Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1600: The old devil's body is a treasure

"Duan Xiong forcibly seized the body of the king-level ancient beast. Even if he survives, according to my expectation, this month's cooldown time will definitely not escape. This time is still the most basic, bad luck... if it is infected. The causal power of the king-level ancient beasts may take longer to return..."

The little hamster looks like an inscrutable master. WWWW.SUIMENG.lā

"It's actually not that difficult to separate the soul? Alas..."

Chu Chen couldn't help but sighed. In fact, he could be regarded as an expert in the separation of souls, but his own strength controlled the king beast.

The little hamster seemed to see through Chu Chen's thoughts, "This is no way. Although your soul is strong, but you are not strong enough to manipulate such a huge king beast, you will inevitably be defeated and melted by it, but the point I want to say is not this. , But precious thirty days!"

"Precious thirty days?"

Chu Chen didn't know why the little hamster wanted to emphasize the number of thirty days, he narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Haven't you thought of it?"

The little hamster shook his head and took a deeper posture.

"No, you have such a bad idea..."

After Chu Chen pondered for a moment, he finally thought of the little hamster's intentions and glanced at it in shock.

"What a bad idea, this is a great opportunity!"

The little hamster rolled his eyes and said, "You kid is too ignorant, right? One of the top ten supreme dignity, and the body of the top power in the world, the most important thing is that it is now a thing of no owner, the old demon's soul consciousness has been completely Leaving it, for you, whose soul power is abnormal, you can definitely manipulate it easily! Use it as your temporary avatar!"

"This one……"

Chu Chen was still speechless.

"One of the strongest human monks, with a 30-day lifespan, why don't you look forward to it at all?"

The little hamster despised Chu Chen's reaction.

"What can I expect from this..."

"This is a great opportunity God has given you. A human body with no owner, forcibly seizing and manipulating the king beast, may not be good for you, but you can definitely play with the body of Old Demon Duan. "

"Fun...sounds disgusting!"

"It's just manipulation. Your soul is extremely powerful. As long as you separate a soul spirit into it, you can manipulate Duan Xiong's body."

The little hamster persuaded Chu Chen painstakingly.

"Your soul has a strong zodiac sign. This physical body is a matter of no one. There is no need to worry about being affected by its soul imprint, let alone the power of causality."

The little hamster looked at Chu Chen expectantly.

"I know that I used this old demon's physical body as a clone, but I always feel weird in my heart..."

Chu Chen froze for a moment, frowning, his expression still filled with disgust.

To be honest, his experience in urging the clone is quite rich.

Moreover, as Duan Xiong is the strongest person, the 30-day life of such a clone is indeed a great opportunity.

But as soon as he saw the old demon's shriveled face and the treacherous triangular eyes, he couldn't help feeling resentful.

No matter how strong this clone is, it is a bit awkward to manipulate it!

"It depends on what matters. The strength of this old demon is one of the top levels in the world. However, because of the limitations of your own cultivation base, I am afraid that at most you can only urge this body to the peak of the Tianhe Great Realm. ."

The little hamster shook his head, regrettably.

Hearing "Tianhe Peak", Chu Chen couldn't help but brighten.

"Tianhe Peak is not a lofty state, but for you, it's already very abnormal. In fact, even if you use his physical body badly and can't exert much power, you are not afraid to worry, because his physical body is extremely powerful. , The strength of this physical body alone can withstand at least tens of thousands of attacks from the strong of the Tianhe Realm!!"

Chu Chen had to admit that little hamster's salesmanship was extremely strong, and after this introduction, he became more and more excited.

The little hamster became more and more excited as he spoke, and excited.

"With such a clone in hand, Chu Chen, you are equivalent to having a powerful bodyguard. Now the situation in Xiaoxianjie is in chaos, this clone can help you."

"But... still feels very awkward, the body of this old fox always gives me a little psychological barrier..."

Chu Chen looked embarrassed that could not be erased.

"I can't convince you if I don't believe it..."

The little hamster jumped up, trying to refresh Chu Chen's three views.

"If... I said there is a way for you to use this old man's physical body to increase your cultivation to the limit in a short time?"

The little hamster smiled treacherously, his face full of mystery.

"I'll go, so what's more awkward for me."

Chu Chen's eyes are about to shine!

During the period of staying in the Little Immortal Realm, once encountering a legendary powerhouse of the Tianhe Order, Chu Chen felt a deep sense of powerlessness, as if a mortal had encountered a giant dragon, there was no way to resist, but desperately Run away.

In the last battle of the white swordsman, if it hadn't been for the Taikoo volcanic nucleus in his hand, he would have died a long time ago!

Moreover, the Taikoo volcanic crystal core is a consumable item, and enhancing strength is the kingly way.

Insufficient strength, the probability of successful escape is relatively low!

When Chu Chen was chased by a white swordsman before, if Chu Chen hadn't taken advantage of the Little Immortal Realm's heaven and earth mutations and various chances, he would really face the chase of the Tianhe-rank powerhouse, I am afraid he would have no chance to escape.

At this moment, I want to have the strength to contend with the strong of Tianhe rank.

Chu Chen has no other way to go, that is, he must break through to the Linghe realm in the shortest time!

How easy is it to achieve the ultimate speed increase cultivation base?

The cultivation technique in the mysterious black jade slip that he had cultivated, every time he had to raise a realm, he would absorb dozens of times more heaven and earth spirit sources than ordinary monks.

When he reached the Lingxi Realm, he initially estimated that it might be a hundred times that of a normal monk.

This spiritual source is too difficult to accumulate!

I can't get up at all...

However, at this time, the little hamster said that there was a way to increase his cultivation at the maximum speed. How could Chu Chen not be tempted?

At the time when the Little Fairy World was faltering, Chu Chen really needed a method that could maximize his cultivation in a short time.

"Fatty, don't sell it, let's just say it, how can I use the body of the old demon Duan Xiong to increase my cultivation at the limit speed?"

Chu Chen looked at the little hamster solemnly.

"Don't worry, don't worry, you..."

When the little hamster was halfway talking, he suddenly saw the murderous look in Chu Chen's eyes, he smiled suddenly, and quickly got to the point.

"When I was wandering around in Xiaoxianjie recently, I stumbled upon a good thing, Nuo."

The little hamster slowly stretched out a slender paw to point to the void~www.ltnovel.com~ A ray of silver light rushed out from its fingertips and sank into the void.

In an instant, the void shook violently, revealing an ancient clumsy jar.

The jar was about a foot high, and it was black-yellow, and it looked like neither gold nor iron nor stone.

There are some ancient totems inscribed on the jar. Most of the totems seem to represent a piece of magical artifact, but those magical artifacts seem to be missing a lot.

There were melted spears, broken swords, and more than half of the bracelets that were burned out. They looked quite strange.

At the bottom of the jar, there is a vast ocean of spiritual power.

It gives people the feeling that someone has thrown all those countless magical instruments into this ocean, and it looks like it is something that specializes in recycling broken magic weapons.

"Is this a trash can?"

Chu Chen frowned and groaned.

(End of this chapter)

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