Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 142: Face to face

Jiang sank in the centrifuge.

He is actually reluctant to face the practitioners, but as a student of Star University, this is a fact that must be faced, and even now he cannot refuse.

The practitioners took the students away. This is a big deal. No wonder everyone is going to rescue them.

On Emperor Star, the human warships of the earth will often sneak into the fields of the cultivators, and the cultivators will also attack the students of the humans on the earth. Both sides fought fierce wars and assassinations all year round.

Cultivators are not beasts. They are the same as the human beings on earth. They are also intelligent beings and human beings. Between the two sides, the human beings on earth must not be taken lightly.

"The arrested student is called 'Lu Jin'. He is an old student with strong strength and a vitality of 4. But when he met a group of masters of spiritual masters, the mechs were all exploded, and he was caught alive." Ji Qingwu Turning on the light brain, the big screen appeared, and continued: "The group of cultivators will be escorted to the depths of the Dagan Empire for interrogation. The school has issued a task and must rescue this person."

"What if you can't save it?"

Jiang Li heard Ji Qingwu's words.

"If you can't rescue, then kill Lu Jin!" Ji Qingwu said coldly: "Once the group of cultivators caught him inside Dagan Kingdom, and let the master study his thinking and heart, he will soon get Many technologies of the human beings on our planet, in this way, the indigenous people of the spiritualists will develop. In the past, the spiritualists disdain the technology of our human beings on earth, and suffered losses in many battles, so now we are gradually paying attention and starting to arrest our Students, hypnotize them and let them study technology. The school stipulates that for students who have been arrested and have no hope of escaping, the first is to rescue, and the second is to kill! We are the same. Therefore, we must not let the cultivators in this operation. Catch. "

"There are differences in the points and rewards for saving Lu Jin and killing Lu Jin, so it is best to rescue him." Lei Zheng added: "We may encounter a large number of practitioners, and even We must be careful about the spiritual masters who hold magic weapons. We must use poison as soon as we meet to prevent them from having a chance to respond. Every time we kill a spiritual master or catch a spiritual master, there are also heavy rewards and points. These spiritual masters It is very useful for human scientific research. "

"One of the drawbacks of these cultivators is that they can't fly at high speeds. They can't compare to warships or even mechs. Only the strongest cultivators have the power to destroy warships. We must be careful of their flying swords." An old student is developing a strategic approach.

At the moment, the people kept discussing, and after half an hour, they determined the location before entering the warship and began to fly.

"The battleship must fly to the upper layers of the atmosphere so that it cannot be discovered by the practitioners and at the same time avoid being attacked by magic weapons. When we fly in the armor, we will increase our flexibility and avoid the attack of magic weapons. The battleship must stay At a high altitude. I heard that a while ago, the seemingly powerful Dahe team encountered the practitioner, and the other party offered a magic weapon and destroyed the battleship with ease. The whole army was wiped out. "

Lei was wearing a Sonic mech in a battleship, and he didn't look bloated, but was aggressive.

In the team, everyone wore this sonic mech, and only Jiang Li was empty.

Even Luo Han and Xue Ling got a set of Sonic Mecha.

"Jiang Li, don't you have a mech?" Luo Han asked.

"No." Jiang Li has n’t really relied on foreign objects recently. With the great emperor relic, he can do everything with ease, and neither the battleship nor the mech can match this small stone.

Unlike other students, although they cannot afford a battleship, Sonic Mecha must be equipped.

"You can't afford the mech?" Ji Qingwu wondered, "But you are a freshman, and it's no wonder you can't afford it. Luo Han's Xueling's mech is provided by me and is temporarily leased. After all, this mech It ’s very valuable. Generally, students do n’t have family support, and it ’s difficult to buy them by their own strength. Forget it, the next task is not mech. I just have a spare mech here, so take it. ”

"Thank you very much." Jiang Li took the mecha handed over by Ji Qingwu. This armor is not metal and very light, but it is strong and difficult to destroy. It is a high-tech material of human beings. People seemed to be trembling and prestigious.

Ji Qingwu was able to take out the Sonic Mecha casually, so it was obvious that he was also a powerful figure.

"Sonic mecha is really good, but unfortunately cannot be smuggled out. Otherwise, I would smuggle a few more to the Huahua black market, wouldn't it be invincible?" Jiang Centrifugal thought to himself: "The Sun Moon Group will carry out large-scale invasion , I'm afraid Dahei can't resist it. "

Xingkong University is cheap. The only drawback is that it cannot be taken out. When every student leaves the school for a wormhole jump, they must be strictly inspected. No contraband is allowed, let alone mecha or the like.

"By the way, don't I have storage space? When I go back and buy a few mechas and some resources to take them out, I can't check them at all, and then I will see how the Sun Moon Group fights with me." Jiang Li suddenly flashed.


The entire battleship flew up and quickly reached high altitude.

The air flow was fierce, and the battleships were constantly shaking. Jiang Li looked outside through the light-brain screen and saw that in the strong atmosphere of the high air, the violent airflow seemed to be roaring and seemed to tear the battleship apart.

The storm was too fierce, and the metal could be torn into powder, and the human body would blur the flesh directly when flying to high altitude.

The natural wind blades cut on the battleships, sending out many metal sparks, but there was no slight damage to the battleships, which shows that the human battleships are powerful.

Last time, Jiang Tianhe ’s warships did n’t fly high, so they were destroyed by the golden light masters gathered by magic weapons. If flying into the atmosphere, such a thing would never happen. Such a fierce storm can blow away the golden light masters, making energy Collapse.

"Track, locate, target, lock, chase ..."

The entire battleship radiated a kind of electric wave, looking for signs of human activity within a few hundred kilometers along the way, no clues will be let go.

In a valley, mottled tree shadows are reflected on the brook, and occasionally there are several songbird calls, very quiet.

Seven Vulcan birds suddenly fell in the air, and a person was riding on the back of each Vulcan bird.

These people are dressed in classic clothes, and their temperament is incompatible with modern civilization. At first glance, they are the indigenous people on Emperor Star, but everyone is a master!

A strong man, headed by, jumped from the back of Vulcan bird, still holding a person in his hand.

This man was torn and ragged with a lot of blood stains, but it can be seen vaguely that it is a uniform of Starry Sky University, obviously a student of Starry Sky University, and his countenance shows that he has suffered a lot in this group of people.

"Brother Nie, why do we stop? There is a thing called a warship in the outer world. The flight is many times faster than Vulcan bird. It can catch up with us. We must return to the territory of the Dagan Empire immediately."

A woman said anxiously, gesturing to the man headed.

And the headed man, everyone called him Brother Nie.

"We have a rest, Vulcan bird is tired after flying for so long, and then it will run out of energy after flying." Brother Nie waved and thumped, and the captured Star University student was severely thrown to the ground.

"Abominable demons!"

When the woman saw the student, another fire broke out. The sword went up, and the student's wrist was cut off. The blood was sprayed out. However, the student stopped the blood immediately, showing that it had a strong influence on her blood. Powerful control.

"You said, demon, why did you **** my sister and sister!" This woman had to go up and chop with a sword, but was stopped by Brother Nie: "Do n’t kill him, it ’s still useful. When we catch the college, we can let He surrendered what was called technology in the demons to make our empire strong. Of course, he alone was not enough. We must catch more demons and learn about them. "

"However, some people in the empire are against us doing this." Another disciple came forward: "Although the principal of our academy supports the study of demons in the heavens, the great country division, the great general king, and even the emperor in the empire, Some princes oppose the development of something called technology, because it will shake the country. "

"Everything in the eye of the rat! Those who are in the court are all in the eye of the eye. This kind of technology called technology is really powerful and can make the empire develop rapidly, but the rapid development of the empire will shake the court's rule. They are reluctant to resign their power, so they close their country and stand still. Now that demons invade, we must do everything possible to strengthen ourselves. "Brother Nie sighed.

"But, brother, we have learned the evil technique called science and technology from outside the devil. Will it really fall into the devil's path, as the court said? Will it be lost?" The girl worried, "And ah, this demon murdered and killed After my sister, I wish I could kill him now! "

After she said it, she didn't seem to be deflated, and then stepped forward and kicked the student fiercely, and the student just held back and said nothing.

"Where there is any evil technique, the right one is the right one, and the evil one is the evil one. If I fall into the magic path, I will bear it alone, even if it is no longer possible ~ www.readwn.com ~ We must also safeguard our brothers and sisters!" Brother Nie Mu Yan gave out a sharp cold light, and looked at the apprehended disciple of Xingkong University: "Your name is Lu Jin, it's really heart-wrenching and arrested my sister and sister, why do you still want to kill her? I know that you have another name for the demon in the world It ’s called humanity on earth. It talks about law and morals. What you do is also in the laws of humanity on earth. You can be sentenced to death. "

Brother Nie made such a statement, which proves that he is very familiar with humans on earth.

"Huh! You gang of indigenous people also know what is the law? You are the targets of our plunder and conquest. You are a lower civilization. The only way out is to be our slaves." Lu Jin looked very disdainful and seemed to look Waiting for creatures: "What kind of sister you are, after I caught her, she dared to resist, and let her taste the most painful thing in the world, and then raped and killed, so what? Also, I tell you "Our battleship is coming very soon. It is impossible for you to surpass the speed of a warship by flying with a Vulcan bird depending on your ability."

"It's so tough to get caught by me?" Brother Nie was expressionless: "Your human science and technology are really powerful, but what **** is your mech, hasn't it been broken by my flying sword and captured you? You are so irritating me now, it's nothing more than that I want to kill you. But I won't do it, you have a lot to do. Back to the academy, I will let you be our slave, and taste the taste of life as death. . "

"Hehe, the beautiful you want, a group of indigenous people of low-level civilization, actually want to study the technology of human beings on the earth? It is a joke! Do you know that our earth civilization has undergone many industrial revolutions? We give you technology, you They will not accept it because of fear, and it seems that your emperor is opposing it. "Lu Jin laughed, not afraid.

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