Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1586: Old fox's ride

There is no doubt that the appearance of the Ningkong Ancient Whale directly caused a complete tragedy!

Just this collision destroyed the base of the entire sky auction site, as well as hundreds of servants, guards, maids, etc., who were cultivated underground in the Beiming Broken Array, as well as the monks who had escaped. The catastrophe is staged!


One blow shattered the entire suspended island, and the black Ningkong Ancient Whale had a big mouth, and the blood, souls, and spirits surging in the void poured into its mouth.

Those who are able to participate in the auction are all strong among the monks. When such a strong dies, his pure spiritual energy suddenly becomes an unowned thing. At this time, it is drawn by the vast spiritual power of the ancient whale and turned into The stern blood dragons immersed in the ancient whales mightily.

A disaster for mankind is a gluttonous feast for this ancient whale!

There is no doubt that Ningkong Giant Beast completely regards this place as a hunting ground! !

The strongest king-level ancient beast power...

In the void, Duan Xiong's figure swiftly rushed a few times, avoiding the turbulent wind currents, and the figure paused in a calm void.

At this time, the space where the Xuanbai Mountain was located had completely turned into a **** purgatory.

The rioting space was turbulent everywhere, watching all this from a distance, Duan Xiong's eyes skipped a blazing brilliance.

"It's a pity, it's a pity, I'm not ready yet. If I really get'that thing', I would dare to fight even this king-level ancient beast! The spirit of the Ningkong giant beast, if it is successfully hunted, That's really..."

After muttering a few words lowly, Duan Xiong shook his head, sighing in his eyes.

The Scarlet Purgatory will inevitably continue to expand. It is obviously not safe here, and Duan Xiong continues to fly forward.

At this moment, Duan Xiong's ear actually heard a voice, "This is the time. It turns out that Duan Lao is still hitting this king-level ancient beast. As expected, Jiang is the old man. It can cover the sky, and the younger generation admire it!"

Ok? ?

Duan Xiu, who was constantly flying forward, turned his head and saw that a gray-clothed Chu Chen was flying in the void, panting hundreds of meters away.

Chu Chen actually flew in the same direction as himself?

Duan Xiong's gaze condensed, only to realize that in Chu Chen's hand, a black-yellow hungry silk was fluttering in the wind, and the other end of the hungry-sky silk was wrapped around his left arm without knowing when it started!

"Boy, what are you doing? What are you doing with huntian satin, let go!"

Duan Xiong kept flying forward while avoiding the explosions from time to time and the turbulent flow from behind, but he was slightly surprised.

Although I am a little nervous because of the existence of the king-level ancient beast, I am not too concerned about the changes around my body. This little **** can unknowingly wrap around his arm with a huntian silk. The method is really a little fox.

It should be that the little fox Chu Chen used his own power to escape from the explosion center.

But can he use the semi-chaotic treasure Wuji Huntian Ling?

This semi-chaotic treasure can at least be used in the Spirit River Realm!

"Senior, I don't know what's going on..."

Chu Chen shrugged his shoulders with an innocent look, "This Hun Tian Ling is a semi-chaotic treasure, and the treasure is alive. Knowing that he is backed by a big tree is good for the cold, so he automatically pestered you Duan."

"This kid..."

Duan Xiong glared at him vigorously. Of course he knew that this kid was talking nonsense, but he quickly figured out the reason. Hun Tian Ling should have the spirit of a monk who had used it.

Therefore, Chu Chen could consume the previous master's Qi machine and use it once. After this time, if Chu Chen did not enter the Spirit River Realm, he would not be able to use it.

"Little fox, why are you so far away from me? But come, are we close?"

Duan Xiong circled his left hand and grabbed a piece of yellow Huntian Ling in his hand.

"No need, stay too close, I'm afraid you won't be used to it, senior."

On the other end, Chu Chen had an "innocent" smile.

This little fox was really clever and tight, and he didn't dare to get too close to him, hanging far away from a hundred feet away.

Let yourself take him to fly, so that even if he shoots by himself, he has a chance to escape.

To be honest, Duan Xiong thinks that he is not a good person, and he is a little tempted to face such treasures as Stepless Hun Tian Ling.

But he moved a little bit differently...To be honest, he had done a lot of things like this before taking advantage of the chaos to kill people and steal treasures.

However, this kid in front of me is very evil. Recalling all the things that have happened since I met this kid, although his cultivation is not high, he has a lot of background, and people have to wonder if this kid with an amazing identity deliberately released it. disciple.

Aside from other things, just because of this kid's apparent identity, the disciple of Yan Lao, one of the three masters of the Medicine Palace, was enough to be a little daunting.

It's no big deal to kill a talented and intelligent junior, but if this kid's background is really terrible, I'm afraid he will get into trouble by then.

An old Yan is not afraid of himself. If another old thing with another background comes, it will really make people toothache.

However, this is not the most important reason.

The most important reason is that every time I meet this kid, I can almost make a fortune.

Maybe in the future, I can rely on cooperating with him to get those things that I am determined to get.

Duan Xiong is a complete businessman.

Under the two-handed measurement, I felt that it was indeed not worthwhile to fall out with this kid because of a small mess of the sky. Forget it, let him run away with himself.

"Boy grasped firmly, it may be too bumpy, you will vomit!"

Duan Xiong turned into black light and rushed into the sky, leading Chu Chen to continue flying forward!


He swallowed the spirit and blood that was rolling in the void in one breath, and seemed to feel that the spirit he had swallowed still couldn't satisfy him, and the Ningkong Ancient Whale suddenly let out a loud roar.

It can be seen with the naked eye that beside the ancient whale, a huge sonic ripple spreads in all directions.

The ripples pass by, the void collapses, the electricity shines, and the wind roars, as if it is the end of the world.

The vast sound waves are like a heavy ancient chariot crushed by ~www.ltnovel.com~ There is nothing to stop it.

With a scream of screams across Cangyu, the monks who had not escaped the attack range along the way exploded one by one, and exploded together with the magic weapon of the body.

Groups of miserable blood mist exploded in the void, turning into a torrent of blood and being swallowed by the Ningkong Ancient Whale.

With just this sonic attack, nearly 30% of the remaining monks were killed.

The sky was completely dark, and a **** dark cloud began to appear above the high sky.

After swallowing this wave of blood energy, the Ningkong Ancient Whale was still not satisfied, and once again raised up to the sky and let out a wild roar.

Duan Xiong and Chu Chen, who were flying through the sky, suddenly felt their backs chill.

Duan Xiong cried out, not good!


(End of this chapter)

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