Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1490: change of weather

The gatekeeper elder made a conclusive conclusion and quieted all the monks.

In fact, the monks loved and feared this demon girl. Her peerless appearance was enough to upset all sentient beings and embrace her icy jade body in her arms. It was a demon that many young male monks could hardly restrain.

But her mind and means made her a terrifying existence that could easily control the universe and everything.

Everyone seemed to be in her hands, like chess pieces and ants!

Can she kill more puppet dragons than Chu Chen?

No one can see the ending, we can only wait and see!

At this moment, dense blue and black puppet dragons filled the entire Puppet Alley. Among the dragons, the fairy-like face of the girl in white clothes was not waved, and there was no emotional fluctuation.

She seemed so ethereal that she no longer existed.

Seeing that the few spirit river puppet dragons in the front had already rushed towards Shi Yuyan with a low growl, the nerves of all the cultivators were unconsciously tense at this moment!


The huge puppet dragons at the forefront flew on top of Shi Yuyan's head, like a huge black cloud covering the top, Shi Yuyan was also quietly extending a white and beautiful palm and instantly waved a solitary white light, the puppet on top of the head. The dragon trembled suddenly, and disappeared out of thin air.

Shi Yuyan was stunned when she waved a palm into the sky, and the white arc brilliance broke through the sky.

At this moment, the puppet dragons in the entire Puppet Alley trembled violently, as if bubbles disappeared one by one.

At the same time, an inexplicable blood color suddenly appeared in the dark sky.

"Oh, what's the matter? Shi Yuyan hasn't taken any action yet. Why are the dragons disappeared? Is there something wrong with the formation in Puppet Alley?"

"Look! Why did the sky suddenly become so red, this **** color... it enveloped the entire sky!"

"Is there really something wrong with the formation, and the puppet dragon cannot be refreshed?"

Many monks looked at the gatekeeper elder subconsciously, but saw that the elder's expression was also stunned, and his pupils kept shrinking.

Obviously the gatekeeper elder is also at a loss!

The formation in this dragon-shaped puppet lane is an ancient **** formation, unless there is a major event that can affect the entire island, it will not easily cause problems.

The gatekeeper elder has a jade slip that controls the formation. At this time, there is nothing wrong with the jade slip. What is going on?

There was an inexplicable anxiety in his heart.

At this moment, a blood-red beam of light suddenly rose into the sky from somewhere in the center of the island.

The beam of light was extremely large and eye-catching. From a distance, it seemed as if a red pillar suddenly appeared between the sky and the earth, connecting the whole world.

"That's... not good, the immortal stele warns!"

The moment the gatekeeper saw the blood-colored beam of light, his face suddenly changed.

Others may not know the place where the beam of light rises, but as the gatekeeper elder, he knows nothing more.

At the very center of this island is an ancient fairy world stele.

No one knows exactly what the origin of that stone stele might have, but every time the Little Immortal Realm undergoes changes in the heavens and the earth, the stone stele will show various signs.

In fact, such stone monuments are not only found on this island, they are found in many places in the entire Little Fairy World.

At this moment, the entire Little Immortal Realm, all the stone tablets in the entire Little Immortal Realm rose up a thick blood-colored light beam.

Countless strong, stern blood-colored beams of light ran across the sky and infested the entire sky with a dark red.

Little Immortal Realm, it seems to have become a blood realm at this moment!

"Hurry up! Let's go to the place where the immortal monument is, and see what happened!"

The gatekeeper screamed, and his figure turned into a streamer and slammed toward the center of the island.

Whenever a **** anomaly appeared on the stone stele in the fairy world, it turned out to be a **** beam of light this time, and it must be because of a great change.

Therefore, at this moment, no cultivator has time to conduct trials here anymore.

Everyone, including Chu Chen and Shi Yuyan, urged their spiritual powers, turning into streamers, and rushing towards the direction of the immortal world stele in the center of the island behind the gatekeeper elder.

The immortal monument is located in the center of the island. Here is a huge square. In the center of the square, a three-foot-high black stone stands silently.

On the stone monument, the blood-colored beam of light swept through the sky, so striking, it reflected the surrounding space with blood.

When Chu Chen flew to the side of the stone stele, he found that the area around the stele was already full of black people.

The immortal tablet warns that this is a major event related to the entire Little Immortal Realm, so at this time almost all people from the entire island have gathered here.

"Twelve hours later, the third change in Little Immortal Realm begins!"

When the strong red light on the stele gradually dissipated, thus showing the ancient writing, all the monks were silent.

The word on the stone tablet is only that line, the content is very simple, easy to understand, and will not cause any ambiguity or opinions at all.

But the content of that line of words made the monks feel a heavy heart.

Twelve hours later, the Little Immortal Realm Mutation began, this is the third time the Little Immortal Realm has undergone the Heaven and Earth Mutation!

At this moment, even Chu Chen's brows wrinkled deeply.

The experience in the Little Fairy World during this period also gave him a general understanding of the evolution history of the entire Little Fairy World.

As far as he knows, before that, Xiaoxianjie had experienced two world changes in total.

The first time the world changed, all the stone sculptures in Xiaoxianjie were resurrected, and the ancient beasts hidden in some secret realms and forbidden areas went crazy, and all fell into an unprecedented state of rampage.

They frantically attacked the human monks, and brought a heavy blow to the monks in the entire Little Immortal World at that time.

According to statistics, in the process of the change of heaven and earth, the monks of the entire Little Immortal Realm lost a full 30% of their manpower, and finally managed to repel the crazy ancient beasts, destroy the resurrected statues, and re-establish them. Order.

In the second world change, Xiaoxianjie rained an unprecedented torrential rain. The torrential rain lasted for half a month, and countless places were flooded.

Some of the slightly lower-lying ground suddenly becomes waters, and puddles become small lakes~www.ltnovel.com~ Small lakes become large lakes, and large lakes become oceans. That unprecedented rainstorm turned more than 30% of the entire Xiaoxianjie into a vast ocean.

In the vast ocean, there are many more ferocious and bloodthirsty dragons.

I don't know how many monks were swallowed by those ferocious flood dragons.

The rainstorm for half a month has also become an eternal nightmare in many people's hearts.

Every time the world changes, what brings to the cultivator of the little fairy world is an extremely painful memory.

And it's getting tragic every time!

Both represent a tragedy and sorrow that cannot be recalled.

Every time the world changes, it means that a large number of monks will die here, and will never have the opportunity to leave the little fairy world and return to the outside world...

Every time the world changes, it will turn the little fairy world into a purgatory! (To be continued.)

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