Chapter 112 Negotiation Part 2

Hatred was hatred, it wasn’t something that could so easily  be resolved.

If his dad worked with this group of people, his research outcomes would soon be devoured clean. Research also meant control, by then, he would also be controlled himself.

How could he not see all of this?

But this was something suggested by a tertiary hypnotist. He couldn’t refuse immediately or it would likely be an insult to her. He was still a bit fearful of someone like this.

“This is something major, I still need to think about it before I reply.” Jiang LI replied after staying quiet for a while.

“You already refused, don’t try to fool me.” Na Tan smiled: “It’s impossible to fool a tertiary hypnotist, our spirits can see everything clearly.”

“Seems to be so.” Jiang Li smiled faintly. He knew that it was indeed a joke trying to fool someone like her: “I won’t cooperate with the powerhouses of the 36 chinese cities. Enmity is enmity, especially enmity born from killing his son. Even if he wished to resolve this, I don’t feel safe letting my father enter their laboratory. I hope you can understand this. If you want to fight me then come. Although I might be weaker than you, I will still put up a fight!”

At the bottom of his heart, Jiang Li really didn’t fear a tertiary hypnotist.

Illusory Fox tried to hypnotize him but it backfired.

Gu Xiong tried to hypnotize him but this also backfired.

The bard on Planet Qu Bo tried to hypnotise him, it also backfired.

If Na Tan tried to hypnotise him, she would experience these same consequences despite her being stronger than all of them.

This was all dependent on the opaque stone.

Thinking about the stone, Jiang Li suddenly remembered that he could begin cultivating the Emperor Fire Seal. He wondered what secrets lay in the fire seal? Since it was ranked higher than the wind and lightning seal, it must have even more wonderful uses.

“hehehe….” Na Tan smiled: “I don’t have any enmity with you, I won’t attack you. I’m only her as a persuader. Since I can’t persuade you, then I will relay this back to the Yu family. It was already hard for the Yu family to ask me to come here. I don’t need to report anything to them. But as for you, I’m getting more and more curious. If you have time, you should come over to my Man Chaluo island!”


Suddenly, Na Tan exploded, dispersing into a cloud of black mist.

Nothing was in front of him, it was all an illusion.

Wang Changrong’s face was solemn: “Such a strong woman, she really has the ability to migrate to the elite district.”

“She is the strongest hypnotist of the 36 Chinese cities and she is still cultivating arduously, trying to break through the state of eternal stasis and form her sacred fetus. After which she will go to the elite district.” Chu Shan was sweating.

“If this person attacked, we won’t be her match for her, even when combining our powers but she wouldn’t just form a hatred with other people so easily.”

“She is indeed very strong.” Jiang Li said: “But I can tell she doesn’t have any ill intentions towards me. Instead, she invited me to her island.”

“You can accept her invitation. Although she is a bit mysterious, but she has a good reputation. In the hypnotist circle, she has not really done anything bad. But of course, the laws of humanity are serious, even someone as significant as her can’t do wrong things however she likes.” Chu Shan nodded: “But, what conditions did she say?”

“Of course I didn’t agree!” Jiang Li said with absolution: “Sending my father into danger, what a joke.”

“I also didn’t expect your father’s value to weigh so heavily! He was the main researcher for solar and lunar essence. Good thing he didn’t discover the real lunar and solar essence. Otherwise, the Jiang family would have already exported this to the whole world and their family would be ten times larger than it is now! I have already reported this to the Safety Corporation’s headquarters. Soon, it will arrive at our founder’s ears. At that time, he will personally come and greet your father. For now, the Safety Corporation will also send masters over to protect your father soon.” Chu Shan said immediately.

In Chu Shan’s eyes, Jiang Zhendong’s value weighed even more than Jiang Li himself.

As someone who has the potential to discover the real solar and lunar essence, his worth could only be measured in quadrillions once he succeeds.

The Safety Corporation had to take him seriously.

Although Jiang Li had some worth too, it was a far cry from Jiang Zhendong’s.

More so, if the real solar and lunar essence was discovered and put onto the market, the Jiang family’s solar and lunar essence would become the fake and inferior quality product! The current solar and lunar essence was still an illicit drug because it couldn’t be used by civilians and could only be transported through the black market.

But the real solar and lunar essence have no such side effects and would be approved by the government for patency.

The current solar and lunar essence did not hold any patent.

But Jiang Li was still trustful of the Safety Corporation for the moment. Although he also neede to be wary of any tricks they might play. Although it was unlikely that Chu Shan and Chu Xixi would use dirty means, it didn’t mean that the other CEO’s of the corporation would not.

Wang Kurong and Big Black were his trump cards.

Especially Big Black.

Big Black was getting stronger and stronger. As long as there was more genetic water of the Heavenly Shocking Lightning Beast, Big Black would continue to evolve until eventually, he would become as strong as the very beast itself. At that time, big black would be someone who even exceeded the power of a secondary mecha.

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