Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1503: The wind blows away

"Let me go, what kind of abnormal wind is this, even a mountain can blow up!"

Lan Xuan was so scared that tears flowed out, but at this time no one had any time to pay attention to him.

One by one flew around, so as not to be killed by the hill!

The people who were still connected with the chains of spiritual power flee, while focusing their eyes on Chu Chen who was fighting against Feilai Peak with their own strength.

The round of scorching sun that Chu Chen uncovered hit the ancient mountain that had flown straight away, and instantly burst a dazzling golden red light.

The vast waves of air exploded, and directly blew up a chunk of nearly a hundred feet long that ancient mountain.

However, the mountain was several hundred meters high, and the Nine Suns Fentian Seal of Chu Chen's three suns was only blown up by a fraction of it.

What is left is a huge mountain of three or four hundred feet high, crushing the void, flying in amidst bursts of fierce roar, and smashing heavily on Leng Tong and the six blood eagle elders and condensed into grayish yellow. Above the ancient mountain phantom.

Boom! ! !

Amid the violent explosion, Feilai Mountain exploded, and the gray-yellow ancient mountain phantom shattered.

Amidst the wailing of eagle beasts, Leng Tong and the elders of the blood eagles flew upside down one by one, blood splattered around them, and one of the eagle beasts was directly rendered. After the mud, it was quickly wrapped in the black wind and disappeared without a trace.

The Leng Tong seven teamed up to withstand the blow of Feilaifeng, but at the same time they also paid a heavy price!

The next moment, after the mountain exploded, the jet-black gust of wind rushed toward the cultivators, and easily completely tore the condensed spiritual power chains around the people who were fleeing.

Silhouettes of people were wrapped in the wind and rushed in all directions, like meteors scattered, looking extremely tragic.

Chu Chen's face became very solemn. At the moment when the gray-yellow ancient mountain phantom was smashed by a real mountain, he had only time to urge the whole body's spiritual power to form a thick and thick spiritual power around his body. The shield is around the body, but the others can't control anything.

After all, no matter how strong his strength was, he couldn't compete with this power of heaven and earth.

Therefore, when he was involuntarily swept away by the wind, he also sighed helplessly, and had to rely on the big red crab under his seat to save his life.

"Brother Chu, give me a hand!"

Chu Chen had just been swept away by the wind, and an exclamation sounded not far from him. Turning his head and looking, he saw Lan Xuan anxiously stretch out his hand at a place dozens of feet away from him.

At this time, the sea beast spirit dolphin that Lan Xuan was riding in was missing?

The whole person used the Piaoxu body technique to the extreme, and the figure was vague, barely controlling the wind so that he would not be blown away in an instant.

He is already in an extremely dangerous state of dying!

Chu Chen's eyes condensed, and his palm stretched out, a golden-red spiritual force burst out from the palm, turning into a golden-red light band to wrap Lan Xuan, and then pulled it over.

At this moment, several calls for help came from around. Chu Chen didn't have time to think about anything, a golden red spiritual light band burst out of his other hand, and he entangled the surrounding five figures in a burst of sharp howls.

Among these people, half of the sea beast mounts have been blown away.

Under Chu Chen's signal, the rider also put away, and squeezed together on Chu Chen's red crab!

Chu Chen's big red crab is like a small boat in the ocean, and it can't help spinning around in the super strong wind.

At the next moment, a black gust of wind swept across the world, and the seven people who were bound together by the light band of spiritual energy flew away.

At this time, the few people were completely unable to control the movement of their bodies, and could only condense their spiritual power to envelop their bodies, relying on the dark golden light on the big red crab to protect their lives, and then let the wind lead them to drift around. fly.

It's like wandering in an unknown world!

The black wind swept across the sky and the ground, filling every inch of void space.

In this gust of wind that seemed to be enough to destroy the world, any monk seemed to be extremely small.

Chu Chen squinted his eyes and looked into the distance. There were hurricanes rushing around everywhere, boundless.


Finally, after I don't know how long, the black world-killing demonic wind finally began to slowly stop.

Although the surrounding gusts were still fierce, at least they were not as invincible as the black gusts.

Everyone knew that they should be on the edge of the super storm zone!


Chu Chen Lanxuan and the other five people were violently thrown into the vast river.

This is a huge icy river!


The storm is raging and the water waves are raging.

A huge wave tens of feet high was rolled up on the wide river. After the seven fell into the river, they dived into the deepest part of the icy bottom of the river and finally got rid of the power of the terrifying storm.

After lurking at the bottom of the river for more than two hours, under the leadership of Chu Chen, the six people waited for the super storm area to be removed. They sensed that the wind in the surrounding space further weakened and finally returned to the "normal" range.

The seven people left one by one from the bottom of the river, rushed out of the water, and climbed back to the shore with flying belts.

"Oh my god, the wind is finally getting a little bit smaller..."

Lan Xuan sighed for a long time, while urging his spiritual power to evaporate the river water from his body, he breathed in fresh air.

At this moment, although the gust of wind between heaven and earth is still strong, it is much better than Devil Wind.

Taking a few people at least in the Lingxi realm, there is no life-threatening in this level of gale.

"Now it's a windless zone!"

Lan Xuan's expression was completely relieved.

"It’s hard to say that the rules of the world in the Little Immortal Realm have been chaotic. The terrifying world-destroying devil wind is transformed by the rules of the world. It will not only last for a while, and it will be fine if it blows away. The world change is in progress. Appear. Let's hurry up as soon as possible."

Chu Chen looked around and patted the scarlet cancer underneath him.

In the black wind, thanks to this big red crab.

After he hurriedly stuffed the Beast King Dan into its mouth, the aura around it was condensed, like a heavy iron block.

Thanks to it, the monks were not blown far by the wind.

If there were no big red crabs, it would be hard to say whether Chu Chen and the others would survive this time.


At this moment, there was a strange noise on the river surface, Lan Xuan's blue spirit dolphin, who had been missing, jumped out of the water, flew to Lan Xuan cleverly, and began to please lick his palm.

Lan Xuan's eyes showed a look of contempt, "You ungrateful fellow, you left me before, and now you come to me again to beg me, who am I?"

But even though Lan Xuan said that, he turned his head and looked at everyone, "Hey, brothers, do you still have the Beast King Pill?"

"Yes, I just used one in Demon Wind, and now I still have two Beast King Pills."

A girl monk said softly.

Chu Chen was also observing several of his companions here~www.ltnovel.com~ They have basically been repaired, except for Lan Xuan, the five people are all newcomers recruited from other places by this group of Blood Eagle Breakthrough Group.

The highest cultivation level is the Great Perfection of Lingxi Realm. This girl is in the late Lingxi stage, and she handed a beast king pill to Lan Xuan.

After Lan Xuan nodded his head and thanked him, he stuffed the Beast King Dan into the spirit dolphins who was trying to please him. The spirit dolphins let out a few cheerful howls and swallowed them.

"Thank you for this junior girl. My beast king pill was previously lost in the black wind, but this beast king pill is indeed magical, and the red crab can always remain stable even in the devil wind."

Lan Xuan said, looking at the big red crab with envious eyes.

"In short, everyone should keep the Beast King Pill, unless it's a matter of life and death, don't use it at will! This thing can save lives when it is critical."

Chu Chen was speechless. Lan Xuan, your kid, said better than singing. Not only did you lose your Beast King Pill, you also used other people's shares indiscriminately. (To be continued.)

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