Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1789: Blue Bull Giant Skeleton

The fragments of these magic weapons have been completely destroyed, they have completely lost their spiritual power and become petrified dead objects!

Chu Chen's spiritual consciousness scanned the past and found that such things are pure waste, and there is no interest in them.

Obviously these fragments of magical treasure were not good treasures in the first place. Even if the real treasures of the immortal family are fragments, they cannot become real waste due to destruction or the passage of time.

But now that they were all here, Chu Chen still didn't plan to go home empty-handed, so Dawing rolled up a dozen pieces of rubbish-like magic weapon fragments into his storage space.

That's it, no matter how much garbage, Chu Chen doesn't want to pick up more!

Flying through the wreckage, Chu Chen could vaguely feel what a tragic battle had been here!

It can be seen that the two parties participating in the war are gods and demons.

At the foot of this mountain are some low-level magic soldiers or **** slaves. In addition, there are some legendary beasts, various mounts, and fragments of **** birds from ancient times.

The ranks of those ancient beasts and sacred birds are embarrassing. From time to time, you can see broken dragon scales, broken claws, and petrified feathers.

It's a pity that they were completely destroyed by the wave of attacks and became waste!

From the faint intuition of the Yinpeng clone, you can perceive that those things are from real dragons, phoenixes and other real beasts!

Naturally, their bodies will not be at the foot of the mountain, but at least halfway up the mountain, right?

This is a real battle between gods and demons!

The level of this divine battle was unbelievably high, and it was also an unimaginable level of heaven and heaven that Chu Chen could not imagine.

Approaching the foot of the mountain, after advancing nearly two hundred feet or more, the pressure in the air has made Chu Chen's Yinpeng body unable to fly by, and can only continue walking one footstep on the ground.

After walking another distance, as his vision spread, he was stunned!

It's a few tens of feet away near the foot of the mountain, which is more than 300 feet away.

A huge cyan corpse lies on a slightly sunken ground.

It was a huge green cow, and the carcass was exceptionally intact, and there were almost no breaks in sight.

The corpse of the green cow is extremely large, at first glance, it seems to be as high as the sky, like a mountain range.

Looking closely again, it seems only three feet tall.

If you look closely for a while, you feel that it is huge and incomparable, almost becoming the center of the world.

This feeling is very strange, it seems that it is impossible to detect what the body of the blue bull is like by relying on vision and spiritual knowledge alone?

And even though he died for a long time, the remaining coercion on that blue bull still made Chu Chen feel throbbing deep in his heart. It was a kind of awe that originated from the deepest instinct in the soul.

It’s all in its power!

The coercion of high-level sacred beasts is unparalleled.

It's as if... even the golden-winged roc bird at the peak of the ancient times would awe this blue bull!

This...what kind of animal is this?

It is actually higher in rank than the Golden Winged Roc Bird, one of the supreme beasts? Could it be...

At this moment, Chu Chen was shocked!

Through the history of ancient mythology, there is only one azure beast that is famous for the ages and higher than the golden winged roc, and there is only one... Taiqing Moral God, the mount of Taishang Laojun!

This green bull in the history of mythology is so famous!

Taiqing Tianzun founded humanity, guided the torrent of human civilization, enlightened the Quartet, 30,000 miles of purple energy, went out of Hangu Pass to the west, turned Hu into Buddha and founded Buddhism...every earth-shaking event.

All the merits of this green cow are in it.

Even in the internal pedigree of the beast, this blue bull still exists!

While shocked in his heart, Chu Chen's eyes spread upward, and he immediately saw a gray-silver spear inserted into the fallen body of the blue bull.

The spear was extraordinarily sturdy, and the whole body was covered with gray and silver swirl patterns, which looked like it was constructed from countless gray swirls.

Those whirlpools radiated majestic power, crucifying the green cow to the ground.

Even after I don’t know how long years, Chu Chen’s eyes stayed on the long spear for a while, still feeling a throbbing in his heart, it seems that the whole soul must be attracted by a mysterious power, to sink into the gray of the long spear handle In the whirlpool.

He was shocked at the moment, and quickly looked away to calm his mind.

This is a magic weapon with spiritual power and supernatural power! !

It is totally different from the fragments of magic weapons that have been completely destroyed.

If this silver spear is controlled by oneself, not to mention the Chaos level, even the holy weapons can be easily destroyed!

Chu Chen's heart was surging.

Although the Black Mist Valley is really dangerous, as the final battlefield of the ancient gods war, any place cannot be underestimated.

Anything can have great luck!

That is to say, the body of Yinpeng can enter here with tyrannical physical body. If it is changed to a human monk, even a powerful person in the Tianhe realm or even a higher level, if lucky to inhale the poisonous mist, it will die.

Even if he struggled to this point, the cultivator Tianhe would be sucked out of his soul and consciousness and become a living dead when he glanced at that spear!

Knowing this, Chu Chen became more careful.

After walking fifty feet forward again, the pressure around him was already so great that he could barely bear it.

Seeing that there was still more than 30 feet of distance from the body of the blue cow, it was definitely not a distance that could be reached with all his might.

Chu Chen shook his head, turned around, and left immediately.

According to his estimation, as long as this Yinpeng clone evolves again, it should be able to reach the position where the blue bull corpse is.

The most important thing now is to go to the southern sky area with immortal world imprints to find the gate of apocalypse.

Maybe you can find a way to unlock the seal of the Azure Emperor Ring by entering the gate of apocalypse!

Knowing in his heart, Chu Chen turned and stepped towards the black mist valley mouth by claw, but he hurried to a place less than a hundred meters away from the valley mouth, his wings flapped, and the huge silver body flew up.

Soon it turned into a silver light and left the Black Mist Valley area, flew into the sky, flew over the Dragon Burial Tomb area, flew over the Biquan Fairy Trail area, and flew into the black firmament.

The disciples of Biquan Immortal Sect all raised their heads, looking up at the huge silver shadow in the sky, and began to worship one by one without realizing it.

"Is the condor going to sleep again?"

"The condor is going to fly away, no matter what, when you see the condor, hurry up and make a wish!"

"Shenying~www.ltnovel.com~Shenying, please bless me tomorrow to break through the fifth level of Lingshui."

"Shenying, you have to protect Senior Sister Zhang from returning safely from this trial."

"Shenying, I hope you can bless my batch of refined pills to sell for a good price."

Chu Chen, who was flying higher and higher, obviously would not have thought that he would become a disciple of Biquan Immortal Sect, a tool and mascot for wishing!

I am not a meteor!

Chu Chen, who fluttered for thousands of miles, completely left the realm where Biquan Immortal Sect was located in a blink of an eye, and continued to fly toward the sky ahead! ...


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