Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1580: 1 confession for your luck

   With Zhao Xue'er's white palms dancing, the vast aura surged, and a huge red mask condensed behind her.

   The giant mask is crystal clear and dazzling. At first glance, it seems to be carved from red crystal.

   In the crystal-like treasure pond, clusters of aura burst forth, and the strong treasure even condensed clusters of large clusters of star flocs floating in the light shield.

   Looking from a distance, it seems that he has come to a mysterious red star realm. Each cloud cluster is like a nebula, emitting blurry light.

   And after sensing the breath of the treasures inside this treasure pond, the breathing of all the monks stopped for an instant...

   Inside the red treasure pond, well-preserved ancient artifacts can be seen everywhere, almost occupying more than half of the entire treasure pond.

   Among these intact ancient artifacts, quite a few are semi-legendary artifacts, dotted among the many treasures.

   There are more than ten intact Legendary artifacts! !

   Under the brilliance of these legendary magical instruments, several incomplete semi-chaotic magical instruments attracted everyone's attention as if they stood out from the crowd.

   The power of these incomplete semi-chaos level magical instruments is extremely powerful, each of them is like a prehistoric behemoth with a strong sense of oppression, and it makes people feel suffocated at first glance.

   The most central part of the treasure pond is a magical artifact that exudes a strong radiance. It successfully attracted the attention of all monks.

   That is a yellow ribbon, the whole body exudes the warm light of the sun-like warmth.

   The ribbon is about ten feet long, hovering around each other, but it seems to have evolved a universe on its own.

  The mystery and mystery that can't be found!

   There is no magical artifact within the five-zhang radius around the belt, and it seems to be faintly afraid of its power.

   This is a...perfect semi-chaos level magic weapon, Hun Tian Ling!

   The legendary Promise Hun Tian Ling! !

   In the ancient legends of the monk world, Hun Tian Ling does not refer to a certain artifact, but a general term for a class of artifacts.

In ancient times, there used to be an ancient alien beast patrol silkworm. The patrol silkworm swallowed the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and the silk knives and guns spit out did not hurt water or fire or invade. After woven fabrics with this kind of silk, they could fly directly without expending spiritual energy. The cloth is called a sky survey cloth.

Legend has it that the clothes worn by people in the fairy world are woven from sky survey cloth. With this kind of clothing, even mortals without any spiritual power can fly into the nine heavens and the netherworld. At the height of the ancient mythological era, the sky survey cloth It is the standard configuration of Xianjieren.

   And Huntian Aya is a collective term for the magical implements woven from sky survey cloth. According to the different grades of the sky-surveillant silkworms, the silk they spit out are of different grades, so the grades of the woven hybrids are also different.

   The Promise Hun Tian Ling is the lowest grade, but it is also enough to be proud of the semi-chaos level magic weapon!

   Hun Tian Ling can be long or short, offensive and defensive, with such a magic weapon, it can easily move for nine days!

   stir the world! Reverse the world!

   Its specific power still needs users to know.

   However, some gossips even indicate that Hun Tian Ling contains the great secret of the destruction of the ancient fairy world.

   At the end of the age of ancient mythology, the census silkworm died in large numbers until it disappeared.

As a result, the sky survey cloth in the immortal world is not a special material, and it becomes a piece of exquisite material that is broken. Some people even say that it is precisely because of the extinction of the sky survey silkworm that the curtain of the era of myth has been opened. !

No matter in various legends, such a magic weapon contains too many mysteries, even if there is no mystery in the body, the power comparable to the semi-chaos-class magic weapon is enough to make it a smasher for everyone. Treasure.

   Therefore, after such a magical artifact came out, all the monks were going crazy.

   Although the eyes of the cultivators are extremely hot, they are still very cautious when it comes to drawing treasures.

   The red treasure is no better than others. A red treasure is worth ten thousand celestial crystals. Although the stepless Hun Tian Ling is good, there is only one after all.

   It is completely conceivable how low the chance of winning will be.

   As for the other treasures...Looking at the auras emanating from the semi-legendary, legendary, and missing semi-chaotic treasures, although eye-catching, more than half of the entire treasure pool is missing and useless treasures.

   Ten thousand celestial crystals are likely to get nothing, such a probability...

   "Fate comes and goes, it is heaven, the magic weapon is alive, and you will choose the master."

  Chu Chen laughed, and when almost everyone was watching, he took out his only two red treasures, one came first, and he decisively input spiritual power.

   The semi-chaotic treasure is the focus of the audience, and so is Chu Chen.

   He has won five legendary magical instruments in succession, and every movement affects the hearts of the monks in the audience.

   This time, he didn't hesitate, so he started smoking the first time!

   All the gazes gathered on him, and many monks had already had an unknown premonition, and their hearts were raised.

   The first draw of Chu Chen's red treasure pool, the audience is eye-catching!

   The bright red light burst out like a flower in an instant, as if it had a strange resonance. At this time, within the red treasure pond, a bunch of bright nebulae violently rolled and rolled.

   All the clouds and radiance became chaotic, no longer as distinct as before.

   Looking from a distance, it seems that when the world has first opened, it has become chaotic.

   Finally, when all the clouds were chaotic to a certain extent, a chaotic color exploded fiercely.

   The much-anticipated Huang-level Hun Tian Ling also disappeared in the intense chaotic light!

Ok? ?

   At this moment, all the monks clenched their fists, is it possible that the nightmare will come true again!

   Lan Xuan felt that he was about to faint, a perfect semi-chaotic treasure ~www.ltnovel.com~ This is...was Chu Chen drawn again?

   Shi Yuyan also held her breath, Duan Xiong in the distance smiled brightly.

   Ouyang Tuo's face was as ugly as a dead father, and he was extremely gloomy. It was too much for this kid to get a legendary artifact, and he got five pieces.

   Now he draws the perfect semi-chaotic treasure with one talisman!

   Thinking of this, Ouyang Tuo's eyes were about to burst into flames, and the blue veins on his forehead quickly bulged.

   "No more, no more Promise Hun Tian Ling!"

   "Since it has disappeared, it is... he was taken away again..."

   "He cheated, he cheated again!"

   Almost half of the monks in the square roared loudly, but Chu Chen was indifferent to the world, and looked calm and calm.

   Chu Chen's hands were empty, but he lifted it up gently and looked forward, as if he was ready to meet something?

   At this moment, a delicate white jade tray appeared in Zhao Xueer's hands in the center of the square.

   On the tray covered with red flannel, the black-and-yellow mixed sky was quietly there, exuding a soft warm light.

  The space where the light shines is completely empty!

   Under the attention of the monks in the audience, Zhao Xueer moved lightly and came to Chu Chen again.

   "This big brother, Xue Er sincerely asks you for advice, why is your luck so good?"

   Zhao Xueer's crystal clear eyes skipped a touch of murderous intent, but the expression on her face looked innocent and cute.

   This made the monks around Chu Chen shudder.

   The void around the little Lolita in white is freezing! !

(End of this chapter)

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