Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 132: Holy fetus

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Jiang Li only felt that his shoulders were caught by Hong Hei prison, and his whole body's bones were falling apart. He felt pain in his heart, but he still smiled and didn't dare to say a word, knowing that it was hurt at this time, he would be beaten by his teacher.

Although his vitality broke through to 3, he was far from Hong Heil's opponent.

Hong Heiyu checked him all over and sighed: "It's only been two days since you were promoted from 2.7 to 3, which is not easy. The most important thing is the improvement of the spiritual realm, which makes your brain development higher. Dominate the body, and the cells have more potential to hold it. "

The brain is the most mysterious place of the human body.

With regard to the research on the human brain, current technology cannot study it thoroughly. The development of the human brain domain is far from enough. Even the means of science and technology can only transform the physical body and cannot transform the brain domain.

The strength of the brain, the development of the brain, all depend on spiritual practice.

Every level of spiritual practice promotes, under the influence of the brain, every inch of the body, every inch of muscle, will strengthen. Otherwise, even if people take even more elixir and undergo genetic modification, their physical fitness will not improve on a large scale.

If Jiang Li cannot be promoted to "Dading", the volume of cells in the body will reach a limit, and no matter how to cultivate, it will be difficult to break through3.

Moreover, the state of mind is also very helpful for genetic modification.

The average person injects a genetic potion with a low success rate.

But those who are overbearing in the realm of the mind can grasp their own life genes, urge the potion to dissolve, and even remove some unnecessary genes, and the success rate is greatly increased.

Jiang Li studied psychology, genetics, and knew some subtle connections between life genes and mind.

The study of Xingkong University is the advanced secret of human technology.

Even more, they have to learn about warship mech manufacturing, maintenance, and metal refining. With the deepening of academic research, they even have to learn some means of cultivating civilization.

When seeing the instructor examining Jiang Li's body, other teammates did not dare to speak, knowing that when the instructor was speaking, he could not intervene casually, otherwise he would be beaten.

"Okay, it's really good! The bones are strengthened, and the fascia is also tough and strong. I'm not afraid of being cut by the sword. This body can barely enter my eyes. The blood is milky, and when it turns into azure color, it will be done." Kaijiang Li, and glanced at the others: "In contrast, you are much weaker. In the future, there will be matches between the teams, don't lose my face. Especially in front of some of my opponents, if you lose face , Never lightly. "

Among the mentors of Star University, there are also targets for each other. The squads they cultivate have battles with each other. If the squad loses, the mentor will lose face.

Li Yan and others looked at each other, knowing that the next heavy training and tasks will oppress themselves, and they will never have a good life.

"Rest assured, I said I would let you rest for three days, and never give up. You will not be assigned any training within three days. But during these three days, you can ask me any questions about your practice." Hong Hei Prison still talked and pointed at Jiang Li: "Especially you, you have just been promoted to Dading. Although you have found your way, but you are not firm, you will still have doubts, you will be confused, and your heart will still retreat. This paragraph Is the most dangerous time. "

"What is the mentor's word?"

Jiang Li quickly asked.

"I practice Shifang Hell Road. To practice this martial art, I have to go through countless pains and tortures, and then I am willing to turn the pain into bliss, suffering is not bitter, nor is it happy. The Bodhisattva said that **** is not empty, and he will never swear. In fact, **** is pure land. Where there is no hell, where is there time to be and not to be empty? The Diamond Sutra says that the Buddha says that he has spent all beings, but he has not actually spent any beings because Beings are not beings, they are just beings. My way of saying is that all sentient beings know that **** is pure land, everything is an instant change of mind, and when he turns his mind, **** is pure land. When his mind moves, pure land becomes hell. " Hong Heiyu took a few steps forward: "In this way, the world will know what the pain is, and understand the nature of the pain, and there will be no suffering."

"Goodness." Jiang Li secretly admired, this is a new state.

"Teacher, I have seen people in the realm of promotion. Once promoted, with him as the center, the mind radiates, and all sentient beings can feel it." Jiang Li remembered Wang Changrong: "But what is the holy fetus? Spirit and energy How to transform and collect? What kind of thing is heaven and earth aura, and why can it be absorbed by the soul? "

He saw the golden hand of the cultivating civilization, which could actually destroy the battleship. This is a pure energy body. Energy is an illusion. Can it interfere with matter? This is similar to the energy of the human base.

"I know your question, sit down."

Hong Heil pointed at a grove of trees under the tree next to him, stepped forward, and sat on the open floor.

All the members of the team also sat down and surrounded Hong Hong prison.

"About energy and mind, it is a subject that we humans are studying now. In fact, the holy fetus is a combination of mind and energy. The ancient Taoism is also called Yuanying and infant. When you form a holy fetus, you have it. Magical power! "Hong Heil's voice was low, mysterious, as if from the depths of ancient hell.

"Supernatural power?" Jiang Li asked in a low voice.

"Supernatural power is a supernatural thing. It is a combination of mind and energy. It appears in the physical world, such as this!" Behind Hong Heil, six arms suddenly appeared, like a big crab, a big spider. Grab it out of thin air.

"This is not a phantom of the mind, nor is it congenital anger, but a real thing!" Jiang Li was shocked and speechless: "This is the arm of the energy body! My God, this is the magical power? That is not to show the soul Is the physical world now? In my opinion, this is manifestation! "

"Big mistake and special mistake! This is a holy fetus, not a manifestation! You should have learned the theory of the Three Realms." Hong Heihe scolded, the six arms behind him disappeared, narrowed into the body: "The mind cannot directly appear in the material world You must rely on the body. The body is actually a kind of energy. The three realms are the mind, energy, and material realm. The physical body is energy, and human thoughts must be realized through various physical actions. In fact, people only need to find suitable ones. Energy, the mind is strong enough, and the combination of mind and energy can also exert the same effect as the flesh. The most suitable energy to replace the flesh is the heaven and earth aura. "

"On the ancient earth, there is no heaven and earth aura, so how powerful the spiritual realm is, and there is no magical power, but now that human beings have stepped out of the universe and obtained this kind of energy called heaven and earth aura, after forming a holy fetus, they have magical power. The state of mind does not require any energy, and the mind directly appears in the material world, which is fundamentally different from the magical power. Just like a car must start with an energy block. Without an energy block, it is a pile of scrap iron. That is, there is no need for any energy, and the mind appears in the material realm. Because energy is not needed, it is immortal. On the other hand, after the formation of the sacrament, if the aura of heaven and earth is injected from time to time, it will die in the womb, the sacrament, It requires heaven and earth aura to nourish. Without heaven and earth aura, it is always moisturized, just like a car without energy blocks. This is the difference between the holy fetus and manifestation. "

"So it is." Jiang Li nodded.

He understood that the aura arm of the mentor Hong Heil just now, although it was overbearing, actually belonged to another kind of body, and the mind could control the energy and combine it with energy to make it work.

"Remember, the state of manifestation is definitely not comparable to the sacrificial fetus. It is not such a trivial matter. Those characters have great ideas and can permeate half of the planet, even one planet! Because they do not need energy, they do not need The flesh, so I can jump in thinking, from this planet to another planet, I can live anywhere. If I am not on the planet of Emperor, go to the earth, and without the support of the spirit stone, the holy fetus will soon wither, Vitality is regressing. "

"Don't you say that your vitality breaks through three figures, or do you have to jump by the warship's wormhole?" Jiang Lidao said.

"Breaking three digits of vitality may not be able to manifest sacredness, maybe it is the state of sitting forgetfulness. Sitting forgetfulness is also divided into three layers, forgetfulness, forgetfulness, and forgetfulness. In fact, what the Buddha said is that there is no self, no human, There are no living beings, no longevity. Forgetting the world means forgetting the whole world. The whole world includes the living beings and the living beings. "Hong Heiyu explained, very patient:" The master among the three figures of vitality, the difference is also Very big, do you say that there is not much difference between 100 and 999? Maybe, now that human beings have the vitality to break the four-digit figure, maybe. "

"Break the four digits!" Jiang Li and everyone were shocked, boasting endlessly.

Looking at it now, breaking vitality into double digits is a distant dream.

For the vitality of 3, Jiang Li feels that he is a superman. Two digits are godlike figures. Three digits are unthinkable. What is a four digit number?

"With your current state of stability, vitality can still grow. As long as you absorb enough heaven and earth aura and train at all times, I think under my cultivation ~ www.readwn.com ~ the vitality can reach 7, and it cannot grow. The brain must continue to develop until it is settled and never regressed, and the potential of the entire body can be promoted before it can be promoted to double-digit. "

Jiang Li understands that he must practice step by step, first increase his vitality to 7. Then the mind becomes enlightened, expands the body's potential, and practices step by step, reaching double digits, and then begins to understand the fetal breath, condenses the fetus, thereby storing huge energy in the body and possessing various magical powers.

In this way, enough to destroy the battleship, similar to Jinguang's big hand.

Suddenly, he remembered one thing: "By the way, the mentor, our human base at Starry Sky University, uses energy to transmit things and wrap us in battle. Is it a huge holy fetus?"

The energy of the Star University Human Base is huge and vast. It is pervasive everywhere. If it is aroused, it can completely break the meteorite outside the sky. Enough to suppress storms, earthquakes, thunders, expel the enemy, and ever-changing internally, this energy is much more powerful than the golden light that destroys battleships.

But how can we condense energy? Interfering matter?

"At the core of our starry sky university base is a huge scientific and technological furnace that can highly concentrate energy, condense entities, and interfere with various substances. This is the highest technology of mankind. At the beginning, it was the core technology obtained from the alien battleship. The master of martial arts system is also a use of energy, which is not unusual. Technology is the use of energy by machinery, cultivation, and the use of energy by the mind.

Hong Heiyu explained: "Flesh and flesh is an energy, but it contains impurities. So after eating flesh, there will be excreta. The process of cultivation is to remove the impurities from the flesh step by step to make it more pure. Bigger! "

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