Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1492: Dangerous occupation

On Gujiao Island, the monks around Chu Chen were also in a panic all day long, anxiously waiting for the decision of the higher-ups.

After about half a stick of incense, everyone has waited as long as half a lifetime.

After Leng Tong had discussed with many elders and reached an agreement, she immediately flew up to everyone.

Leng Tong first signaled everyone to be quiet, and then her clear voice resounded through the world.

"In order to cope with the upcoming change of heaven and earth! I announce that from now on, all new people entering the blood eagle formation team will be divided into groups urgently, and your status will directly become official members of the blood eagle formation team. The trial internship plan was cancelled directly."

Most of the cultivators were in a heavy heart, and they all knew that the cancellation of the trial plan was inevitable. It was very likely that everyone was dead, and who would practice.

As Leng Tong's voice fell, six official members of the Blood Eagle Breaking Formation Group with amazing momentum came out.

Each of these six people seems to have the momentum to suppress the world!

They just stood quietly, and in a moment, there were only four of them left in the whole world.

In the middle is a blood-clothed old man with a cold complexion, and to his left is a kind-looking middle-aged man with a jade-like face, very handsome.

On the right of the old man are three young men with three brothers who look more alike. These three look similar but have completely different attitudes, but they all give people a feeling of rebellious genius.

The one on the far left is a blue shirt* Her eyes are very deep, as if she can see through the world.

Leng Tong's eyes returned to everyone.

"The next step, I will tell everyone after the grouping is completed, everyone will go forward as a group at that time, let's talk about grouping first."

All the monks pricked their ears.

"You probably all know that the blood eagle breaking formation group is officially grouped into five groups: eagle eyes, eagle claws, eagle wings, eagle feathers, and eagle blood. Each group has a different role. Due to the emergency, now according to your situation For your performance during the trial, you will be directly assigned to different groups. No one can refuse. First of all, it is Hawkeye who must assign members."

Leng Tong's attitude under the **** sky was unprecedented seriousness.

"Let me briefly say that in the Blood Eagle Breakthrough Group, the Hawkeye Group is mainly responsible for detecting enemy situations, traps, and relics and collecting intelligence. Among the Blood Eagle, this is also the group with the highest risk factor."

Leng Tong took a breath.

"The first exploration, judgment, risk measurement, and mapping of any ancient ruins and ancient formations are all done by the Hawkeye team. They are the team closest to the danger."

Chu Chen moved in his heart and suddenly became interested in this group.

Obviously, this was the group that rushed to the front line in the entire Blood Eagle Breaking Formation group, which meant that the chance of seeing Junior Sister was the highest.

"Listen well. Although Hawkeye is dangerous, from another aspect, the Hawkeye group has the highest authority in the entire Blood Eagle Breakthrough Group."

Leng Tong said decisively, "Any member of the Hawkeye team does not need any contribution points, and can directly view all the secret skills of the'Eagle Soul Pavilion'. Hawkeye members can enjoy 50% off points for any treasure. It can be said that the status of the Eagle Eye Group is the highest among the entire Blood Eagle Breakthrough Group."

The monks were moved by the words.

Can you browse through all the secret techniques in the Eagle Soul Pavilion without any contribution points?

Regardless of exchange for any treasure, can you enjoy a 50% discount on points contribution?

The two benefits of being members of the Hawkeye alone made the breathing of all the monks present become obviously heavy.

There is no doubt that the Hawkeye members are the top elite personnel in the entire Blood Hawk Breaking Formation group, and their rights are really too great.

It is equivalent to almost not using any points, and all the secret techniques in the Eagle Soul Pavilion can be learned casually. Such benefits are really amazing.

The Blood Eagle Breaking Formation Group was one of the first senior veteran groups to enter the Little Immortal Realm. The blood eagle has really gained a lot of benefits when exploring the entire Little Immortal Realm.

Those ancient secret techniques and techniques are countless.

Once you become a member of Hawkeye, it is almost equivalent to having no barriers to those sealed ancient secret arts. This temptation is extremely huge for everyone.

At this moment, everyone's eyes started to become hot.

"The only member who entered Eagle Eye this time, Shi Yuyan."

Leng Tong glanced around and nodded slightly when she landed on Shi Yuyan, "She is the only member who fits into the Eagle Eye. Under consideration, Shi Yuyan is the most suitable."

"Sure enough, she..."

A monk murmured lowly, looking at Shi Yuyan's eyes full of envy.

To be honest, Shi Yuyan, whose cultivation base will break through half a step of the Tianhe realm at any time, is undoubtedly the highest among all people.

If anyone is most likely to be selected into the Hawkeye group with the highest threshold and the best benefits, then it can be this enchantress!

Hawkeye only entered one person?

Chu Chen felt a little lost suddenly.

"To become a member of Hawkeye, while you are strong, you must always maintain a calm mind to deal with various emergencies."

Shi Yuyan's expression like a fairy in white did not fluctuate, as if she joined any group, it had nothing to do with her.

"Shi Yuyan has the highest cultivation level, calm personality, and is not moved by foreign objects. Moreover, her cultivation techniques can quickly replenish the spiritual power consumed in a short period of time. When faced with various dangers, she has the highest chance of survival, so she won selected."

Leng Tong's voice was clear and firm.

Lan Xuan whispered to the surrounding people.

"The principle of the Hawkeye group has always been to strive for perfection. Each member of the group requires the ability to be unique, because sometimes, you are likely to fall into an ancient formation alone~www.ltnovel.com~ No one can support it. You need to discover the gleam of life in the desperate situation of the Nine Deaths. At present, it is true that only Shi Yuyan has such qualifications."

Regardless of whether the cultivators were convinced, they could only watch the demon girl with envy while knowing that their skills were definitely not enough.

Personally explore the ancient ruins and get trapped by the formation? Thinking of such a terrible scene, many people couldn't help but fought a cold war.

Humans are a kind of social animals. As the saying goes, there are many people and great power. As long as you gather enough companions, there is always hope to overcome any difficulties and obstacles you encounter.

If a person is trapped in the formation of an ancient ruin, without companions, unaccompanied and isolated, it is really a terrible and unimaginable disaster.

This super golden rice bowl is indeed not something that ordinary monks can hold!

And now that the world is about to change, the danger facing the members of the Eagle Eyes is hard to imagine! (To be continued.)

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