Emperor of The Cosmos Chapter 115 Part 1


Emperor Fire Seal Part 1


The main use of the Emperor Fire Seal is for refining. Fire was the first energy in the world. Without fire, humanity would not progress, and intelligent life forms wouldn’t advance. Everything originated from fire.


The sun was a big ball of fire emitting heat waves and spreading hot air. Thus, it formed wind, rain, thunder, lightning and everything else in the world. With fire, human would be unable to cook food, melt ores, refine metals and create tools, and eventually develop into a mechanical society of innovation.


Fire was indeed the source of all things.


Streams of meanings about fire passed into Jiang Li’s heart, making his comprehension of fire increase to another level. Fire represented the start of a civilization and not merely only combustion and destruction.


Without fire, there would be no civilization and humans would still be barbarians. The fundamentals of the Emperor Fire Seal revolved around this concept.




The middle aged man started to contemplate, passing on his knowledge of the Emperor Fire Seal. Above his head, the brain of the universe shimmered as his brain cells operated to the max. Subsequently, sparks started to appear.


At the start, it was the fire of wisdom. Then, it was all sorts of fire that covered the universe. Some fires existed in a huge ball floating in the sky. These were stars. Some fires were small sparks, like beetles that flew around, seemingly insignificant but able to ignite and create more fires.


There were fire dragons, fire horses, fire cows….. all sorts of miraculous bodies of fire appeared.


This was a world of fire. Even fire giants appeared, until at last, a fire god was born from it! It harnessed the fire dragon with its bare hands and stood upon the fire elephant. Wherever it went, planets, black holes and even dark matter became a world of fire.


As he contemplated this, the white-clothed man made all sorts of poses. He was like a gust of burning fire, fire even rose from his hand signs.


After an unknown amount of time, a set of Emperor Fire Seal was finally finished and passed on to Jiang Li. Jiang Li woke up from his dream and just felt extremely dizzy.


In order to begin the cultivation for the Emperor Fire Seal, he had wasted too much spiritual energy. In thirty days, he wouldn’t be able to do anymore contemplation or there would be permanent damage done to his brain cells.


“Is this the Emperor Fire Seal? I need to ask Wang Kurong about his way of cultivation. The Taoist have the cultivation for San Mei true fire. That is also a type of contemplation. Even that [Monkey Hearth Contemplation] method contains fire contemplation. My understanding for these types of cultivation is a far cry from Wang Kurong’s. It would be suitable for me to ask him.”


Jiang Li slept peacefully. The next morning, he contacted Wang Kurong and came to the highest peak of the Safety Corporation’s mountain.


“Hm? What happened to you, have your brain cells withered?” As soon as they met, Wang Kurong discerned Jiang Li’s weak spiritual state.


“This is because I opened the cultivation for a seal called Emperor Fire Seal.” Jiang Li didn’t hide it. Wang Kurong knew about the dimension inside his opaque stone: “Today I came to you to ask about the cultivation of fire. What are some of the key aspects of contemplation of fire?”


“Let’s sit down.” Wang Kurong’s temperament underwent fundamental change. He wore a lose set of yoga clothes, pure white, and he seemed at peace. Wang Kurong as a person seemed like a book; in front of him there was the Buddhist text, The Great Sutra of Mercy. It was a book made from ancient paper.


Wang Kurong himself didn’t seem the slightest bit old. His skin was smooth and even changed from that of an old person to a middle aged person. He seemed to be becoming youthful again. That one moment of enlightenment brought about immediate difference. Even his body started to change.


Jiang Li sat down with his legs crossed. He didn’t know why but when neared Wang Kurong, he had a feeling of serenity. Even his spiritual weakness felt a lot better.


This was Wang Kurong using his boundless spirit to help Jiang Li recover his spirit.


“I have already seen your Emperor Lightning Seal and Emperor Wind Seal. It is indeed an unimaginable martial art, never seen before. Now you have opened the cultivation for the Emperor Fire Seal. The Taoist have the five lightning cultivation method as well as the San Mei True fire cultivation method. All in all, the contemplation of fire was existent since the ancient times. The Middle Eastern civilization had a fire-worshipping religion. An admiration of fire would appear in any religion. The power of fire was too great and far greater than what man could control.” Wang Kurong said: “As for the understanding of fire, people understand it differently. Some understand it as light, some understand it as wisdom, some understand it as destruction, and some understand it as civilization….. it encompasses everything but they all end up in the same place. The Shi Jia Mu Ni Buddha once served the burning lantern Buddha. The burning lantern shines on the three realms. The San Mei true fire you talked about before, in Sanskrit, San Mei, is called the san mo earth. Translated, that means set/fixed. San Mei true fire is to be emit light and disperse the darkness in your heart in a fixed state.”


“How should I cultivate it?”


Jiang Li asked a simple question. He knew that Wang Kurong could definitely give him the best explanation. He was in the state of eternal stasis and everything was controlled in his heart.


“Everyone has their own way.” Wang Kurong replied almost without thinking: “For example, [Monkey Furnace Cultivation] uses the body as a furnace and contemplates fire entering your body, refining the heart monkey within you. This sort of contemplation is in accordance with the human body’s internal secretion. When you contemplate fire, your internal secretions will warm your organs and therefore probably adjust your body. This makes your body stronger. In the long run, your body becomes a furnace that is able to melt all matter. This is why in the ancient times, some people could even swallow stones and use their stomach to digest it.”

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