Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1519: Melting pot

Chu Chen raised his eyes and saw that the crimson world was like a huge furnace!

There are vast expanses of hot rivers everywhere on the earth.

But what flows in the river is not water, but billowing magma.

The bright red magma crisscrosses the whole land, like a legendary lava hell.

A strong flame aura surged in the void, this flame aura was so strong that even the power of the wind in the sky was weakened to the limit.

From time to time, Chu Chen could hear a few dull loud noises from the belly of the volcano that was billowing thick smoke, and with it, large swaths of volcanic dust erupted from the crater.

He gave him the feeling that every volcano here can erupt anytime and anywhere, and the power of the vast world conceived in the earth makes people feel a terrifying sense of horror from the deepest part of my heart.


Pillars of light black wind descended from the sky one after another, submerged in a lava river, and rolled up a large area of ​​river water into the sky.

From a distance, the pale black wind pillar was wrapped in crimson magma, like a black-red mad dragon flying above the sky, it looked particularly spectacular.

Although the storm has decreased in this area, the destructive power has not weakened because of the magma being swept around!

In such a world, monks need to be more careful not to be swept by the magma tornado.

This should be the meeting point that Leng Tong said.

However, what puzzled Chu Chen was that he searched back and forth within a radius of thousands of meters, but no one was found.

He couldn't help but frowned slightly. What's the matter, it's never because he came too early. Could it be that other people are in trouble?

Being alone in this high-temperature world with rising flames, Chu Chen couldn't take care of so much. He just found a clean rock, sat cross-legged, and began to adjust his breath to restore his strength.

Escape from Yu Wenguang's men cost him a lot of energy.

I can only say that Brother Tianhe is terrible!

Freed from his pursuit, Chu Chen felt like a world away. The spiritual power in his body slowly revolved, and a warm current flowed from the depths of the dantian, slowly flowing to the limbs and limbs, and there was something warm and indescribable. Comfortable.

Soon Chu Chen entered the state of selflessness, as if she was incarnate in a round of warm sun, moving between heaven and earth.

I don't know how long it took, Chu Chen felt energetic, and slowly stopped adjusting his breath, and stood up.

He took out his half black sword from his arms and began to draw something on the volcanic rock. The criss-cross lines seemed to slowly form a strange formation.

This formation is integrated with the earth. Even if you look carefully, it is difficult to see that a strange formation is drawn in this ravine volcanic zone.

This formation shrouded the distance within a hundred feet of a radius.

After finishing the painting, Chu Chen closed his eyes again to recuperate. It didn't take long before he felt that someone was approaching quickly in the distance.

He immediately opened his eyes, a pair of eyes gleaming, and instantly penetrated thousands of feet.

"Haha, Brother Chu, I know that you must have escaped safely... To be honest, I am afraid that only you in this world can escape from the power of the Tianhe rank."

A group of people flew in from a distance, and the leader was Lan Xuan. He stretched out his hand and waved vigorously with a look of excitement.

They also looked like the rest of their lives. Several monks were a little embarrassed, especially Lan Xuan. His blue clothes were tattered and covered with burn marks.

Leaving Chu Chen's protection, these cultivators stumbled to find this place, groping all the way, it was really not easy.

Chu Chen's eyes lit up as they looked at him. After all, the Little Immortal Realm was too dangerous. With their own life-saving straw, their chances of survival would greatly increase.

When he came to Chu Chen, Lan Xuan raised his eyebrows and looked at Chu Chen with a happily smile.

"Brother Chu, you are so powerful that you can't do anything to you even the legendary powerhouse of the Tianhe rank. There is not even a wound on your body!"

"It's just luck."

Chu Chen nodded faintly, seeing Lan Xuan and the five new monks behind him almost all wounded, and asked in a deep voice, "What's the matter, what danger are you encountering?"

"Don't mention it, this time, I almost lost my life!"

Lan Xuan sighed, with a fluke in his eyes, "Since you said that the legendary powerhouse of the Tianhe order came, we scattered and left and reunited in a valley a hundred miles away. We thought we were so far away. The strong of the Tianhe Order will never find us anyway."

He said that here, the other little cultivators were also very worried, and they seemed to be extremely scared when he recalled the scene at that time.

Chu Chen glanced at Lan Xuan, motioned to him not to sell Guanzi, and then continued.

"Hey, who knows that the valley is the territory of a group of lunatic wolves in the Linghe realm. A whole number of ten lunatic wolves smelled our breath and chased them madly."

The expression on Lan Xuan's face was extremely exaggerated. These ancient Linghe beasts seemed to be even more terrifying than the ancient Tianhe beasts.

"Fortunately, the sea beasts we rode all had Linghe-level speeds, and they barely escaped their lives under the chase of that group of explosive wolves. Without the help of the mounts, I am afraid that the group of wolves would have eaten it long ago. I can't see Brother Chu!"

"Well, Moonburst Wolf."

Chu Chen suddenly understood that Moonburst Crazy Wolf was an extremely fierce ancient beast in the Little Immortal Realm.

This blasting moon mad wolf looks like a giant wolf, but it is white, smooth and hairless, and has an extremely vicious and greedy temperament.

Adult Moonburst wolves have the destructive power of the Linghe realm.

In the world of little immortals, the wolves and wolves of the moon burst can be described as an absolute hegemon.

Considering Lan Xuan's cultivation base that has not yet reached the Great Realm of Linghe, as well as the five newcomers in the middle of Lingxi, it is indeed surprising that he can escape under the chase of the wolves of the moonburst.

It seems that Lan Xuan's own cultivation is not very good, but this ability to lead people to escape is really first-class.

In fact, among the few people at this time, except Lan Xuan, the others were tired and couldn't even speak.

One of the girls with a round face was even more tired and slumped on the ground, and passed out.

The surrounding companions were taken aback, and they quickly fed her the pill, and then gave her the ability to eliminate the medicine, which made her regain a little vitality.

"Let's find a place to rest and wait for others to arrive."

Chu Chen took the cultivators to a flat stone platform several meters in size, and deliberately used his sky fire to swallow the rich fire energy aura around him, and the temperature in this area dropped.

After a while, the group of people sat down on this stone platform staggeringly.

Lan Xuan lay down even more disregarding his image, and fell asleep there.

This ability to eat and sleep on the street~www.ltnovel.com~ is obviously trained by the old demon Duan Xiong.

Chu Chen sat on the side in silence, letting everyone adjust their breaths while waiting for the newcomers.

It took more than an hour before the monks gradually arrived at the assembly point.

The first one to come back was Xuan Ke. The old man who had awakened the blood of Feng Qimu looked a little embarrassed, but his arrogance like a war lion did not diminish.

He nodded at the crowd, and found a secluded place to start healing his injuries.

As time went by, more and more people came to this volcanic area, and about half of the original team returned.

It seemed that the luck of the cultivators was pretty good, but what made Chu Chen uneasy.

All the official members and senior officials of Blood Eagle, including Leng Tong, didn't even come back? ! (To be continued.)

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