Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1593: Endless


Under the persecution of the three-headed king-level ancient beasts, the huge six-armed evil spirits in the sky gradually dimmed.

The impact of the breath of the three king beasts ravaged this space, and the entire space became turbulent!

Thunder and lightning are in the sky, green light is raging, black light is flying, and the void continues to collapse!

The black suffocating shield that the Cthulhu magic sacrificed was constantly impacted, as if it would fly into ashes and annihilate in the next second.

When Chu Chen was hesitating whether to untie the Hun Tian Ling who was tied to Duan Xiong's body, the change suddenly occurred again! ?


At this moment, a sudden change in the void...

The west side was frantically bombarding the six-armed Cthulhu defensive cover. Suddenly, a huge roar was heard from the sky, and a thick thunder light burst out of its mouth, but this time it did not blast towards the threatening Cthulhu's magical form. But... missed! ?

The huge purple beam of light blasted towards the east high in the sky!

The angry blow of the king-level ancient beast was extremely powerful, and the hundred-meter-long purple thunder light directly shattered a space and exploded a void gully.

In the depths of the void, ripples immediately appeared one after another.

The thunder did not hit the evil god's magical form at all, but its huge body was shaking violently. It had gradually dimmed, and its brilliance dissipated, and there were cracks on the giant body?

"I'm going, that fat sheep actually saw through the essence of Lao Tzu's secret technique!"

Duan Xiong's complexion changed drastically, and Chu Chen was stunned for a while, the vast soul power swept across the void, also suddenly startled!

Is that so?

At this second, Chu Chen knew clearly.

The powerful "six-armed Cthulhu Mana" released by Duan Xiong was not driven by him himself, but used some kind of mirror-like secret method, mixed with sacrificial art and space art, to summon "Cthulhu Projection!" came out

This evil spirit is just a phantom. Although the power is extremely powerful and the body is as real, it can even compete with the three-headed king-level ancient beast in a short time, but it has its fatal weakness.

That is the "spatial node" that cannot be avoided by projection.

Any projection will have a "space node", relying on the space node, using the sacrificial secret technique to summon the power of the ancient evil **** to the world is the essence of this secret technique.

Once that space node is destroyed, the Cthulhu Projection will naturally disappear.

The void that the six-winged horned dragon beast bombarded just now was the "space node" projected by this evil god!

This king beast is really not simple, it will not blindly act brutally when attacking, but can actually penetrate and see through the secret arts.

Such creatures are simply chilling!

Seeing that the Heretic God Law summoned by Duan Xiong was inconsistent, it would slowly dissipate in the void, but a greater abnormal noise came from a distance.


Chu Chen had an ominous premonition that misfortune would never come singly.

At this moment, the pressure between heaven and earth suddenly increased again, and two new and terrifying auras spread from the east and southwest.

Chu Chen immediately radiated spiritual consciousness over, and was stunned.

After a while, Chu Chen couldn't help but explode: "Damn!"

"How do you play this? I'll give up completely!"

Duan Xiu also opened his mouth wide, staring into the distance with dull eyes.

Just when the two of them looked like dead gray, a large gray-white cloud flew from the east side of the sky.

Above the clouds, a giant white-bone centipede measuring nearly a thousand meters long swallowed a vast cloud of air, and flew in unhurriedly.

If you look closely, you can see that the clouds are covered with endless resentful spirits, dead bones, and dead souls.

The strong, breath of death that is incompatible with this world of vitality is overwhelming, vast and endless, as if a kingdom of death has come!

The centipede king beasts like the Great Wall meandered past, shrinking and withering in the void!

This centipede king beast actually has the evil nature of corroding the world.

At the same time, on the southwestern horizon, a cloud of purple-red fog rolled violently.

Chu Chen's Spiritual Consciousness went deep into the mist, and found that it was a huge scarlet toad!


It suddenly seemed like a huge mountain rising into the sky, and the place where it stood before suddenly became a piece of broken ground. In the huge shaking, the earth broke and the mountain shook!

The body of the Toad King is more than three hundred feet long. Its dark red body is like a huge volcano flying into the sky. Its dark red body is covered with purple tumors and exhales a strong purple-red mist. .

Even though they were far apart, Chu Chen could still feel the intense and incomparable toxicity contained in the purple-red mist.

Where the mist passes, the world is bleak!


The Scarlet Toad King Beast jumped thousands of feet, and when it landed again, the earth shook crazily, and even the stone cliff at the feet of Chu Chen and Duan Xiong couldn't help shaking.

"Little fox, we can't deal with these three king beasts. Now there are two more. This is heaven to kill me!"

Duan Xiong was crying and wore a black robe, hunting and flying in the storm.

At this time, the rolling coercion completely swept through, and Chu Chen and Duan Xiong stood in this fragile space at stake.

The two new king-level ancient beasts, the white bone centipede and the blood-colored toad, appeared at once, and the thousand-zhang void swelled like boiling water.

Purple and black thunder and lightning, dark green sacred flame, death air, purple poisonous fog, and void cracks constantly rushed and bombarded each other within a narrow area of ​​a thousand feet. The pressure of the five king-level ancient beasts directly reflected Duan Xiong’s evil spirit It was smashed directly!

Duan fiercely let out a mouthful of black blood!

He bit his teeth, waved his big sleeve, and brushed it. A black light flew out, and the black light turned into a black ancient black iron umbrella.

This ancient umbrella the size of a round table swelled when the wind saw the wind, and instantly turned into a hundred meters in size, and the sky above the stone cliff protected both Chu Chen and Duan Xiong.

But Chu Chen immediately discovered that the moment this defense magic weapon was sacrificed, there was a crack?


But this is normal when I think about it.

The impact of the five king beasts is no small thing, and how can ordinary legendary magic weapons be able to contend, Chu Chen estimated that this ancient umbrella can only last a few breaths at most.

"Damn, these two king beasts should have been attracted by the big movement here..."

Duan Xiue wiped off the black blood from the corner of his mouth, and said viciously.

"Senior means that they are not in the same group!"

Chu Chen smelled a trace of survival.

"The two new king beasts are naturally not in the same group as the first three ~ www.ltnovel.com~ but you must not have the idea that the five of them are fighting, your kid can take the opportunity to escape."

Duan Xiong smiled coldly.

"Senior mean?"

"I mean, these two new king beasts have reached an agreement with Big Fish, Green Chicken, and Fat Sheep to hunt us together."

Duan Xiong said word by word, although he still had a smile on his face, the bitter smile was worse than death.

"Senior really can't deal with them?"

Chu Chen asked in a deep voice.

"It turned out that when there were three heads, we might be able to fight to the death. There was a chance to escape. Now surrounded by five heads, we will definitely die!"

Duan Xiong's black robe danced like a banner, and the vitality in his eyes gradually faded.

The top ten evil masters are all dead!

(End of this chapter)

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