Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1532: Strange trail without end

The purple spiritual fire sacrificed by the mysterious carving can only shine within a radius of about five feet. The rock platform on which the cultivators stand is not large, only the downwardly extending stone steps in front seem to have no end, deep into the darkness. Among.

After Chu Chen said there was something strange, everyone held their breath, but the surroundings were extremely quiet, like a static world.

After a while, Lan Xuan asked the protagonist with a blank expression, "Brother Chu, my spiritual sense is too weak. I really can't sense anything weird? Can you express it?"

The red-clothed cultivator Zhou Lin nodded her head in a panic?

The danger is approaching, but you can't see it. This feeling is the worst!

Not only this group of monks, but even Shi Yuyan, who has always been floating like a fairy and not stained with dust, leaned against the stone wall, and looked at the protagonist with questions.

"I can't tell you the specifics. I only know that if we continue to stay here, we are very dangerous. Otherwise, we will walk along this stone step, leave this place, and look down!"

Chu Chen frowned lightly and said in a deep voice.

"But it might be more dangerous below, and I don't know what's below?"

A timid young monk gritted his teeth and shook his head pale.

"Well, I only know on the map that this is a refuge. What is specific can only be understood after exploring." Chu Chen said slowly.

In fact, what's below is already marked on the secret map of the Little Immortal Realm, but it is impossible for Chu Chen to tell everyone.

Because there is something that Chu Chen wants below.

"The refuge in this volcano is more than just a simple refuge. The space created with so much effort should have mystery, or treasure."

Under the influence of Old Demon Duan Xiong, Lan Xuan had a natural sensitivity to treasures.

Xuan Ke, the old man like a war lion, shook his head vigorously, "This time, survival is the most important thing. Treasures and everything are things outside of the body."

The cultivators suddenly became quiet again, not knowing how to advance or retreat.

Xuan Ke took a deep breath, "But since Junior Brother Chu has a premonition that there is danger here, we can't stay for a long time. Everyone can live till now. It can be said that Junior Brother Chu gave all their lives, even though they don't know about this stone. Where does the rank will lead, but even if it is hell, if Junior Brother Chu chooses, I will follow."

"I'm with Brother Chu."

Lan Xuan immediately raised his hand high, and Shi Yuyan, who had been keeping a certain distance from everyone, also gave Chu Chen a gesture to lead the way.

The powerful players in several teams have already been decided, and the monks can only enter the follow mode.

Although everyone is full of fear for unknown dangers, they are also very curious about the dense possession built in the mysterious red crystal volcano.

The monks took a brief rest, and after adjusting their breaths one by one, they gradually followed Chu Chen into the deep stone steps.

Walked into the dark world that continued to extend downward.

This stone step did not know when it was built, it seems extremely old, with mottled marks on it.

The entire stone steps meander and circle, like a giant python circling and exploring in the dark, but the whole is extending downward.

And the length of this stone step is also very surprising. After walking on it for more than an hour, it has never been to the end!

Even Chu Chen had a feeling that the stone steps seemed to have no end.

The two young monks in the team are obviously getting more and more timid. The stone steps are very weird, deep, dark, and invisible to the destination. It feels as if the myths and legends are the road to hell.

But seeing Chu Chen walking in the forefront and opening the way, while Shi Yuyan was behind the crowd at the end, these two powerhouses guarded the crowd one after another, but they also gave them a little peace of mind, and had to bite the bullet and follow them down.

In this darkness, the passage of time has also become blurred, and the cultivators feel that they may have been circling at all, and have been circling back and forth in a certain range.

There is no end to the stone steps, and everyone gets more frightened as they go.

I don't know that after a few hours, when Chu Chen led everyone through the last turn, all the monks were stunned.

Stepping forward, the eyes suddenly open up, the bottom of this long and deep stone steps is actually a vast and vast square!

This square is really too big, it's boundless at first glance.

And most of the space in the square is hidden in darkness, without the slightest light.

The ground of the square is not made of any material. The whole body is dark brown, with large patches of dark red markings on it, which looks like a pool of blood formed after solidification.

An ancient and decadent smell lingered in the void, as if something had existed for thousands of years. The decayed smell was very unpleasant, mixed with some blood and stench, making everyone frowned.

Several girl monks directly covered their noses with disgust.

The most creepy thing is that there is a tyrannical spiritual power fluctuation in the air~www.ltnovel.com~ The fluctuation is looming, sometimes it feels very old, sometimes it is very clear.

It gives people the feeling that there is an extremely powerful ancient evil **** hiding in the dark, and it seems to be able to pounce out at any time, tearing and preying on everyone as prey.

"The evil spirit is restrained, and the blood is looming. It doesn't look like a good place here..."

An elegant middle-aged man in Tsing Yi clasped his fingers silently, and punched a magic weapon on a gray-black tortoise-shaped magical weapon in his hand.

Suddenly, aura glowed, and a layer of dark red aura burst out from the tortoise shell, transforming waves of tidal-like ripples in the air.

This middle-aged monk named Zhao Zhong has always been a very silent person in the team, but he is good at hexagrams, and sometimes he will count as a hexagram when in danger.

"What, Brother Zhao, have you figured out something?"

After seeing this scene, Lan Xuan asked softly.

Zhao Zhong looked solemn and did not speak.

Zhou Lin seemed to be unfamiliar with Zhao Zhong, so she asked Lan Xuan quietly, who was this?

Lan Xuan introduced in a low voice that this person was named Zhao Zhong, and he was the descendant of the "Bumingmen", an extremely rare fortune-telling tradition. This line is good at deducing secrets, divining fortune-telling, predicting bad luck and fortune, and is unique in the monastic world.

Everyone's eyes focused on the middle-aged monk in Tsing Yi, waiting for his answer.

He didn't speak, as if he was afraid that he was wrong, he repeated the deduction a few times, and finally sighed, "Blood evil is coming, the death star is shining, and the omen is great!"

When the monks heard the great omen, many of their faces turned pale. Could it be that the secret path stone steps that have been explored for so long are really the entrance to hell?

"Everyone, I suggest that we return immediately and don't stay here for a moment."

Zhao Zhong said word by word.

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