Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1551: Good guy Chu Chen

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"let me go……"

Shi Yuyan started struggling in Chu Chen's arms again, holding such a hot stunner is no way, Chu Chen nodded lightly, "Well, don't blame me if you fall."

As soon as the voice fell, her arms violently loosened, and the girl in her arms had not stood up straight, her weak body suddenly lost support, and she suddenly fell softly towards the surface of the water, making her utter a soft cry.

The arm that had covered her chest panicked and grabbed it upwards. When the girl caught a strong arm around her, she felt certain in her heart.

When I looked up, I saw a playful look in the gray-clothed boy's eyes: "Don't let me hold, but take the initiative to hold my hand?"

"I, I... have to use my strength to slow down."

Shi Yuyan's complexion flushed slightly. At this moment, she pulled Chu Chen with one hand, while the other arm dropped weakly into the water, and her body was half leaning in the water softly.

Because of the posture, the obscene clothes on the side facing Chu Chen suddenly became loose, and the snow-white, delicate and plump spring light was immediately exposed.

"You... are not allowed to see!"

Shi Yuyan was shocked, struggling to stand up, but because of forcibly, she felt black in her eyes.

The tender body that had just straightened slightly, leaned against Chu Chen subconsciously, and lay in Chu Chen's arms on his own initiative, and didn't fall down again.

"Senior Sister Shi, I really don't see, are you quite proactive?"

Shi Yuyan leaned weakly in Chu Chen's arms and was wrapped around his waist with a strong arm to avoid sliding into the water again. Facing Chu Chen's ridicule, she could only grit her teeth gently.

"The waiter helped Jiao weak, it was Xin Cheng Enze Shi."

Chu Chen still had a serious appearance, but made a faint smile.

Shi Yuyan was startled, exhaled like blue, "Don't talk nonsense!"

Chu Chen didn't speak, but the corner of his mouth was curved.

A cool breeze blew, Shi Yuyan, who had been soaking in the cold stream for a long time, was already weak, and she couldn't help but shrink her shoulders subconsciously.

A shudder appeared on the delicate and fair skin.

"Help me get my clothes...I want to put on..."

The weak body really couldn't stand the coldness, the girl said lowly.

Chu Chen nodded and picked up the long skirt that was immersed in the water next to him. He poured his spiritual power into the water and shook it. The mud spots disappeared and they became clean instantly.

Chu Chen hugged her and jumped directly out of the pool and onto the shore.

Chu Chen handed her the white dress, but Shi Yuyan was too weak, her qi and blood were not smooth, her spiritual power was exhausted, and she was exposed to the cold. As a result, her beautiful arms were completely exhausted. She tried several times, but nothing Put on that long skirt.

"I'll help you."

Chu Chen curled his lips, seeing that she was really weak, and gently leaned down and picked up her long skirt.

Chu Chen found that women's clothes were really troublesome. This long skirt was integrated up and down. When wearing it, you had to put your feet on first, and then tie it up from behind.

And this white dress has more than one layer, and the layers are layered with thin ribbons that need to be tied.

It took Chu Chen for a while to figure it out. When he leaned over to catch Shi Yuyan's perfectly curvilinear, tender and white calf and put it into his skirt, his composure and composure couldn't help but flush, and his heart was very Honestly jumped up wildly.

It is definitely a pair of superb beautiful legs, slender and white, and feel amazing.

"You, don't touch my legs!"

Shi Yuyan's face was also a little red, but she tried to maintain her demeanor, her face was strong with a cold look.

However, when Chu Chen lifted her skirt, grabbed her ankle, and unconsciously rubbed her arm against her slender thighs, the girl still couldn't help but let out a low noise.

"Where did I touch it? This is dressing you up, how could I not touch it at all!"

Chu Chen's tone was very helpless, so he lifted the palm of his left hand and gently touched the girl's snow-white delicate legs, "I see it, this is called touching. I just accidentally touched it."

The man's rough palm passed over the sensitive and delicate skin, and Shi Yuyan's body was shocked, suddenly angry and annoyed. In an instant, I only felt that there seemed to be an electric current violently rushing from the place touched by the other party, making her whole face flushed suddenly: "You..."

"Okay, hurry up, cooperate a little bit and get dressed quickly."

Seeing that her body was indeed weak, Chu Chen helped her dress seriously, and she seemed to gently touch the smooth and delicate skin intentionally or unconsciously.

The girl's heart also seemed to be pulled up, and every time she rubbed it, a little heat spread.

It took a long time to wear a long skirt. When the last thin ribbon was tightened, the girl's exquisite body was completely covered.

However, because the clothes were soggy and clinging to the skin, it seemed that her figure was bumpy, which made people dreamy.

"Come on, let me dry your clothes for you. If this cold air invades your body, I'm afraid it will leave sequelae."

Chu Chen directly ignored the girl's embarrassed and irritated eyes, and after helping her get dressed, he hugged her up again~www.ltnovel.com~ walked to the clean big blue stone on the shore, and then put her down Up.

The next moment, in Shi Yuyan's shocked eyes, his hands began to shine with a red light, thinking of her to stretch out.

"You, what are you doing..."

"Fear of a fart, I told you to dry your clothes."

Chu Chen's eyes were very disdainful, and he raised his hands to her lower abdomen involuntarily. Although they didn't stick them, they were very close.

It was close to Shi Yuyan's feeling that there was only one strand of hair away.

Her heartbeat started to accelerate.

Shi Yuyan thought of the indescribable thoughts that came to her mind, but couldn't avoid it, her face flushed, and she wanted to find a place to get in.

Chu Chen discovered that drying clothes is a technical job!

The temperature of the palm should not be too high, otherwise the clothes will burn out easily.

The temperature should not be too low, otherwise it will not work at all.

Slightly urging his spiritual power to adjust the temperature of his palm, Chu Chen spread his hands and started working.

As the waves of spiritual power transformed into dark red rays of light, there was a hot air, where Chu Chen's hands were close, Shi Yuyan's clothes began to emit white air.

Waves of heat came from the void and penetrated into the body, causing warmth from the body that was eroded by the cold. Before she knew it, Shi Yuyan's face turned pink.

The broad palm of her hand was cruising on her body surface with rolling heat. Although she hadn't really touched it, the inexplicable feeling still made Shi Yuyan soft and her whole body got goose bumps.

The girl could only clenched her teeth, her legs closed tightly, but her breathing became uncontrollable and became disordered.

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