Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1730: No way in the dark

   In the black hole that Chu Chen dug out with his own power, everyone fell very fast.

   Chu Chen couldn't help but sigh that after digging for so long, it only took a moment for everyone to fall.

   In a blink of an eye, everyone has reached the bottom of the five hundred zhang cave.

   The light below is very dim, but it is not a problem for the monks. The entrance of the black ruins is a huge circular stone arch, which is about a hundred meters wide.

   Everyone is standing in front of it, just like standing in front of a monster's huge mouth, there is a feeling of being eaten at any time!

   But when they thought that the nine-day chasing soldiers outside the super giant pit were about to chase, everyone did not hesitate to follow Chu Chen into this deep and mysterious stone gate.

   Along this huge black passage, in the darkness, Chu Chen and the others were galloping lifelessly.

   It didn't take long for everyone to discover by accident that the passage had ended, and there was a huge wall in front of it!

   "Brother Chu, why... why did it end so soon?"

   "There is no way to go, is there only this empty passage in this black ruin?"

   "What should I do? They...will they chase me soon?"

   A group of monks stood at the end of the black passage, looking around, it was empty, there was nothing but the wall.

   Ignoring the noise of the crowd, Chu Chen stood among a group of dumbfounded monks with his eyes closed and said nothing.

   The one-armed old man made a silent gesture, and everyone immediately shut up, knowing that it would be useless to say more at this time, only to wait for Chu Chen's next move.

   Fortunately, it didn't take long for Chu Chen to move forward. He slowly walked forward three steps, then squatted down, pressed one palm heavily on the ground, and then rotated left and right a few times.


   Everyone faintly heard the sound of Ji Zhi, and the floor under their feet began to sway slowly, and one by one hurriedly backed away from the shaking area. After a while, a square black hole appeared in front of the monks.

   At this time, the coolie monks found the secret path easily when Chu Chen entered the ruins for the first time, without any curiosity or surprise.

   It seems that even if Chu Chen knows any secrets of heaven and earth, it is natural.

   There are things he doesn't know, it's strange!

  Along the stone steps, everyone began to speed again. After a short while, two fork roads appeared. Without any hesitation, Chu Chen pointed with his finger and chose the left.

   Everyone walks left.

   In less than a stick of incense, the road crossed again, this time Chu Chen chose the right.

   Everyone walks right.

   Everyone kept making choices, but within a short hour, they faced dozens of choices of sidetracking.

   "This is his grandma's maze!"

   "That's right, I have gone a lot of ways, I am completely confused now."

   "Dizzy, I feel like I'm spinning around...what the **** is this?"

   "Will we just go on like this, this is actually a ruin with no end!"

   While everyone was speeding, they were talking a lot, but suddenly they heard Chu Chen's voice, "We are here."

Arrived? !

   When everyone looked around, there was a slightly narrow space at the end of the stone steps.

   This is a stone chamber with a radius of more than ten meters. The stone chamber is surrounded by incomparably hard iron-scaled rock, which seems to be extremely defensive, but there is no other way out except for an exit for everyone to enter.

   Is there another mechanism?

   The first reaction of everyone was this, but Chu Chen immediately denied everyone's thoughts, "Unfortunately, there is no mechanism here."

   "There is no mechanism, then... what shall we do?"

   "Don't tell me, this is the ultimate place of the ruins..."

   "How can it, I can't see it?"

   A group of cultivators followed Chu Chen in a frantic rush, and their hearts were always up and down, hanging high, always unable to let go.

   At this time, the one-armed old man made another gesture of peace and tranquility, and everyone quieted down with tacit understanding, and their eyes gathered on Chu Chen.

   looked at Chu Chen slowly closing his eyes.

   It didn't take long for Chu Chen, who had urged his spiritual consciousness to spread in all directions, opened his eyes, and realized it in his heart.

   "The stone slab under our feet is the exit, or entrance."

   All the cultivators kept quiet, and continued to look at Chu Chen one by one.

   "To be precise, the stone slab under our feet is the real dome of this black ruin. It is about a hundred feet thick..."

   Before Chu Chen's voice fell, Qi Fei, who had been silent, suddenly said, "That means that we have not really entered the black ruins yet."

   Chu Chen nodded.

   "Yes, we are still on the periphery of the black ruins. We want to enter the ancient stone temple to completely solve the ancient curse. Only by forcibly blasting through this iron-scaled rock slab can we enter the real remains."

   The monks were dumbfounded once again.

   "This... this is all corundum rock, which is comparable to the hardness of meteorite, and it is a hundred meters thick. Can it be penetrated?"

   A weak middle-aged monk who is more knowledgeable about stratum feng shui can't help shaking his head.

   Iron scale rock and stone, the coolie monks have heard of it.

   One of the three hard bones in the Xianjing Canyon. Once they encounter such a stone in the mining area, everyone will choose to abandon the excavation and find another way.

   It is impossible to break three feet, let alone one hundred feet!

   "There is no other choice. We can live through this dome, and we can only die if we don't."

   Chu Chen said word by word.

   The cultivators stood silently on the spot. At this moment, Qi Fei gently stretched out his hand to separate the crowd. He came alone in the center of the stone room.

   didn't say a word, Qi Fei just quickly activated the spiritual power in his body, and everyone immediately flashed aside with interest.

   People who can't do anything, the most important thing to do ~www.ltnovel.com~ is to make way for the strong.

   A crimson light burst out of Qi Fei's body, instantly illuminating the entire small stone room, making the monks' faces become blood-red.

  Chu Chen had long discovered that Qi Fei used his own power to forcibly suppress the army of white-clothed monks who had suppressed hundreds of people for nine days. In the constant fighting, they had actually suffered serious injuries.

   At this time, the **** light surrounding Qi Fei's body is dim, far from the majestic and majestic in the heyday.

   When the light of blood came out, it was as agile as a python, lingering around him endlessly.

   Just as Chu Chen wanted to talk, Qi Fei took action!


   As he squeezed his fist, there was a strange noise in the air, and the light of blood lingering around his body condensed with lightning on his clenched right fist.

   The blood group of light instantly transformed into a sharp and unmatched drill-shaped edge!

   Give me...broken!

   With a clear chirp from Qi Fei, the blood-colored light drilled out angrily, blasting heavily on the hard ground.


   The dazzling blood light made everyone couldn't help covering their eyes with their hands, but huge vibrations came from the soles of their feet, and the ground began to rise and fall like a tide. ...


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