Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1590: Wisdom of King Beast

To be honest, Duan Xiong’s camouflage technique really opened Chu Chen’s horizons. It didn’t count as if he hid himself into the body of the giant ancient beast. He also performed a secret technique to cut off the energy of both of them. The breath of living creatures spread out, like two pieces of dead flesh swallowed by the phantom leopard.

Hidden aura, and then escaped the tracking range of the giant whale through the cover of the moving ancient beast, Old Mo Duan is really clever!

The Phantom Demon Leopard is named "Phantom", which represents the extremely fast speed of this ancient beast.

This sticky and smelly environment is really uncomfortable, and Chu Chen can only pray that the leopard can hurry, and then go a little bit faster, into the depths of the ancient forest, and throw off the **** black fish.

As time passed by, Chu Chen felt like living a year. It was obviously just two cups of tea, but it was as long as two centuries.

"Oh shit!"

In the gloomy space, Chu Chen suddenly heard Duan Xiong's curse, and the secret way was bad!

Sure enough, after a few breaths, the familiar raging vast spiritual sense lock once again fell from the sky!

"Asshole, how did this fish spot us? I can't even hide this!"

Duan Xiong cursed a few words with an iron face, and then burst into bursts of spiritual energy.

The body of Huangu Demon Leopard was immediately cut through a huge gap, and Chu Chen, who was hiding in his stomach, immediately saw light leaking from the top of his head and blood gushing out from the gap!

Duan Laomo's hand in hand directly cut open a section of Huangu Demon Leopard's body. Amid the painful wailing of this demon leopard, Duan Xiong's arm shook, with a whistling sound from Chu Chen, followed by a surge The plasma skyrocketed.

Chu Chen used spiritual power to protect the body, and the body protection spirit flame steamed a large amount of leopard blood so that he was not too embarrassed.

Duan Xiong dragged Chu Chen away from the maddened ancient leopard like a meteor, rushing from left to right in the dense forest, and quickly rushed into a roaring river in the forest.

In the following escape process, the repeated Duan Xiong can be said to be constantly shocking and refreshing Chu Chen's three views.

Chu Chen could only worship completely, and Duan Xiong's disguise and concealment technique of the old demon had truly reached the mortal realm of sanctification.

He plunged into the river, and his breath would become exactly the same as the surrounding water.

He retracted into the cave, and his whole person became a stone in his spiritual consciousness.

He didn't enter the forest, and the rich wood element spirit radiating from his body made Chu Chen wonder where it came from.

Relying on all sorts of magical disguise and concealment techniques, although the Ningkong Ancient Whale could teleport at will, it still couldn't really catch the two of them.

After escaping from the chase of the ancient whale time and time again, Chu Chen fully experienced the sky-reaching methods of the ten most powerful men in this evil way.

Chu Chen felt that Duan's escape skills were not only textbook-level, but art!

Obviously, if it weren't for the burden of Chu Chen with him, I'm afraid Duan Xiong would have escaped from the hunting of the Ningkong Ancient Whale.

Duan Xiong took a desperate way to hide in Tibet along the way, and his life was hanging by a thread, but Chu Chen learned something.

Even if he merely mimics Duan Xiong's operative fur around him, and has not grasped the essence of the true concealment and disguise, Chu Chen's concealment and disguise has improved a great deal!

If he could survive, this escape would be considered a windfall, and Chu Chen couldn't help sighing in his heart.

Duan Xiong was actually sighing at this time, this time he was really killed by this little fox!

Alas, until now, I can't throw away Chu Chen's burden. After all, I am a credible businessman!

He promised to save Chu Chen's life, hoping that his generous rewards will satisfy him.

Under this **** contract, treachery can only be thought of in mind.

I don’t know when this escape is the end, death or life?


Listening to the long whistling sound of the giant whale in the distance, and the terrifying sound wave impact, watching the huge trees around them undulate with exaggerated sound waves like grass in the grassland.

Duan Xiong suddenly had a thought that he might be dragged down by this business to death.

But what can be done?

You can only bite your teeth and continue to flee!




If the forest is not good, change the river, the river cannot change the Gobi, and the Gobi cannot change the grassland!


Three days and three nights passed, Ningkong Ancient Whale was still chasing after him, Duan Xiong struggled to survive.


After being hidden in a swamp again, Duan Xiong once again said a black lightning that dragged Chu Chen out fiercely.

Along the way, a Baizhang dragon-tailed blood crocodile perched in the swamp saw someone flying away above its head. It was suddenly furious. It just wanted to open its mouth and roar, feeling the fierce flames from the black human-shaped torch, and was so scared that it immediately retracted back into the swamp. Go deep.

This dragon-tailed blood crocodile is a true legendary beast of the Tianhe rank. It is definitely the real overlord in this 10,000-acre swamp, and a predator at the top of the food chain.

However, even such a fierce beast still didn't dare to be presumptuous when faced with a fierce like Duan Xiong, who was the top ten strongest in the evil way, and obediently hid it.

Duan Xiong, who escaped from the swamp, had just galloped in less than a cup of tea, and suddenly stopped in a stone forest area, his face changed abruptly: "It seems there is no way to escape!"


Chu Chen was stunned, and at this moment a bad premonition rose in his heart.

This is a pure sense of imminent disaster.

In this second, death was so close, as if a knife that could split the sky and the earth was hanging above the head.

The power of the vast soul radiated out to the four directions. When Chu Chen's soul power felt two huge and unmatched auras in the distance, his entire face completely changed...

About tens of thousands of feet away in front of them, two huge king-level ancient beasts were rushing over from two directions in front of them without any haste, forming a "product" shape with the Ningkong ancient whale behind them. Surrounded.

The two newly-appearing king beasts are full of horror.

The king-level ancient beast in the northwest is more than two hundred meters long, with black air enveloping its entire body, with six wings, and looks like a dragon or a dragon, with a pair of huge goat-shaped horns on it~www.ltnovel.com~ Black energy and electric light, killing intent permeated.

To the northeast is a giant bird measuring more than three hundred feet, covered with gorgeous dark green feathers, with its wings spread like a moving forest.


With blood-red eyes, it screamed, and its wings burst out with bright green light, and the space around the giant was broken!

This is a terrifying peacock king beast!

Both it and the six-winged horned dragon beast were terrifying existences that Chu Chen had encountered... But why did these two king beasts suddenly appear? !

At this time, the three king beasts occupied three positions respectively, completely surrounding the two of them.

And through the encirclement that they keep closing, it can be known that the appearance of these two ancient king-level beasts is definitely not accidental, they are really working together to round up Duan Xiu and Chu Chen!

Are you kidding me? !

(End of this chapter)

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