Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 986: Yuanjia Road is narrow

Elder Lingxin turned his head and glanced at him, with a touch of determination in his cold eyes: "Don't worry, I won't let you die, I will definitely lead you to find something to eat."

Chu Chen was moved and speechless. He wanted to make a joke with Lingxin, but she was always so serious.

Such a serious personality is totally inconsistent with her beautiful appearance.

Suddenly, there was a sudden jitter among the bushes ahead, as if something was constantly approaching.

Seeing this scene, Elder Lingxin’s eyes quickly froze, his slender right palm stood up, and the green light flickered slightly.

But the next moment, she let out a long breath, her frosty eyes softened a bit, and the spiritual power between her fingers was dispersed.

"Elder Lingxin?! Have you been rushed to this island too?"

A familiar voice came from behind, and Chu Chen turned her head to see, her pupils shrank slightly.

The figure that appeared in front of the two of them was dressed in white, with a magnificent appearance. It was the Sect Master of Pure Sun, Fang Rentang, who wanted to break out of the sea of ​​blood.

"Sect Master Fang also escaped safely from the sea of ​​blood? It's gratifying and congratulatory." The elder Lingxin nodded lightly, with a cold expression.

Fang Rentang looked very excited. At the beginning, he led a group of people to escape from the sea of ​​blood, but was trapped in a circle of blood-colored fog beasts, and everyone else was besieged to death by the fog beast.

While Fang Rentang relied on the tyrannical strength of "Nine$Long$Wind$Literature.. Stream of the Realm", and the last piece of the bodyguard, the Zhenzong Treasure of the Pure Sun Sect was also destroyed, the fog beasts suddenly miraculous Like disappeared.

Fang Rentang only thought that his luck was against the sky, but he didn't expect that Chu Chen actually saved his life.

However, after escaping from the **** fog, Fang Rentang was already in a desperate situation where the oil was exhausted and the lamp was dry. He could only drift along the current on the sea, but Chu Chen floated to this island a few days before he took his life back.

He also searched around the beach for a long time but couldn't find food, so he had the same thoughts as the elder Lingxin, and wanted to climb this unattainable mountain to find a chance and food.

Only after climbing for a few days, I still felt that I was far away from the mountainside indefinitely. I was frustrated and had to turn back halfway, but I didn't expect that I happened to meet the elder Lingxin, the beautiful beauty Pharmacist, and I was very happy.

"You have climbed for several days, still haven't even reached the mountainside?"

Elder Lingxin didn't have the slightest expression on his face, and the look of a stranger in his hometown, looking at Fang Rentang, was clearly indifferent.

Fang Rentang nodded vigorously: "Oh, yes, I have been flying at a rapid speed for about six days. I feel that it will take at least twice as much time to reach the small mountainside. I can't even see the outline of the mountain top, so I give up. After climbing the huge mountain and returning home, I advise you not to climb anymore, save some energy and go back early."

The frosty and pretty face of Elder Lingxin didn't change much. She turned her head back gently, and the exposed white neck made Fang Rentang feel dazzled.

It's a pity that the object of her speech and concern is the lame boy behind her back.

"Tonghu, do you mean to continue climbing or turning back?"

"It's getting late, or let's find a place to spend the night. After waiting tonight, we will see if we continue to climb or just go back. I will think about it again."

"Okay, I listen to you."

The elder Lingxin, who has always been aloof, cold as frost and inhumane, actually obeyed this lame boy.

Fang Rentang was furious, his eyes narrowed slightly, and a cold light passed quietly.

Chu Chen looked up at the sky at this time. The setting sun was about to fall below the horizon. At first glance, there was only a faint yellow cloud on the horizon emitting a faint light, and a faint night was gradually filled between the sky and the earth.

The entire giant mountain has been slowly immersed in the twilight.

The elder Lingxin looked around, and immediately found a big stone with a relatively flat leeward behind him, and gently put down the bamboo chair on his back.

The setting sun is like blood, the pale yellow sunset is like yarn like mist, and the light and ethereal lingering on the western horizon brings a kind of hazy beauty.

In fact, the place where the three of them were located was already quite high at this time, because the mountain was too tall and magnificent. Even at the foot of the mountain, it was already equivalent to the tops of other ancient mountains.

Therefore, the field of vision here is extremely good. At a glance, the world is magnificent, exuding a powerful smell in the setting sun.

It's just that although the scenery is beautiful, the three of them have almost nothing to appreciate. At this time, they can even be said to have encountered the greatest crisis of their lives, that is...no food!

Chu Chen and Elder Lingxin had no food on them. In fact, the two of them had been hungry for several days.

Although the physique of the monk is much better than that of ordinary people, and he can also absorb the aura of the void to supplement himself, but after the shipwreck, he has not eaten for a whole day, and food has become a very big problem.

At this time, both Lingxin Elder and Chu Chen looked pale, and deep in the pupils, thin bloodshots were looming, unable to conceal the exhaustion and hunger emanating from the inside out.

"Elder Lingxin, the sea of ​​blood can destroy the law of space in the storage ring, presumably you haven't eaten for a few days."

Fang Rentang smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth, with an empathetic look. He reached into his arms and took out a cloth bag. It was opened in front of the elder Lingxin as if to please. Inside, there was indeed a fist-sized jerky with a little spiritual fragrance.

"When I left the sea of ​​blood, I was exhausted, so I had to grab a shark and let it swim around with me. When it floated on this desert island, the shark died suddenly because of some secret power. Shi gave me food supplements for the past few days."

Fang Rentang chuckled, his face concealed, and he seemed to have a lot more confidence in capturing the heart of a beautiful woman. "This jerky shark meat is crudely made by me~www.ltnovel.com~ The taste is not very good. Please don't dislike Elder Lingxin."

Chu Chen also had to admit that at this time, the value of this small piece of meat was not an exaggeration to say that it was more valuable than a magic weapon.

He looked at the piece of meat in Fang Rentang's hand and felt aura lingering.

Faint fluctuations of spiritual power were emitted from this piece of meat, indicating that the shark was not an ordinary fish, but a spirit beast.

Such a spirit beast actually came here and died suddenly. It seems that this island is indeed full of mystery.

"What do you look at? This jerky was left by me specifically for the elder Lingxin, you trash kid, don't make any ideas! A trash like you is a waste of food even if you eat it, you are on this desert island What's the use?"

Fang Rentang glared at Chu Chen contemptuously.


Chu Chen didn't say anything, but the elder Lingxin's eyes were cold.

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