Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1605: Encirclement and suppression of Tianhe monks

Zhou Lin will always remember what Chu Chen told her, when you instinctively detect danger in the little fairy world, don't hesitate and run away!

As the girl retreated violently, she couldn't help but looked back at the direction of the attack, but the whole person froze.

Although the blade light broke through the earth, it also killed the poisonous insects.

The blade light glided across the body of the bloodworn centipede, cutting across the middle, cutting the centipede that was three feet long into two sections.

Dark red insect blood sprayed out, and where the insect blood dripped, the ground was corroded into fist-sized deep pits and billowing thick smoke.

The girl looked at the direction of the attack, but her eyes were red, and tears kept rolling in her eyes.

But the other party spoke first, "Are you... all right."

A slightly weak voice sounded, Lan Xuan smiled at Zhou Lin, his body was stained with blood, and his abdomen was still bleeding, his face was pale.

Obviously, Lan Xuan was seriously injured and his life was clearly hanging by a thread. The pair of short knives that were as bright as autumn water in him were almost out of hand.


Before Lan Xuan finished his words, he spit out a mouthful of blood and fell to the ground.

Zhou Lin hurriedly flew back, picked up Lan Xuan who had fallen on the ground, held him and fled to the depths of Tiejian Forest.

At this time, Zhou Lin knew that no matter how late he reacted, Lan Xuan was being hunted down!

And the opponent should be very strong!

Zhou Lin hugged Lan Xuan while speeding through the woods, and hurriedly stopped the bleeding for him.

Lan Xuan's condition can be said to be very bad. There is a big opening half a foot long on his back, and a penetrating wound on his left chest, which seems to be only a little away from the heart. The clothes on the boy's body are even more marked by swords. , Small injuries all over the body!

Lan Xuan's eyes were flustered. Although he didn't lose consciousness, his consciousness seemed to be losing consciousness.

Zhou Lin could only simply seal the acupuncture points near Lan Xuan’s wound to stop the bleeding, and then wanted to take out the healing pill and feed it to Lan Xuan, but in a panic dropped the pill bottle on the ground, and the crystal-like jade pill was spilled all over the place. .

She gritted her teeth and dared not even pick up the medicine bottle, and continued to speed, because she had clearly sensed it, and a god-like killing intent hovered behind her!

Although she was running wildly, she felt that she had already pierced her wings and couldn't fly.

Because that terrifying invisible killing intent has been chasing her, flying around her, she knows very well that if the other party wants to kill her, it will be easy!

Is it for the game?

Zhou Lin's heart is like falling into an ice cellar.

"The small animal camp of the Blood Eagle Breakthrough Group has finally been spotted by me!"

This voice is extremely arrogant and indifferent, with a domineering characteristic unique to those who have been in the top for a long time.

Running wildly, Zhou Lin looked back and found that there was one more person in the sky.

A middle-aged monk in a yellow robe who radiated the momentum of the sky from left to right. He was tall, with distinct facial features and angles, and the majesty of a superior person appeared between his eyes.

In the outside world, at least it was the bearing of a sect master.

His eyes were full of killing and anger at this time, making this world tremble!

His slender right five fingers spread slightly, exuding a terrifying aura that controls the world. Zhou Lin has noticed that his right is covered with a thin layer of dark gold lines.

This is actually a thin and simple set, covered with mysterious lines, faintly forming a domineering lion totem, scattered with the terrifying coercion of suppressing the world.

Zhou Lin's other insights are low, but her vision of treasures and cultivation bases is very high. This is the ability given to her by her spiritual religion.

This is a semi-chaotic artifact!

Zhou Lin knew how terrifying the semi-chaotic magic weapon was, and the strength of this yellow-robed monk was above the Tianhe level.

What a joke!

Is there any possibility of surviving being chased by such a strong man?

Although the heart was sad, Zhou Linren did not give up on escape. It doesn't matter if he died, but Senior Brother Lan Xuan couldn't die!

She had just flew forward about ten feet, and now there was one more person in the sky in front of her.

A beautiful girl in a cold yellow shirt hangs in the void in front of her. She is so cold that she does not belong to this world. She looks very young and looks like she is in her early twenties. An orange dress sets off a pair of straight and slender white legs. The perfect snow-white chest line, the figure has a fatal temptation.

Zhou Lin, who is also a woman, feels that this woman is beautiful and delicious, but her people are really too cold.

Those eyes of Danfeng that should have been charming were full of ice and snow, like a small iceberg hanging in the air, making Zhou Lin shudder.

Her spiritual pressure was also terrifying, Zhou Lin felt that she was at least half a step above the Tianhe realm.





A dozen auras flew, in addition to the man and woman in the front and the back, a dozen monks appeared in the surrounding sky. They were uniformly dressed in golden armor, and the armor covered them all, even their faces. Also covered by a hideous ghost mask.

Zhou Lin could only see through the gaps in her eyes a pair of icy eyes with intense killing.

The strength of this group of monks is very terrifying, and they are at least half of Tianhe's existence!

How come it is so high!

Looking at the patterns of their Kai Jia, Zhou Lin suddenly remembered their origin...

They are... the people who broke the group of golden lions!

The Golden Lion Breaking Formation Group is the top ten overlord-level Breaking Formation Group in the Little Fairy World!

Zhou Lin's heart became cold.

It turned out to be them... No wonder there will be so many half-step Tianhe perverts chasing over!

At this moment, Zhou Lin seemed to have returned to the day when the sickly white swordsman started the murder.

The white robe of the golden lion group was perverted, killing all the blood eagle companions, leaving only the blood of five of them!

Obviously, these people are here for revenge for the white swordsman!

Zhou Lin suddenly felt a little grateful that Chu Chen, Shi Yuyan, and Xuan Ke were not there...

Because this is a mortal game, if they are there, they can only be swept away by a single net, and the last survivors of the blood eagle will fall to a completely annihilated ending.

Now...Fortunately, it's just myself in the camp. If there is no Brother Lan, it would be even better.

If you can't escape, keep the sacrifice to a minimum!

I don't know if I can talk to them, let go of Brother Lan, the girl bit her lower lip gently.

"Zhou...Zhou Lin, listen to me..."

Lan Xuan in his arms suddenly spoke. His voice was very soft and his breath was weak, as if he would break off at any time, he motioned Zhou Lin to come closer.

Zhou Lin nodded, and leaned over to put her ears over.

"I...I have a legendary consumption magic weapon on my body, which can only be used once..."

When Lan Xuan spoke, some blood foam came out of his mouth, making Zhou Lin even more at a loss.

"Don't panic... I... will look for magical weapons that will detonate, you run away while chaos, remember..."

The girl shook her head vigorously, but she couldn't stop her tears.

"You know that you are not far away, and now you start to explain what happened to each other?"

An angry lion-like questioning sounded in the sky, and the Huangpao monk quickly flew above the two heads. His expression was extremely severe~www.ltnovel.com~ Zhou Lin gritted her teeth and did not speak, but just hugged Lan Xuan hard.


Monk Huangpao descended from the sky, not far in front of them, and said coldly, "You can't kill a monk Tianhe anyway with your trash. Tell me honestly, how did Yu Wenguang die?"

While he was speaking, another golden-armored monk flew in the distant sky. He was carrying an old monk whose five senses had been beaten into a deformed engraving. Even the silver was stained with blood, and he had lost consciousness at this time. .

"Master Su, I caught an old thing, but he didn't say anything, he was almost killed by me!"

Brother Huangpao ignored those who came from the sky, and still looked at Zhou Lin and Lan Xuan coldly, "Give you three wastes and ten lives, and you can't hurt Junior Yuwen at all. There are five people in your team, right? A gray-clothed young man and a half-step Tianhe demon girl, where are the two of them now?" () "The Emperor of Nine Suns" only represents the author Jian Zong's point of view, if the content is found to violate national laws and conflicts. , Please delete it. The position is only dedicated to providing a healthy and green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!

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