Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1482: A legend fascinated by a girl monk

"What an elegant body, what a sharp sword light, what a handsome boy!"

"He looks great, the point is that he is still handsome!"

At this moment, many monks were already standing on the head of the Dragon Alley. Seeing Lan Xuan dancing in the alley with his figure and dealing with the puppet dragon, several girl monks couldn't help but sighed.

Not only the monks were onlookers, even Chu Chen felt his eyes light up, and he had an admiring feeling for Lan Xuan.

To be honest, what Lan Xuan has learned is extremely mixed. In order to train Lan Xuan into a money-making tool in a short period of time, the unreliable old demon gave him a lot of things, but they are also very mixed.

Lan Xuan's body technique is a unique technique, the sword technique is a unique technique, and the technique of controlling magical implements is another technique.

What is outrageous is that these geniuses are not connected to each other! ?

Lan Xuan is also an amazing talent, he has learned a lot, but those messy things can be studied to an extremely deep level.

As the saying goes, greed can't chew, the average person's cultivation of so many different jerks might have long been a mess.

However, Lan Xuan not only cultivated each set of unique skills to extreme depths, he could even combine these skills that were not originally a complete set of skills to form his own unique fighting style!

Of course it is also the old monster Duan Xiong.

The combination of Lan Xuan's magical body technique and that set of dagger and knife techniques that seemed to be inherited from some kind of assassination technique immediately formed an amazing secret technique of killing and cutting!

The elegant combination of the phantom body technique and the assassination sword technique perfectly combined, allowing him to advance and retreat freely under the siege of the puppet dragon group.

All the monks knew that the puppet dragons in the field were basically equivalent to the super powers in the Lingxi realm, so the power of Lan Xuan's combined attack and killing secret technique can be imagined...

too terrifying!

Lan Xuan was like the ghost of the incarnation of the death god, constantly drifting among a group of violent puppet dragons. The puppet dragons furiously attacked, but it seemed that he couldn't even touch the corners of his clothes!

He is harvesting! Harvest!

Harvest again!

In front of this set of secret techniques, even if the number of powerhouses in the Lingxi realm is large, it will not help. Facing him like a ghost, he cannot form a quantitative advantage at all, but will be hunted by him one by one!

As time passed bit by bit, the cultivators felt that Lan Xuan became more and more like a transparent ghost, floating among the group of puppet dragons that were constantly being killed by him.

The dragon is constantly dying, but Lan Xuan is always floating!

Although time is passing fast, Lan Xuan's energy response has not weakened a bit, but has become stronger and stronger, like a rising sun!

"He's going to kill fast! How many heads are there?"

"Already killed five thousand puppet dragons!"

"I'm going, this is to hit the record!"

In the sigh of the monks, the puppet dragons in the alley were killed one after another!

With each batch of puppet dragons killed, more puppet dragons will appear, but these puppet dragons are also becoming stronger.

Under the influence of the ancient great formation, these puppet dragons are simply inexhaustible.

"It has broken the five thousand mark!"

A young girl's exclamation almost attracted the attention of all the monks in the entire city!

too fast!

In such a short period of time, five thousand puppet dragons were achieved!

When I first saw the guy Lan Xuan step into the arena, everyone thought he just wanted to experience his own training results and real combat power casually. No one thought that this seemingly weak guy would actually have an impact on the top three. strength.

Hunting five thousand puppet dragons has reached the third place on the stone tablet in front of the city gate!

"It's so handsome..."

Several girl monks stood in front of the city gate and stared blankly at the flowing blue light in the alley.

Chu Chen couldn't help sighing. Lan Xuan was born with a good skin. He was considered handsome and graceful, and his posture was so elegant and unrestrained. It was indeed very eye-catching.

And it seemed that he heard the low voice of the girl monk on the city gate, Lan Xuan seemed to be more vigorous, his posture was more elegant, and the dagger in his hand shot out sharper.

At this time, from the depths of the alleys, there were more than three thousand puppet dragons gathered together!

I saw Lan Xuan's eyes suddenly lit up. To be precise, two blue flames appeared!

After keeping his body at a high speed, he dashed left and right among the dragons for a while, then suddenly jumped high and flew to the sky above ten feet!

At the same time, the blue light on the two daggers in his hand became more intense, and even shot a vast icy air toward the surroundings.


With a loud roar, the blue light on the two daggers that were as bright as autumn water instantly rose up, and a thousand-foot-long blue light blade appeared in the void.

"A thousand blades in the cold prison!"

Those light blades shot out like a dense rain, and every light blade almost accurately hit the head of a puppet dragon, blasting it to pieces instantly!

Thousands of blue light blades spread out, and the nearly a thousand puppet dragons in the entire alley immediately turned into powder!

Kill hundreds of puppets in one move!

Many monks opened their mouths wide. His move was obviously an attacking technique obtained after Ancient Vessel awakened and obtained the Ice Emperor inheritance from his bloodline!

Too bad!

"No, this kid has killed more than 12,000 puppet dragons, surpassing the original second place!!"

Another exclamation sounded, everyone was moved by it and clenched their fists one by one.

At this moment, even the sleepy-eyed elder who was sitting at the gate of the city was alarmed.

He slowly floated and stepped on the top of the city, looking at Lan Xuan dancing in the alley, a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes.

"A very strong newcomer, this time the quality of the newcomer is very high, I really can't see that such a weak kid has such a huge combat ability!"

At this time, Lan Xuan's figure was still in Puppet Alley, but it was obvious that his attacking technique had consumed a lot of energy!

The smooth and clean forehead of the teenager was already full of sweat~www.ltnovel.com~ His chest was also panting uncontrollably, and it seemed that he was about to reach its limit.

In order to quickly squeeze out the cultivator's own ultimate combat power, the number of puppet dragons in Puppet Lane increased by multiples after each wave of killing.

For example, ten heads will appear after the first head is killed, fifty heads will appear after ten heads are killed, and a hundred heads will appear after fifty heads are killed...

In this way, the potential of the tester is squeezed to the maximum without giving him the slightest chance to breathe.

When Lan Xuan killed more than 16,000 puppet dragons, the number of puppet dragons once again transformed out of the field reached 5,000!

At this moment, several puppet alleys were densely packed with puppet dragons.

Lan Xuan had already begun to gasp slightly, sweat bursting out of his forehead.

"Last fight..." (To be continued.)

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