Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 112: negotiation

"This woman is actually a senior hypnotherapist. No wonder such a great magical power can pass the illusion of the soul to the hearts of the three of us. It is really amazing."

Jiang Li knew who this woman was.

Chu Shan said something extraordinary.

Thirty-sixth Hwaseong First Hypnotist, Naaman.

This is a mysterious character, can be described as the strongest person in Jinghuacheng, no martial arts master is her opponent, because you can hypnotize you far away.

It is rumored that her practice has reached the "constant" state, that is, her mind never returns, is consistent, and is about to become a holy fetus.

This is the eight-place Buddha in Buddhism.

The will to seek the Tao stays in the heart forever.

"What are you looking for?" With his instinct, Jiang Li thought it was not a good thing.

"I am entrusted by Tong to reconcile with you," said Nayao's mind slowly and slowly. "Of course, Yu Tong can't command me, because I owe a favor to one's family. You are a student at Xingkong University, he dare not What happened to you, but you killed Yu Muhua, and this family can't stand it, so you have to give compensation. "

"Compensation, what compensation?" Jiang Lijun sneered, although the other party was the first hypnotist, but the legal society did not dare to mess up, so he was fearless: "Yu Muhua will kill me three or five times. I can't bear it. Fight back and kill. He said that during the trial, the jury would not give me a count of over-defense, even if he was in court in Jinghua City. Maybe it is still a proper defense. "

"I don't care about this, just as a messenger, right and wrong have no interest in discussing it." Nayeon waved his hand: "The condition put forward by Yu Tong is that your father Jiang Zhendong must work for the family and study the days without real side effects. Moon essence, waiting for Sun and Moon essence to pass the government's review and listing, the grudges that killed Mu Hua will be written off. "

"Hahaha ..." Jiang Li laughed instead: "What a big tone! What is the essence of Sun and Moon? A little Yu Muhua can be compared? If the real Sun and Moon essence is developed, it will not be put on the market. In terms of billions, how much value does Yu Muhua have? "

"Although you have been admitted to Xingkong University, you haven't the ability to set up a laboratory." Nayue sighed and sighed: "Behind Yu's home represents the entire 36th Huacheng, one of the heritage forces of the ancient Huaxia country. You Fathers get their full help and can definitely do better research. They also have special scientific researchers to cooperate with your father's work, concentrate the strength of the entire Chinese area, and research out the true essence of the sun and the moon. This is not only important to you. Help, and it can help the entire Chinese. "

"Speaks nicely, and makes my father a coolie? I want to be beautiful." Jiang Li still sneered.

"It's not coolie." Nayeon threw out a bait: "In exchange, your father will get 50% of the shares, and the other half will be split between the home and all the big guys in Jinghua City, used to build the entire Chinese world. You also know that the current sun and moon essence is flawed and lacks power. In fact, the ancient sun and moon essence is extremely powerful and does not belong to heaven and earth aura. If we can develop a real sun and moon essence, the first thing to benefit is the Chinese people. The strength of 36th Huacheng will expand sharply, causing an economic boom, and you can also defeat the Jiang family. The current situation is that your father has the technology, we have the resources, we have the ability to promote, we have the research conditions, and we give our full support Would n’t it be better to combine your father ’s research with this to turn Gan Ge into jade? ”

"I have to say, you are very persuasive." Jiang Li's eyes dropped slightly: "But the Jiang family also promised to give my father a share, but did not give a penny. The promises are all shit. And I can build myself later. Lab, do you think I don't have this ability? "

"Of course you have the ability, but the ability is still very weak. If you want to set up a laboratory for your father to study, it will take at least 30 years to reach the scale, and it is impossible to have such good conditions as Jinghua City." Continue to analyze: "How much change will happen in 30 years? Your father is Xiang Yan, the Sun and Moon Group Jiang family needs him, we also need him, and some white forces also need him. The interests are touching. You go to Xingkong University to study, these people will never let go of your father. "

Nayeon is telling the truth.

Jiang Zhendong is a researcher on the essence of the sun and the moon. He holds a lot of scientific research secrets. Many big forces would rather take risks and want to control him.

So Jiang Li was very prepared, and once he finished the exam, he went home immediately.

"This proposal, in all fairness, is indeed good." Jiang Li knows that although he has improved his status, he still has to set up a laboratory. In order to form a scientific research group, not only must we gather a large number of people and huge funds, but we also need a lot of power and machinery.

The research on the essence of the sun and the moon is just like the research on nuclear weapons two hundred years ago. It is definitely not based on the research of one person and two people. It requires huge energy, laboratories, brains, and even warships.

None of these rivers were established.

Really have to wait thirty years.

And all these conditions are available at 36th Huacheng.

Once cooperated, the research of Sun Moon Essence will start soon.

However, Jiang Li deeply understands his father's character and will never cooperate with others. And killing Mu Hua's son himself is always a big hatred, he doesn't believe that this hatred will be resolved.

Hatred is hatred, and it is impossible to turn Gan into jade.

The righteousness of the Ninth is especially good in the Spring and Autumn.

If my father cooperates with this group of people, the results of the research will definitely be eaten clean, and research is equal to control, and he will be controlled at that time.

Why can't he see that?

However, the senior hypnotist in front of him had an opinion, and he could not immediately refuse it, otherwise it would be a naked face, and he still had some fears about such a character.

"This matter is a big deal, and I have to consider before I reply." Jiang Li said for a while.

"You have refused, don't perfunctory me." Naman laughed. "Perfunctory is not possible in front of a senior hypnotist, and our hearts are very discerning."

"It seems to be true." Jiang Li smiled a little, he knew that perfunctory in front of such characters is indeed a joke: "I will not cooperate with the thirty-six Huacheng gangsters, hatred is hatred, especially killers Even if he is willing to resolve his hatred, I wo n’t worry about letting my father enter their laboratory. I hope you can understand this. If you want to treat me, come on, although I ’m not as good as you, but Can fight! "

After all, Jiang Li is really not afraid of senior hypnotists.

Magic Fox hypnotized him and was backswept.

The ancient bear hypnotized him and was backswept.

The sorcerer on Qu Boxing hypnotized him, but he was still bitten back.

If Naman were to hypnotize him, he would end up in the same end, even though Naman was better than them.

It all depends on milky stones.

Thinking of the stone, Jiang Li suddenly remembered that he could start the practice of "The Great Emperor's Fire Seal". I wonder what the magic is? Since it is in front of the wind and thunder, it is definitely more magical.

"Hee hee hee ..." Naman laughed: "You and I have no resentment, I will not shoot at you, my trip is just a lobbyist, since I can't convince you, then go back and explain to the family, Yu It ’s not easy for me to ask for a home, I do n’t need to tell them anything, but for you, I ’m actually curious to have time to come to my Mandala Island! ”


Suddenly, Naman exploded and disappeared into a black mist.

Nothing in front of me is an illusion.

Wang Changrong looked dignified: "A wonderful woman, this woman is the dragon and phoenix of the people, and she is eligible to emigrate to the elite zone."

"She is the first hypnotherapist at 36 Chenghua City. She is still practising hard, trying to break through the established realm, forming a sacred fetus, and going to the elite area, and then going to the elite area." Chu Shan also started in a cold sweat: "If this person shoots, none of the three of us together will be her opponents, but she will not easily enemies."

"It's very powerful," Jiang Lidao said, "but I don't think she is malicious to me, and instead invited me to her Mandala Island."

"You can go at her invitation. Although Naman is a little bit mysterious, she has a good reputation and hasn't done any bad things in the hypnotic circle. Of course, human laws are so strict that even big people like her can't do evil." Chu Shan nodded: "How do you say the terms she proposed?"

"Of course I won't agree!" Jiang Li said categorically: "Let my father go into the tiger's mouth ~ www.readwn.com ~ It's a joke."

"I didn't expect that your father was so heavy! He is the main researcher of the Sun and Moon Essence. Fortunately, the real Sun and Moon Essence was not researched at first, otherwise the Jiang family will sell this drug to the whole world, and the family will be huge. Ten times! I have reported this to the headquarters of Security Group, and it will be passed on to our founder in the elite area. He will meet your father in person at that time. Now, the security group will also send experts in the future. Come and protect your father. "Chu Shan immediately said.

In Chushan's eyes, Jiang Zhendong's weight even surpassed that of Jiang Li.

Those who can hope to study the true essence of the sun and the moon, once successful, can only be measured in trillions.

Security groups have to pay attention.

Although Jiang Li is valuable, it is far inferior to Jiang Zhendong.

What's more, when the real sun and moon essence is researched and put into the market, the sun and moon essence of the Jiang family will become fake and shoddy products! Because the essence of the sun and the moon is still banned from drug use, it cannot be put on the market for civilian use, but can only be spread through the black market.

The true sun and moon essence has no side effects and can be approved by the government to obtain a patent.

At present, the sun and moon essence of the Jiang family is not patented.

The security group also wants to eat this citron.

However, Jiang Li still trusts the security group for the time being. Of course, he has to guard against the other party's conspiracy and trickery. Although Chu Shan and Chu Xiji are not under the guilty, but they are not allowed to have another big director in the security group. interest.

Wang Changrong, Dahei is his hole card.

Especially big black.

Dahei is getting stronger and stronger. As long as there is a gene potion of Zhentian Thunder Beast, it will continue to evolve as soon as possible. At that time, it will be equal to the existence of a machine that surpasses Zhongwu Mech.

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