Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1485: Lingxi kid's tricks

Late bloomers!

When he embarked on the path of cultivation, Xuan Ke knew that his aptitude for cultivation was not high. At the age of his sixties, he was about to reach seventies, and he had broken through to the level of the elementary level of the Linghe realm in the outside world. A miracle.

His sect elders and those seniors once asserted that Xuanji's achievements in this life are nothing more than this.

All the potential in his body has been exhausted, and it is difficult to reach the sky if he wants to go further!

Ten years ago, he had already broken through to the lower level of the cultivation base of the Linghe Great Realm. In the past ten years, he has not made any progress in his cultivation!

He vaguely knew that this was the limit, but he was still unwilling to give up, so he came to the Little Immortal Realm, and entered the trial here purely with the mentality of chance.

However, he never expected that he would unexpectedly get such a great opportunity to awaken the blood of Fengqi Ancient Wood!

At this moment, Xuan Ke felt that he had come alive, especially after taking the top spot in Dragon Puppet Alley this time, he finally had a feeling of exuberance.

Fengqi Gumu has awakened, not to mention the entire Little Fairy Realm, in the blood eagle group, he will definitely become the strongest among the newcomers!

In this way, there is a chance to get the key cultivation of the blood eagle. After all, once you join the group, you will be able to give a large amount of opportunity for the awakening of the ancient veins. If you are trained, the future is absolutely limitless!

At the time when Xuan Ke was full of ambition, and when the cultivators were worshiping, Chu Chen, who had been quietly watching the battle, had already moved.

Chu Chen decisively walked to the gatekeeper and asked for a trial.

The gatekeeper elder didn't say anything, but he saw that Chu Chen's cultivation was only in the middle of the Lingxi realm, and he felt that he was just a newcomer in Dragon-shaped Puppet Lane.

Dragon-shaped Puppet Alley is a cruel trial place, not a place where monks can easily earn points.

The puppet dragon with the lowest cultivation level in it has the strength of the initial stage of the Lingxi realm. It is already quite remarkable that the average Lingxi realm cultivator can kill a dozen puppet dragons.

Those who can really shine in the Dragon-shaped Puppet Alley are those strong in the Linghe realm.

The cultivator of Lingxi realm entered, but just walked through the scene, mixed with the lowest reward of 500 points.

After seeing the amazing performances of Lan Xuan and Xuan Ke, the gatekeeper elder didn't have any expectations for Chu Chen.

At this time, the several cultivators who were watching the battle at the gate of the city, when they saw a cultivator in the middle of Lingxi realm, walked into Puppet Alley, one by one yawned and lost the interest of the onlookers.

It's just that they were about to leave one by one, when a girl monk shouted in exclamation.

"Hey, isn't this person the one who broke through three realms in one fell swoop on Longjiao Cliff yesterday?"


These words immediately made those senior brother-level cultivators interested, breaking through the triple realm in one fell swoop?

When they heard the news yesterday, these old members felt that something was wrong. A few of them were not on the scene. When they heard the news, their first reaction was whether the new team wanted to get the blood eagle key training and play tricks. ? !

They know very well that cultivation is not about eating. The more difficult it becomes as the path of cultivation goes to the back, a lot of energy and resources are required for each step forward.

If a monk had just entered the way of cultivation, it would still be possible to break through the triple realm in one fell swoop during the spiritual water stage, and this situation would basically be impossible after reaching the realm of Lingxi.

And the lowest cultivator who can enter the Dragon-shaped Puppet Alley is the cultivator of the Lingxi realm. At this level of cultivation, even if there is a great opportunity, even if it is to take the legendary bursting pill, it will break through the first realm at most. People actually break through the triple realm continuously, how is this possible?

This kid must have played tricks!

The old members of the group looked at each other and smiled, and all of them showed a good-looking look. Dragon-shaped Puppet Alley is not something you, a little Lingxi monk, can afford.

At this time, Chu Chen had strode into Puppet Alley, and the two giant doors behind him were immediately closed!

The spatial fluctuations spread like ripples, and a dark red puppet dragon stepped out of the void. With a violent roar, it quickly rushed towards Chu Chen.

Like a roaring chariot!


Chu Chen didn't move, and with a wave of his right palm, the vast spiritual power quickly condensed into a golden sun-shaped seal in his palm!

As soon as the palm was pressed, the compressed little sun flew towards the puppet dragon.

The little sun flew very slowly at first, but suddenly accelerated, slammed into the puppet dragon, and then blasted it to pieces with a bang!

The intense golden light spread out, bursting a dazzling wave of air in the void.

Ugh? It's interesting...

Seeing the realm of Lingxi, Chu Chen actually killed the elementary puppet dragon of Lingxi with a simple and neat move. Those old members raised their eyebrows and immediately aroused interest.

At the same level of cultivation strength, the body of the puppet dragon condensed in a formation is actually stronger than that of a normal monk.

Generally, the monks in the early and mid-term Lingxi realm wanted to kill such a puppet dragon, so don't think about it without a hard fight.

This young man was able to kill with a single blow. It seems that there are some means. At this moment, in addition to the changes in the minds of a few old members, more cultivators have secretly looked forward to Chu Chen in their hearts.


One puppet dragon was killed, and two more appeared from both sides, and they flew toward Chu Chen with their heads high and howling.

These two puppet dragons were extremely fast, as if two dark blue streams of light flew to Chu Chen in the blink of an eye.

The two leaping puppet dragons were in a tacit understanding, and the huge dragon claws were raised and held at the same time, and they clapped their heads towards Chu Chen with huge power!

Chu Chen was expressionless, and both palms rose sharply, and the two small suns spraying out from the palms hit the puppet dragon's claws.

I saw the puppet dragon's body suffocated fiercely, and then broke apart from the dragon's claws, and the whole body exploded completely with a bang in the blink of an eye.

"This guy... why is that amazing!"

At this moment, the old team members were truly shocked.

The body of the puppet dragon is more than three feet long, and a dragon claw alone is the size of a small square table.

In contrast, ~www.ltnovel.com~ Chu Chen's palm looked like a man's arm blocking a car compared to the dragon claw.

However, it was such a thin arm that possessed a huge and incredible power, and it killed all the two puppet dragons in one move. This kind of strong visual contrast made everyone startled.

In fact, at this time, even Lan Xuan would be puzzled if he was watching the battle.

Because Chu Chen's shot this time was completely different from the previous Nine Suns Burning Heaven Seal, but a compressed version!

This feeling is like holding a planet that will explode at any time in your hand, throw it out, and immediately detonate it, which is terrible!

Just in the hearts of the cultivators, they were shocked, and another wave of menacing puppet dragons appeared.

There were more than a dozen puppet dragon feet that appeared this time, and they saw those giants roaring again and again, engulfed in waves of air and rushing toward Chu Chen. (To be continued.)

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