Chapter 110 Part 2 Yes I Killed Him Part 2


“Of course it will be me.”


Jiang Li patted the table with blood boiling. Fighting with mechas, this was raw bloodiness and violence. This could also count as practice for Jiang Li’s willpower and his battle experience.


“That will be too dangerous, you are a student of Astral University. You have a great future ahead of you.” Chu Shan looked at the computer. On it there was displayed many artificial clips showcasing a battle between two secondary mechas: “The fight between mechas is very dangerous. During an intense battle, there are bound to be some damage. The moment there is damage, the driver must then grasp the opportunity or quickly use hypnosis to control the enemy and make the enemy destroy the mecha’s ignition system from the inside!”


The hypothetical battle between the two mechas, the different degrees of damages as well as all sorts of possible scenarios were all remembered by Jiang Li.


“Mr Kurong.” Jiang Li suddenly said to Wang Changrong: “Would you have the interest to hypnotise and become the head hypnotist of our Safety Corporation? We can start an activity to increment the prestige of our corporation. Right now, we’re both secondary hypnotists and basically don’t attend normal scenes or use hypnosis for normal people. But right now, we can start a limited time promotion where we will hypnotise normal customers. This would definitely make our business popular once again.”


“This is a good way to do it.” Chu Shan praised: “I can also participate in this activity. Lets hold it at Jing Hua city! But Jiang Li, you still need to test for a secondary hypnotist certificate for this.”


“I already have a certificate.” Wang Kurong laughed: “so I don’t need to test for a new one.”


“Okay, you guys can organize this event! I’ll go home first.” Jiang Li talked with Chu Shan for a bit longer discussing a series of things before he went home.


“I’ll go to your house and have a look.” Wang Kurong only trusted Jiang Li right now and didn’t want to come into too much contact with the Safety Corporation.


The two returned to the mansion beside White Dragon River. Jiang Li settled down Wang Kurong before telling his parents that there would be an extra guest staying at the house, who would be living with them for a short time.


Jiang Zhendong could tell that Wang Kurong was someone significant.




Just as the family was buzy talking, there suddenly came the sound of cars stopping outside.


Jiang Li moved and went out of the mansion and saw tens of cars stopping outside his mansion. A crowd of people got off the car, all of them were wearing the uniform of the Sun and Moon Corporation.


The old man Gu Xiong also appeared.


He came opening the door to one of the cars from which a significant person walked out.


It was Jiang Zhenyue.


At the time Jiang Zhendong also came out . After seeing this scene infront of the house, his face changed.


“Jiang Zhendong, we meet again so soon.” Jiang Zhenyue waved his hand and the crowd of people from the Sun and Moon Corporation encircled the mansion.


“Jiang Zhenyue, you dare to charge in a private house?” Jiang Zhendong walked up withstanding the pressure coming from Jiang Zhenyue.


“Rushing into a private room?” Gu Xiong walked forward sneering: “The surrounding mansions have been bought by the Sun and Moon Corporation. We are the land owners here.”


“Gu Xiong, don’t waste so much time with them.” Jiang Zhenyue signaled to stop as his eyes glared over at Jiang Li: “You are Jiang Li?”


“Correct, what do you want?” Jiang Li walked to the balcony slowly looking down at the crowd below before lazily giving his reply.


“Do you know that as a member of the Jiang family, your father does not to have the right to reproduce?” Jiang Zhenyue had sharp eyes like knives: “Your birth is a violation of the the laws of the family.”


“What sort of thing is the law of the Jiang family? I only know the laws of humanity, the reproduction right of every citizen is holy and must not be perversed.” Jiang Li jeered.


“What sort of thing is the law of the Jiang family? Very well…” Jiang Zhenyue was so angry that he started to laugh, “Jiang Zhendong, do you know what the consequences would be after some of the elders in the family hear about what your son has just said?”


“What consequence?” Jiang Zhendong’s face didn’t change at all: “My son is already a student of Astral University, If the elders are really so powerful, then go to Astral University and apprehend him, I wonder if will have such balls?”


“You!” Jiang Zhenyue’s face sunk down, although the Jiang family could indeed do whatever they liked in many cities, but for something as colossal as the Astral University, they would still be held powerless against it. Looking at the uniform of Astral University uniform that Jiang Li was wearing, his face became so bleak that water almost started dripping out.


“The laws of the Jiang family will be enacted. A small student of Astral University counts as nothing.” His eyes suddenly exploded in an unprecedented glare: “Jiang Li, today I have come to ask you one question. Did you kill my son Jiang Liu?”


This was truly bringing matters to the surface.


Jiang Zhendong looked at his elder son. The meaning behind his eyes were very clear. Don’t admit it even if it was true. If he admitted it, the consequences would be devestating.


Everyone looked at Jiang Li, waiting to see how he would reply.


Jiang Li stood with his hands behind his back with a faint smile on his face. He then replied slowly: “I’m telling you Jiang Zhenyue. I killed your son Jiang Liu, I broke all the bones in his body with one palm and then crushed his head with my foot! Now, by now his body has probably already been eaten by the criminals on planet Luo Sha.”


“What did you say?” Jiang Zhenyue didn’t seem to hear this clearly, almost not believing that Jiang Li would dare to admit it so openly.


“Your ears not working properly? Then I’ll say it once again, listen carefully…” Jiang Li first sentence was still very calm and placid with light sarcasm. The tone of his next sentence suddenly changed, his voice was became like thunder that shot across the sky and he yelled coldly: “I killed him!”

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