Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1549: Healing

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Chu Chen first led everyone to a quagmire not far away, and rolled around in the quagmire a few times, and his body was covered with a thick layer of mud.

Even Shi Yuyan, who was in a coma, was held by him and rolled in the mud for several laps. The thick mud completely concealed the spirit and blood aura of everyone.

The talents began to fly over the "king beast" plan!

When everyone followed Chu Chen past the top of the sleeping king beast, not only did they not dare to breathe, they did not even sweat.

But one by one couldn't control his body, shivering constantly.

A few girl monks even had tears in their eyes, wanting to cry but not daring to cry.

It seems to pass over the hell, lest he accidentally jump into **** and never turn over.

When Chu Chen flew over the king beast, he also saw the whole picture of this "hill" clearly.

A large group of things like a green hill is naturally not a hill, but the huge body of a king-level ancient beast!

It is a huge ancient beast of avian, very similar in appearance to a peacock, but with three legs under its feet, twelve huge feathers on its tail, and six turquoise wings on its back.

When the monks passed by from above and looked down at it, they saw this king peacock beast sleeping with a wing covering its head.

The ugly and ugly aura it gave out went straight into the sky.

The monks were too close to it, and they could feel the smell of it with warmth.

At this time, as long as it opens one eye, the air wave caused by a flap of wings is enough to kill everyone!

At this time in the team, the hardest thing was Chu Chen. While flying, he enveloped the King Peacock Beast with his metamorphosis-level spiritual sense and shielded it.

However, within the visible range of this field of vision, the spiritual shield is just a fragile line of defense for everyone.

It was just a stick of incense, and everyone flew over the king beast area, but this stick of incense was as long as a century.

Everyone couldn't take care of getting rid of the mud on their bodies. Under the leadership of Chu Chen, everyone began to flee faster!

Just when it was getting dark, the people who hid all the way came to a safe area.

After repeated confirmation by Chu Chen, it was a real safe area.

This place is located on the edge of a forest, but a mountain col.

The surrounding terrain is so high that you can't see this mountain col at a glance from a distance.

Therefore, when everyone with mud all over their bodies came to this mountain col, they almost all sat on the ground or leaned against a tree.

The expression on his face all had a feeling that it was too difficult to live.

"Why do I feel so hungry? Could it be the reason why I went to the road before breakfast?"

A tiger-headed young monk rubbed his stomach and looked confused.

"So hungry, it's strange, I haven't felt so hungry for a long time.

Zhou Lin panted lightly, "Since I cultivated to the Lingxi realm, it seems that I haven't been so hungry. What happened today?"

The other monks who didn't speak actually felt the same way, and there was a strong hunger in their stomachs.

This is not a normal phenomenon. After a monk has cultivated to the realm of Lingquan, his body will naturally absorb the spiritual energy between heaven and earth to supplement its own energy consumption, so the demand for food is greatly reduced.

For a monk in the Lingxi realm, it would be no problem not to eat for ten and a half months.

But now, everyone here actually feels a sense of hunger. What does this mean?

It means that the current Little Immortal Realm has not only changed the rules of heaven and earth, but even the energy and spiritual power consumption of the monks has become much more than before!

Escape this way, everyone is really tired and hungry, exhausted to the extreme!

The old monk Xuan Ke immediately stood up and said, "I will figure out a way for everyone to eat."

Lan Xuan was touched, "As the saying goes, there is an old man in the family, if there is a treasure, it is true."

Everyone was speechless.

At this time, Chu Chen flew to a big tree with Shi Yuyan in his arms. He knew that this demon girl didn't like being too close to everyone, so he helped her find a place to shelter on the big tree.


At this moment, a low soft moan came.

Chu Chen looked down and saw Shi Yuyan's beautiful eyebrows trembling slightly and slowly opening.

Shi Yuyan was always in a weak state after being hit head-on by the red feather wing man Naha World's best blow, her soft and boneless body, once again awakened in Chu Chen's arms.

Staring eyes half-opened and half-squinted and looked around, this stunning demon girl who was all over the country looked blank.

"Um..., where am I... now?"

The girl exhaled like blue, her delicate body undulating slightly.

"We are now in a safer place."

Chu Chen was still very grateful to her in her heart. Without her, dragging the Scarlet Winged Man would not get the Taikoo Volcanic Core by herself.

Although her injury had almost cured herself, Chu Chen still felt a little guilty for her.

So Chu Chen is still gentle to her now.

Although Shi Yuyan's face had a little blood, the aura in her body was still extremely weak.

He quickly took out a turquoise pill from the storage ring and stuffed the Qi Yang Pill into the girl's mouth.

The treasured best-quality nourishing pill melts in the mouth, and its effect is immediate.

After a while, Shi Yuyan's face became more flushed.

At this time, she was completely awake. Seeing that she was still being held in Chu Chen's arms, she was shocked. Just about to escape, she was weak and couldn't use any strength to come out.

"You hurt your vitality, it's better to move less."

Chu Chen looked around and found that a group of people had followed Xuan Ke to hunt.

Only himself and Shi Yuyan, a lone man and a widow, were left on this big tree.

"Thank you for saving me."

Shi Yuyan exhaled like orchids, she subconsciously covered her chest, arched her body slightly, as if she wanted to vomit but couldn't vomit, she felt a little uncomfortable.

"You are welcome~www.ltnovel.com~Chu Chen nodded faintly, moved her body slightly to lift Shi Yuyan up, and patted her delicate back with her right hand, and a burst of spiritual energy immediately rushed into her body.

At this time, Shi Yuyan's body's aura was messy, her spiritual energy collapsed, blood qi stagnated, and her meridians disordered.

There was still a dark illness, and Chu Chen wanted to get rid of it for her.

While the thoughts were turning, a gentle spiritual force sprayed out from Chu Chen's palm, turning into a gentle stream of heat flowing slowly in Shi Yuyan's body.

This flow of heat followed Chu Chen's big hands on Shi Yuyan's body, swept over the jade back, scented shoulders, chest, and flat belly, and began to circulate slowly in Shi Yuyan's body, gathering the scattered spiritual power, straightening out the chaotic meridian, and dissolving the silt The blood...

The pharmacist himself is the best healer, not to mention that Chu Chen's medicine refining technique has been extremely accomplished, so these healing methods are also very familiar and effective.

After a few weeks of urging spiritual power in Shi Yuyan's body, she finally smoothed out the qi and blood in her body.

The girl was ashamed and helpless, after all, Chu Chen was treating her wounds, she could only let Chu Chen push her around.

Several clots of blood were also gathered by him. As he slapped Shi Yuyan on Shi Yuyan's back hard, the girl burst into two big mouths of black and red congestion, and the ruddy complexion finally increased. some.

"Thanks a lot."

The girl smiled to Chu Chen. Although her face was still haggard, there was a tenderness that made her affectionate. She whispered, "Our Feiying Sect’s rule is not to owe favors. Since you saved me, I will now Return the kindness to you, I think you are also the body of Yuanyang, now I will break it for you."

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