School Mates Part 1

The train arrived at Xing Hua University.


Jiang Li walked inside only to discover that the environment was completely different to high school. There wasn’t the intense studious atmosphere. Boyfriends and girlfriends were everywhere, they were hugging under the trees, kissing on the benches like there was no one else around.


This was the atmosphere of love.

In university, the main subject for students was love.


In high school, people worked hard each and every day, to try and get into Astral University. Those who manager to get in became geniuses while those who didn’t get in went on to other universities and could still enjoy life.  Even if the modern man didn’t do anything, they would still receive government support and also be able to live a comfortable life.


Jiang Li walked into the school grounds of Xing Hua University. Looking at all the pairs of lovebirds around, a peaceful feeling arose in his heart.


The atmosphere here was youthful, comfortable, relaxed and also joyful.


Meanwhile, the atmosphere in Astral University was completely different. It was a cruel, brawling, war filled , fight for your life! It was the highest academic institution of humanity. It’s goal was to protect all of humanity and that was also the responsibility they had to shoulder.




On the stone road, Guo Meng saw Jiang Li immediately: “You have changed so much. Oh right, didn’t you grow taller? Why did you become 1.8? I remember you were 1.9 something last time we saw each other.”


“No wonder you’re my best friend, your eyes are pretty sharp.” Jiang Li patted Guo Meng on the shoulder: “Of course I can change my height according to will now, If I couldn’t even do that much, how could I get into Astral Unversity.”


“You’re amazing!” Guo Meng gave him a thumbs up: “You’re a very important person now, how come you remember someone insignificant like me?”


“Fuck off.” Jiang Li swore and joked: “By the way, where’s your girlfriend? Let me see. I’m pretty pitiful, and still don’t even have a girl friend yet.”


“Don’t bullshit me!” Guo Meng roared: “Aren’t Lara and Liana your girlfriends? They both managed to get into Astral University together with you. I heard that normally, there wouldn’t even be one student from our city getting in. But all of a sudden, there are as many as three of you. Even Ou Yang Xing had ended up being disqualified.”


“That’s normal, this year’s exam was very hard.” Jiang Li thought about the harsh exam  he’d gone through so far.


“Bro, don’t try to change the subject. I’m asking which one of them is your girlfriend or are they both?” Guo Meng held on tightly to this topic.


“Both of them aren’t.” Jiang Li shook his head: “They’re just friends. We’re not in a relationship. How could both of them be my girlfriend?”


“haha, bro, I know what you’re thinking. If you chose one of them, the other will have to leave sadly. This is not what you want to see happen so you want them both at the same time but you’re scared that they wont agree to it, so you just leave things hanging like this right? But having two at the same time is too scary, not good not good.”


Guo Meng said while looking at the time on his watch: “Hmm? Why isn’t Xiao Feng here yet? She invited two of her dorm mates to come eat with us. I was telling her that I was going to introduce my best friend to her and introduce a boyfriend to her dorm mate at the same time.”


“Don’t joke around like that.” Jiang Li looked around.




Suddenly, a hover car descended onto the school grounds from the sky. It landed not far off from the two of them.


Three uni girls slowly got out. One of them was very pretty, especially her eyes. When she saw Guo Meng, her eyes brightened up. Jiang Li immediately knew that this was Guo Meng’s girlfriend, Xiao Feng.


“Xiao Feng, is that your boyfriend? Who’s the guy standing next to your boyfriend? He doesn’t seem to look that special…” A girl whispered: “Your boyfriend and his best friend can’t compare with the one in the car. He’s the rich and handsome type.”


“Youyou, don’t talk shit. Mu Shang only wants to invite us to dinner.” Xiao Feng’s voice was really low. She walked up and smiled: “Guo Meng, sorry, I’m a bit late. A senior schoolmate was taking us to an activity and wanted to invite us to dinner. I couldn’t deny him so I suggested that we go outand eat together. These are my two dormates, Youyou and Zhi Yuan. He’s your….”


“Oh, this is my best friend…” Guo meng hurried to introduce.


“I’m Jiang Fire.” Jiang Li interrupted him: “I’m one of Guo Meng’s high school, school mate’s. He got into uni and I went out to work. Today is my break so I came to meet up with him.”


“Xiao Feng, this is your boyfriend?”


At this time, a man got out of the car. He was 1.9m with strong confidence shown between his eyes. He had a great temperament and was very handsome. He was also qualified to drive a car, showing that he was from a wealthy family. He was also an one star citizen like himself.


Xing Hua university had much more quality people than high school.


“This is my senior schoolmate Mu Shang, the chairman of our Xing Hua university student assocaiation.” Xiao Feng introduced: “This is my boyfriend Guo Meng and his high schoolmate, Jiang Fire.”


“Guo Meng,  boyfriend?” Mu Shang had a tall figure. There was a contemptuous look in his eyes: “Your dad Guo Dalong works in a supermarket earning 50 star coins a month. You mum cleans that super market earning only 30 star coins a month. Your life force is at 0.8 and you have just found a night job earning 20 star coins a month to support your family. Am I correct?”


“You!” Guo Meng’s face changed immediately. There was an immediate tension between the two of them.


“Mu Shang, senior schoolmate, what are you doing.” Xiao Feng stomped her feet in anger.


The other two friends of Xiao Feng had smiles on their faces as if they were watching some kind of drama.


“Xiao Feng, I have liked you for a long time, be my girlfriend. This man can’t bring you happiness.” Suddenly, Mu Shang grabbed Xiao Feng’s hand and confessed to her in front of Guo Meng,”


Xiao Feng didn’t know what to do.


“Let go of my girlfriend!” Guo Meng was furious and threw out his fist. If he still didn’t act now, then he couldn’t be considered a man.



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