it is not worth mentioning.

Is it the last light cocoon?

However, with Shi Yuyan's final manifestation failure before ~www.ltnovel.com~ Chu Chen is not the worst.

At this time, Chu Chen also opened his eyes, nodded to Yan Lao, and absorbed the Taoism in the void into his body.

At this moment, his face seemed calm, but no one knew how turbulent waves were in his heart!

That Dao Seed is the Dao Seed condensed from the wisp of Heavenly Sword Intent he had refined on Duxu Peak!

At the beginning, he condensed the sword intent into a consciousness space with his free magical powers, and has been unable to truly subdue and refine that sword intent.

In any case, he did not expect that in this Spiritual Marrow Sea and his party, the Tao seed that the sword intent had turned into actually germinated? ! !

Are you kidding me?

It sprouted! ! !

Sprouting means taking root, and it also means that this Taoist seed is completely tamed by oneself. (To be continued.)

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