Chapter 108 Part 2

Battling Meng Xingyun Part 2

Another sword finger appeared out of nowhere. It penetrated pointed on his body and Jiang Li immediately felt like all the bones in his body wereas broken, as if h it was like he was struck by lightning.

Jiang Li flew outwards and heard a voice by his ear: “Battle ended, Jiang LiI lost! You have lost your chance to be in top 10. I wish you all the best.”

When he heard this voice, Jiang Li didn’t feel sullen, but instead he was very calm. He knew that after being pointed by Meng Xingyun’s finger, all the bones in his body had broken, and he had serious injuries. But with the medical capabilities of Astral University, he would recover very soon.

Still, he had But he still lost the spot in top ten.

With his life force, he had a chance at being top ten. However, he was unlucky and was matched with Meng Xingyun.

“This person’s martial arts state is obviously higher than me. Even if I used [Emperor Lightning Seal], [Emperor Wind Seal], I still wouldn’t be a match for him. It’s mainly because I don’t understand the two seals well enough and couldn’t use its true power.” Jiang Li was very clear headed. He was covered by a mist of energy. He saw many medications being rubbed on his body inside the energy cloud. Then, the energy seeped into his body and started repairing his bones.

Crack crack

He could see the bones in his body start healing.

Stasis cultivation state could allow a person to microscopically view every part of his body.

After 3 hours later, the energy dissipated and he found himself lying on a patient bad. The computer showed his final rank: “Jiang Li, ranked 11.”

He shook his head as he recounted Meng Xingyun’s finger attack. It was like an immortal flying through the heavens. Using his finger as a sword, Meng Xingyun locked all his life potential. Under the heavens, who can escape that sword?

He left the bedwalked off that bed and moved his muscles. He found out that his wounds had fully healed. He secretly praised the power of cutting-edge medical technology.high technology medical means.

“Although I didn’t get into top ten this time, it doesn’t matter. The days are still long, I will eventually bring my power up.” Jiang LI was at peacepeaceful at his heart. He walked into the waiting room and discovered that many students had come out. They were disqualified too.

“Jiang Li? Were you disqualified too? How?” Lara and Liana were also in the waiting room looking at the screen. When they saw Jiang Li, they hurried to come greet him.

“It is nNothing extraordinary, there are many hidden strengths  strong people in Astral University. I was prepared to bet’s normal for me to be disqualified.” Jiang Li waved his hand: “I was matched with Meng Xingyun, I lost, so I was placed 11th.”

“That’s really unfortunate.” Lara looked at Jiang Li with pity: “If you were 10oth, then you would be treated differently.”

“We’ve all become students of Astral University, and that’s good enough.” Liana comforted, she pointed with her finger: “Look! The top ten battle has begun! These battles e battles before were private in the past but now they’re public!w, the top ten battle is public. I wonder who will top the ranksget first?”

Jiang Li looked at the screen.

Ten people had appeared on it.

Meng Xingyun and Tang Yan were all in it.

Other than this, there was also another Asian. The other six were Caucasians white people and another black person.

3 Asian, 6 white, 1 black.

It could be seen from this that the white people had an advantage in terms of life force. There were also quite a number ofsome martial arts experts amongst them. The current state of humanity was one which favoured the white which the white people had the advantage.

“Has the battle begun?battle has started?” Tthat Meng Xingyun is so strong, he defeated yet another opponent!”

And so the battle of the top ten begun. At this time, the top ten battle had begun.

Jiang Li fixed his gaze on Meng Xingyun. This person was too strong and gave him insurmountable pressure. He wanted to see if hethis person was going to be the star show.

The screens showed that he was matched with a white student with 2.5 life force but he only used one move of [Heavenly God Sword] and broke through all of the opponent’s defences with that one finger smashing his opponent’s body away.

Then, he continued to beat each opponent swiftly and cleanly. Even Tang Yan was defeated by him.

At last, he won first with overwhelming advantage.

“Amazing, his life force is probably 3!” Jiang Li watched each battle with increasing disbelief.looked at these battles and shook his head. Meng Xingyun was definitely the strongest in all of the students. He acquired crushing victory in every round. ry,” “Could this person really be a spy from alien warriors?” Jiang Li thought to himself.

He buried this thought in the depth of his heart. He needed to watch him secretly.

The results of the ranked matches were finally announced. The first was Meng Xingyun, the second was a white student called Howard. The third was the black student named called Laman.

Tang Yan was 5th.

The remaining Asian student was called Ma Yiyuan. He was sixth.

Jiang Li looked. His life force was about the same as Jiang Li’s. Hhowever, he was extremely experienced in battle with a meticulous conspicuous military style, and he was brimming over with drive and purposefull of killing intent. Jiang Li wondered how many bloody battles he had been twent through.

“The top ten students must report to thecome to the high levels of the base to receive your valour. All othThe other students may disperse.” The computer sounded: “Now, you may choose to recuperatecultivate on Emperor Planet and wait 3 months till school starts or you may choose to take the spaceship through the wormhole and return to your family to share the good news. Remember, three months later, your life as university students will officially begin!”

The top ten students could receive valour and even special training. Meanwhile, the other students didn’t have anything, although , they could choose to staycultivate or go home.

Jiang Li still chose to go home.

Although he could absorb an abundant amount of spirit chi on Emperor planet, his cells hadve  already stored enough spirit chi in these few days of restcultivation. It wouldn’t be much help helpful if he stayed longer.

It was better to go back to Earth to digest it.

More importantly, he needed to go back and see his parents to and make arrangements to defend against the Sun and Moon Corporation’s desperate measures.

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