Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1517: 1 to die

"Hiding in the cauldron, thinking you can survive?"

Yu Wenguang sneered, and his figure turned into a blazing white sword light, crossing the layers of space, a distance of three thousand feet, but he passed it in an instant.

He flew above the black cauldron, frowning at this iron knot exuding a mysterious flame!

He faintly felt that this black cauldron was by no means simple, but he knew very well that no matter how weird this black cauldron is, this little cultivator of the Lingxi realm would not be able to fly.

Hanging in the air, he stretched out his finger and flicked it lightly, and a dazzling sword aura burst out, opening the space and banging heavily on the black cauldron.


The dull loud noise reverberated violently throughout the world, which made people feel unspeakably uncomfortable.

The heavy black cauldron was blasted by the sword qi, throwing away tens of feet away!

However, there was nothing under the opened giant cauldron, and there was no figure of Chu Chen?

At the same time, Yu Wenguang's complexion suddenly changed in vain from the bottomless deep hole of Juding!

This kid... escaped to the ground! !

Yu Wenguang's pale face showed a cold smile again, "So you know you are going to die, so you bury yourself first. It's still self-knowing..."

Yu Wenguang put away his smile, his eyes were cold, and the white sword in his hand turned slightly, bear!

A thick beam of sword energy pierced down from the sky, as if a mad dragon broke into the ground in an instant.

In an instant, the earth and rocks rolled, smoke and dust burst, the stratum shattered, and the earthquake trembled.

This sword qi turned into an earth dragon, and began to chase Chu Chen underground, which was fleeing. It was visible to the naked eye, and the ground continued to bulge and open. It was just between the electric light and flint. This trace of destruction has spread thousands of feet away. !


The earth exploded, and at the end of the moving mark, a figure suddenly burst out of the ground, carrying countless soil and rock debris, swaying across the sky.

Yu Wenguang smiled coldly, his figure instantly turned into a dazzling lightning and approached the gray figure.

At the same time, the long sword in his hand also showed a sharp and unparalleled silver sword light, instantly tearing the layers of space, and slashing to the figure's body!

Chu Chen could clearly feel the sharpness of the heaven and the earth being cut open, and the sword light was incredibly fast. With Tianhe's blow, even if he wanted to hide, it was almost impossible.

So Chu Chen didn't hide. When he rushed out from the ground, he didn't plan to hide, and knew that he couldn't hide from this sword!

He just flipped his right palm, and a huge golden red dragon-shaped light shield appeared in the void in front of him, shielding him.

call out!

The silver sword light was on the horizon, the blazing dragon shield was instantly shattered, and the sword light was directly slashed on Chu Chen's body!

boom! !

Chu Chen was cut to a hundred feet away, and Hengfei's body dragged a long gully on the ground. It took a long time for him to stand up slowly.

Although his upper body clothing was damaged, his body was not injured. There was only a white sword print on his upper body, and it was still disappearing quickly.

Yu Wenguang, who hung in the air, frowned. A sword at the Tianhe level didn't even hurt him?

"It was so!"

Soon Yu Wenguang was relieved, because Chu Chen had used some kind of secret technique just now, and the physical body merged with the ancient cauldron for an instant, and his sword was equivalent to slashing on the cauldron.

Although this conversion secret technique is powerful, it is extremely easy to collapse both the soul and the body, and it is also a great burden for the user.

With Yu Wenguang's insight, he knew very well that this secret technique, the little Lingxi cultivator, could no longer be used for at least 30 days.

"Why don't you run away?"

Yu Wenguang looked at Chu Chen from a distance, and asked in a voice that felt like a gossamer.

The gray-clothed boy stood up and patted the mud debris on his body. There was no trace of fear on his face. Instead, he smiled slightly at Yu Wenguang and said nothing.

"Does this kid have a problem with his head?"

Yu Wenguang's thoughts moved, but he was not affected by Chu Chen's unusual performance, and continued to hunt down according to his own steps.

His palm moved slightly, and invisible sword qi flew out, immediately covering the void around Chu Chen, completely sealing the surrounding space.

Using sword energy to make a "sword prison" to imprison Chu Chen!

"Why didn't you run away? Because I have figured it out, it's useless to escape, anyway, you will catch up in the end."

Chu Chen had a calm expression on his face.

"You can be considered self-aware...cough cough..."

Yu Wenguang coughed slightly, his face turned paler, "Since I stepped into the Tianhe Step, I have never encountered such a tenacious opponent. You have been able to struggle for so long with only the Lingxi cultivation base. To be proud of."

"I feel it myself."

Chu Chen smiled.

"So, now I can give you a chance to leave a last word, that is, how do you want to die?"

Yu Wenguang fluttered in white clothes, hung high in the air, like a **** who wants to execute the final judgment, cruel and cruel.

"How to die?"

Chu Chen looked seriously thinking, "If possible..."

"Say it."

Yu Wenguang looked down at Chu Chen coldly.

"If possible, I hope to kill you first and then die!"

Chu Chen's conversation suddenly turned, and his eyes were cold.

"Dare to die when you die..."

Yu Wenguang was about to cut out with a sword, but found that Chu Chen stared at the top of his head, and suddenly felt something wrong.


In an instant, Yu Wenguang subconsciously followed Chu Chen's gaze to the sky.

Under this look, Yu Wenguang's body was shocked and his color changed in amazement!

At this moment, above the high sky, a vast expanse of purple red light fell straight down from the nine heavens.

It's like a purple-red ocean, submerging the world.

With Yu Wenguang's divine sense, it can be clearly sensed that that group of purple-red alien awns is an extremely powerful super hurricane condensation.

The incomparable wind power and tyranny contained in this hurricane even surpassed the black world-destroying demon wind that had blown before in this area!

This is... This is the legendary purple heavenly breeze that exists outside the fetal membranes of heaven and earth, and circulates around the entire world!

What kind of perverted energy really exists in the little fairy world!

Yu Wenguang screamed bad~www.ltnovel.com~ Fengying shocked the purple sky. In the ancient myths and legends, this kind of purple-red violent wind is more terrifying than the black demon wind.

However, this kind of violent wind is also one of the few, and it can truly cause fatal damage to the Tianhe-level monks!

Zixiao Tianfeng appeared!

It means the start of the terrifying third world change in the little fairy world!

Seeing the purple red light above the sky fall from the sky with an irresistible vastness, it is the vast void where Yu Wenguang is about to sweep.

Without any suspense, the world will be completely overwhelmed by Zifeng immediately!

He couldn't run, and Chu Chen couldn't run either. Both of them would inevitably be involved in the fierce wind of the world!

Get involved in this terrible catastrophe! ! (To be continued.)

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