Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1614: Golden dead branches

"Relax, the dragon evil here is too thick, the distance is not enough, your spiritual thoughts naturally cannot be linked, the body of the old demon Duan is fine. {щww{suimеng][lā}"

The little hamster glanced at Chu Chen with a strange look, and then continued to gnaw on its vermilion spirit fruit.

Chu Chen calmed down when he heard the truth, took a few deep breaths of the cold air with the dragon evil spirits, and began another conquest of Broken Dragon Cliff.

Flying, flying, climbing with hands and feet!

Once again tired like a dog, he appeared on the top of the mountain covered in sweat.


He lay directly on the big bluestone on the top of the cliff, without the elegance of a high-ranking monk, like a beggar who hadn't asked for food for a few days.

But where could he take care of this, he pursed his **** and panted for a long time before slowly sitting up and adjusting his breath.

After a few more cups of tea, Chu Chen finally recovered some spiritual power.

Looking at the old demon's body standing aside indifferently, and then at the intact legendary instruments in the altar of refining, Chu Chen couldn't help sighing.

It is really difficult to improve the cultivation base!

At this time, Chu Chen directly picked up the little hamster from his chest, flicked a few times, and forcibly awakened the little hamster that was sleeping after eating.

"Ms. Cang, show me a clear path!"

"Ahem...Don't use your hands, I...I'll give you a way to press the bottom of the box."

The little hamster that was poked by Chu Chen all sorts of things finally got away from a pair of magic claws, and hurriedly pulled out a golden branch several inches long from the portable space.

Chu Chen's eyes brightened.

The branch looked like it had been withered for a long time, the surface appeared crumpled, without any leaves.

However, the whole dead branch exudes a golden light like a water wave, which looks extraordinarily mysterious, filled with an ancient atmosphere.

Chu Chen felt like a broken branch on a withered too old tree?

"What the **** is this?"

"Of course it's a good thing."

The little hamster looked mysterious, "You can give this secret branch to Duan Xiong clone to hold, and then let him inject his spiritual power into this dead branch, try it and you will know the effect!"

"What is the use of this broken branch?"

The little hamster rolled his eyes a few times and said, "I didn't see it, this dead branch is the dead branch of the ancient **** tree I found in the little fairy world. Spirit power is injected into it, and a spiritual power amplification knot will be formed within a radius of ten meters. World."

"Spirit augmentation barrier?"

"Well, within such an enchantment, your spiritual power will be greatly enhanced, and you will naturally be able to refine the legendary magical weapons that these Tianhe cultivators have left behind."

"Is it so magical?"

Chu Chen half-trusted the dead branch to Duan Xiu's avatar, and asked Duan Xiu to infuse the vast and majestic spiritual power into the dead branch. A golden halo suddenly radiated out, instantly covering a radius of thirty feet. area.


Chu Chen's first feeling in the barrier.

The dazzling golden halo shone all over, and a golden scorching sun suddenly appeared on the top of Broken Dragon Cliff.

The scorching waves radiated everywhere, and even the center of the enchantment and Duan Xiong were separated by about ten feet, Chu Chen felt a burst of unbearable heat.

He couldn't help frowning.

"Boy, Duan Xiong's spiritual power release needs to be adjusted down, not so fierce!"


"In addition, the radiation range is too large and it is a waste. The increase of ten zhang radius is enough to help you refine these magical weapons! Reduce the range."

The little hamster patted his head, watching Chu Chen hate iron for steel.

Chu Chen ignored the fat hamster, who was easily overwhelmed. He focused on it, carefully manipulating Duan Xiu to control the amount of spiritual power output from his palm.

To be honest, he himself owns the heavenly divine fire as his natal fire, so he can be said to be an expert in playing with fire.

But when encountering Duan Xiong's spiritual power, he could feel a heartfelt danger.

Duan Xiong also had a natal fire in his body, which was a black and ink flame.

The temperature of the black flame is not very high, but it has a powerful and weird swallowing characteristic. It seems that everything in the world can be swallowed in, making people feel very uncomfortable from the deepest part of the soul.

Considering his control of Duan Xiong clone at this time, it is a very difficult task to fine-tune the output range of spiritual power.

One big is easy to grow, and one small is completely collected!

The egg hurts...

The billowing golden halo carried a sense of heat that seemed to burn everything, making him sweat as he was manipulating Duan Xiong.

However, there was no other choice at this time, only to carefully adjust the spiritual power output of the Duan Xian clone in order to achieve the best effect.

After three full cups of tea, I saw the golden halo continuously shrinking, reaching within ten meters.

At the same time, the intense hotness disappeared, and the void became warm like spring, making Chu Chen feel much more refreshed.

Under the cover of the golden halo, Chu Chen used his spiritual power, and clearly felt that the spiritual power in his body had indeed become more active and violent.

The golden halo created by Duan Xiong contained a powerful and unimaginable boosting power, just like a huge boosting magic weapon.

Within this halo, he definitely felt that his strength had become many times stronger, and he seemed to be able to explode with earth-shattering power at any time with one gesture and one foot.

Once again controlling spiritual power into the mysterious totem, the blazing golden red flames immediately surrounded the entire altar of refinement.

At this moment, the speed at which the legendary magical instruments in the altar melted was much faster.

Refining these artifacts suddenly became an easy task, and Chu Chen felt a little uncomfortable. After practicing for a few hours, Chu Chen, who was bored and bored, decided to talk to the little hamster.

"By the way, Mr. Cang, you seem to have a lot more good things on your body recently."

While Chu Chen was able to refine the magical artifacts with ease, he turned his head and glanced at the little hamster. There were indeed many mysteries in this fat mouse. The vermilion spirit fruits just now were obviously extraordinary.

And the golden dead branch it dedicated now is even more incredible, almost comparable to the top-notch amplification magic weapon!

"Oh, the first layer of the seal on my body is about to be lifted, and there is already a gap, so I can collect some small things in the fairy world by myself."

The dazzling little hamster stretched out his hand again, not knowing that he took out a handful of melon seeds like a jade, chewing vigorously.

"You still found something good in the little fairy world, let's share it together."

Chu Chen now feels that he has become too easy to refining. With the help of a fierce character, the path of cultivation is almost as if he has started to hang out.

"There are not many good things in Xiaoxianjie, but the deity owns only many good things. This deity has lived for tens of thousands of years, and naturally collected a lot of treasures, but it is a pity that they are sealed in the deepest part of the body. Beast Supreme~www.ltnovel.com~ Lord of All Gods."

The little hamster enters the flamboyant and eloquent mode again.

"You're welcome, if the deity wants to, even this big world can be refined into its own internal space, but then it will be no different from the chaos guy! Alas, this uncle always pays attention to personality in his work. , I don’t like to copy other people, so I didn’t do it..."

The endless chatter of the little hamster made Chu Chen feel drowsy.

Chu Chen hurriedly boosted his spirits, stretched out a hand and rubbed his temples, and was too lazy to care about this bragging fat mouse, just as if he didn't know it.

The little hamster didn't care that the only audience had ignored it, still talking and dancing.

For Chu Chen, with the help of the amplification barrier formed by the golden dead branches, the legendary-level magical artifacts in the immortal altar were refined in just one day.

The refining of that semi-chaotic grade remnant treasure was also completed after three days!

(End of this chapter)

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