Changing Identity Part 2


“I’ve read it all and made some of my own discoveries too, ho, ho!” Big Black waved his hands like a human as he spoke.


On the other hand, Flower Faced Overlord head wobbeled as he walked up to Jiang Li, using its claws to touch Jiang Li’s silver-white school uniform: “Meow, the quality is quite good, I also want one!”


“Pfft, you’re a cat, what do you need clothes for?” Big Meng patted Flower Faced Overlord’s butt, signalling him to move over as he and rest of the mengs also wanted huddled closer to Jiang Li.


Second Meng just jumped onto Jiang Li’s shoulder using its whiskers to touch his face.


These small cats have all already learned how to talk and have all became very proficient in hypnosis.


“Let’s go, we’re going to go to the black market now. If you want to expand in the black market, I have found a good helper for you.” Jiang Li smiled.


“What helper?”


“You’ll know once we get there.” Jiang Li took Big Black with hiim in the car and drove towards the train station. He wasn’t scared that people might follow him as his sixth sense was very acute and no one could follow him without him noticing.


They took the train to the black market, and then Jiang Li found the headquarters of the Three Dragon Clan. He entered the secret room and waved his hand. Immediately, a dimensional door opened and Wang Changrong jumped out eagerly.


“Hahahaha! I, Wang Changrong have returned to this world once more !” He greedily breathed in the air with an expression of euphoria on his face: “I finally left that damned planet of Luo Sha.!”


“Mr Changrong, you need an identity chip, otherwise you will only be able to live in the black market for your whole life and won’t be able to leave.” Jiang Li explained the rules of the black market to Wang Changrong.


“Black market? This is a good place! I didn’t think that there would be a place on Earth that is not restricted by the law.” Wang Changrong was very excited when he heard this: “This place is perfect for me to develop further…. Ey? This cat!”


He finally noticed Big Black.


Big Black was also staring at him.




The person and cat both retreated as if they brawled spiritually started.


“Such strong a spiritual power!” Wang Changrong’s eyes flickered: “Is this really just a cat?”


“Who are you?” Big Black talked: “Your spiritual state is very strong, are you Jiang Li’s friend?”


“Okay, Mr Changrong, this is my cat brother, he has been in the black market for a very long time and his also enslaved some of the heads of the clans and gangs. You can work together with him and start building a career.” Jiang Li put a stop to it, before an argument could take place.


“Is that so? This cat is truly magical.” Wang Changrong praised but he didn’t seem to surprised by seeing a talking cat: “Its spiritual prowess also seems to be stronger than your.”




Big Black flew up and then looked down at Wang Changrong in condescension: “You are the strongest human I have ever seen in the black market. Since you’re Jiang Li’s friend, we can work together and dominate the entire black market. It would be best to start by robbing the secondary mecha from the Sun and Moon Corporation first.”


“Secondary mecha?” Wang Changrong’s eyes brightened up: “Good idea, I’ll take it! Give me a computer, I’ll contact my people and ask them to get me an identity chip. Although I haven’t contacted them in 20 years, they will still definitely be willing to help me after i’ve made my escape.”




Big Black chucked a computer to Wang Changrong and who then immediately connected to the internet, started transmitting some sort of secret information. Seeing how he was using the programs, it seems that he really did have the temperament of a hacker.


Big Black and Jiang Li looked at each other, not expecting this old man to be so proficient in computer programming. His fingers clicking as he reached far into the sophisticated deep web and large amounts of data started to appear.


He sent out a lot of information.


Approximately 2 hours later, the computer started shaking as if the program inside of it was busy upgrading.


“Citizen status, Wang Changrong, born on Earth, age 62, occupation, soldier, unit location, secret….” A series of information appeared and his chip was inserted into the program. It actually changed Wang Changrong’s status to that of a citizen. In the blink of an eye, he had become a member of the secret personnel in the military, enjoying special rights.


When Jiang Li saw these changes, his eyes almost dropped out of their sockets. Wang Changrong’s connections were a bit too overwhelming.


He changed his identity this quickly and it now belonged as part of a military secret. In this way, it would be impossible for many organisation to take a look at his blood type and DNA.


“Good thing that my old group of brothers are still there.” Wang Changrong laughed satisfyingly as he put his computer away: “I’m going to take a shower and wear some new clothes to celebrate my chance at rebirth!”


A while later, Wang Changrong appeared again. He had cut his hair short and shaven his beard clean off. His new change of clothes was clean and fitted him well, giving him a sagely and holy temperament.


He looked at himself and felt very content. He ran his chi around his body. His life force seemed to have improved now even surpassing him at his prime.


His spiritual state had reached that of greater stasis.


“Mr Changrong, are you going to remain in the black market or are you coming back with me to Xing Hua city?” Jiang Li asked for his opinion.


“I’ll come with you to Xing Hua city, although the black market is where I can fight for a career, this place is like planet Luo Sha where you can kill people freely. I want to live a bit of a normal life to cleanse my spirit. That way, I may improve even further.” Wang Changrong thought.


“Okay, I must go back, there are still a lot of things I need to deal with at Safety Corporation.” Jiang Li and Wang Changrong turned to leave the black market.


Right now, he was invincible in the black market. His only now concern was the sound speed mecha.


If someone was operating the mecha, he still wouldn’t be able to defend himself against it.


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