Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 165: King Nyorai

The banquet hall is beautiful. The waiters in charge of the wine reception are actually beautiful women and handsome men who are formed by energy bodies. These energy beauty are dressed in classic palace clothes and beautiful, while those handsome men are in tuxedos. It has the taste of western classical royal aristocracy. Where is this sorority party, it is simply a feast of the palace.

In some high-level societies, robots do the reception. In the fraternity of Star University, the energy body actually received the reception, and it seemed to be advanced.

Jiang Li looked at the sorority this time and knew that the energy to be consumed was an astronomical figure. After a banquet, I am afraid that hundreds of millions of funds have been consumed, it is simply burning money.

"Jiang Li, look, that's Wang Rulai, the leader of the Wolong squad, is our friend." Ji Qingwu led the crowd into the hall, and immediately saw a tall man talking to the crowd deep in the hall. What? Hurry up and say hello.

The man heard Ji Qingwu's greeting and turned slowly.

Jiang Li seemed to see that in the depths of the sky, someone came slowly to take away all his mind. The comer looks young, looks like a star, looks like he is only twenty-six, sixty-six years old, and is in a glorious age, with a smile on his face, and seeing everyone with goodwill, naturally has a moving and sweet atmosphere.

He came over with a smile, and said, "Qing Wu, Lei Zheng, Luo Han, Xue Ling, are you here?"

"This is our friend, his name is ..." Ji Qingwu introduced quickly.

"Without introduction, his name is Jiang Li, I know." Wang Rulai patted Jiang Li's shoulder: "Come, let's talk for a while."

Jiang moved slightly in the centrifugal. According to the truth, it is impossible for such a master to touch his shoulders, but Wang Rulai's coming is natural and there is no trace of fireworks. This martial realm far exceeds him, and he It feels that Wang Rulai is not malicious, but with good intentions, he simply patted him on the shoulder.

The two turned to a corner of the hall. Wang Rulai didn't speak, but a voice rang through the centrifugal spirit of Jiang: "Thank you for saving my uncle."

"Your uncle is ..." Jiang Li immediately understood: "Wang Changrong!"

"Chang Rong is my uncle. He has been very good to me since he was a child. Unfortunately, he was framed by someone else, otherwise he is definitely not like this now. Fortunately, he broke through the set on the earth and cultivated his mind to be extremely arrogant. This is how you gave him life "The gratitude in Wang Rulai's tone is not false and sincere.

"Where and where I cross him, he crosses me because of entanglement." Jiang Li dare not take credit.

"Well, don't talk about my uncle." Wang Rulai always talks with Jiang Li with his heart. This person's cultivation is "constant" and he will not retreat. No wonder the vitality can be so arrogant: "I know you Brother Jiang Tao. "

"My brother?"

Jiang Tsang rushed and asked, "Where is he now? My brother seems to have joined the army and hasn't seen him for almost a year. Isn't he taking the exam at Star University?"

"Xingkong University is not the only way out. Some people do not study Xingkong University, and they are still invincible." Wang Rulai smiled: "Jiang Tao is now standing on the most vast and dangerous battlefield of human beings, and is a great soldier! That battlefield is now human beings. Offensive cultivation world. The cultivators on Emperor Star are nothing compared to the cultivators on that world. The spiritual stone storage of that world is more than 10,000 times that of Emperor Star, and there are even higher levels than Spirit Stone. The immortal stone. Had it not been for the human beings to suppress them, they would have been counterattacked by them already. Jiang Tao is honed in it, which is absolutely outstanding. "

"Is there any specific news from him?" Jiang Li continued to ask, he was eager to know the whereabouts and repair of his brother, and his parents and sister were also very worried.

"In that world, light brain is basically unavailable. It is a vast and strange world. Many human laws of science and technology cannot be used there." Wang Rulai shook his head: "But as long as you master the cultivation skills, there Human physical and mental practice is at its best. "

"That's only when my brother comes back." Jiang Li sighed. Since the brother is still alive, that's the best result. Worrying is also worrying.

"You saved my uncle, and my brother and I knew each other again. Your business is my business." Wang Ru came to the distance: "The Song Shuren's trouble to find you, I know, even if he killed him, the Jiang family also I will still ask you for trouble. Jiang Hailong is a bit powerful, but I will also kill him when I have the fetal rate! "

"Mother, fierce **** ..." Jiang Li saw Wang Rulai decisive and knew that what he said was true. This man really should meet God and kill God, and meet Buddha and kill Buddha. Unstoppable.

"The Jiang family is also a Jiang Nalan. When he arrested my uncle, one of them was a gangster. He repeatedly wanted to destroy the foundation of our royal family. After the disappearance of our old ancestors, the Jiang family could take over and become One of our strongest human families. "Wang Rulai told the truth in front of Jiang Li:" In all fairness, what do you think of the Jiang family? I know the Jiang family persecuted your father, and now I want to take your father back to study the sun and the moon. Essence, your uncle has been protecting your father, and has already battled with their regular masters several times. "

"Damn!" Jiang Li fisted, "It seems I'm going back for a while, and I'll give them a hard lesson."

"The hard lesson is useless, the snake will not die, the snake will hurt people, chop the grass without removing the roots, and the spring breeze will blow again." Wang Rulai pondered carefully: "Even if you return to the earth, it will not help. Now the strength is weaker, eh ?wrong……"

His eyes flashed suddenly, and he seemed to see through the clues on Jiang Li: "Your vitality is hidden, there is an energy in your body ..."

"Sure enough, her eyes are like a torch." Jiang Li knew that he could not conceal such a peerless master like Wang Rulai.

"Very strong vitality. If I guess well, your vitality is at least 5! And in your Baihui Point, Mingmen ... there are strong sword energies in every place. There are five flying swords, each with It is a rare treasure that can be pinned in the flesh. Each bite of this flying sword is an invaluable treasure. It is hard to find billions. Good things, good things ... Do you actually have five in a row? "Wang Rulai carefully observed, Eyes almost fell out: "Mother, where did you get these five flying swords?"

"It was given to me by the mentor." Jiang Li replied, "My mentor is Hongheil. We found the Feijian in the cave of the practitioner, so we refined it, temporarily placed it in the flesh, and nourished it with the flesh. It ’s a pity that the sword cannot be united. "

"The flying sword is a kind of metallic energy. It is very difficult to combine with flesh and blood, but once combined, flesh and blood is extremely tyrannical." Wang Rulai said: "But forcibly nurtured in flesh and blood, the metallic aura is sharp. Will destroy cells, cause premature aging and premature death. The only way is to take a lot of elixir to neutralize metallic aura and strong cells. At this stage, the best medicine for human beings is dragon grass, which contains a kind of energy called dragon breath. , I now also have a flying sword. I need to find dragon grass to refine it. "

"I collected three dragon-seeking grasses before pinning the flying sword in the flesh, but the black dragon in the Black Dragon Pool was too strong, and I dared not go again." Jiang Li remembered the scene that day, still a little bit dreadful.

"I know that you must have been to Heilongtan. Otherwise, if you did n’t find dragon grass, you would have pinned so many flying swords. The cells of the whole body were pierced by metal aura and died. The fruits of life cannot be saved, and the same vitality 5 Compared with other people, your body is three to five times as powerful as yours. You deliberately do n’t increase your vitality and store potential, you have great ambitions. ”Wang Rulai smiled:“ Well, are you interested in joining me again? Go to Heilongtan to collect dragon grass? "

"Since Brother Wang is so confident, I must be accompanied." Jiang Li knew that Wang Rulai definitely knew some details of Heilongtan and would not die in vain.

"With your help, I am a little bit better at successfully grasping it. With your vitality of 5, plus five flying swords, the combat power is equivalent to 7." Wang Rulai fell into thought, and groaned: "Since so, I'll tell you another secret. Deep in Heilongtan is the secret cave house of a cultivator. I have found out that those black pythons are his pets. After the cultee died, the black python king guards the cave house. With spirituality, I have even learned the cultivation method, which is extremely powerful. It is a state of fetal breath, but because its body is different from humans, the holy fetus is also very strong, which is dozens of times the average fetal breath strong! No master can do anything about it, but if someone can sneak into the depths of Dongfu and get a token, then this black python king can be obedient, because when the spiritual master taught the black python to practice, he also enslaved it. Mind, that token is, according to the cultivator, the primordial card of the black python king ~ www.readwn.com ~ So, I want to get that thing, as long as I control the black python king, it is equivalent to an extra birth rate. Strong community of your servant, it's not, you can then further develop the comprehension Dong Fu, get inside of wealth. "

"This is really a big secret ..." Jiang Li took a sigh of relief: "How many people know this secret?"

"I know it now." Wang Rulai always conveyed his heart and told Jiang Li: "I didn't intend to tell you this secret, but your strength moved me. For me, you are my great assistant. I can't believe anyone else. "

"Indeed, this temptation is too great." Jiang Liping calmed down. "So, do you want to get that Yuanming card to control the black python king?"

"Of course." Wang Rulai proudly said, "Play as big as you want. I have been planning this for 7 years, and I have not been able to cooperate with it. My uncle said that you are reliable, and I believe you once."

"I just need to get the dragon grass." Jiang Li's ambition is not so great. He knew by instinct that the Dongfu and Black Python King of the true practitioner were definitely not so easy to control.

"No problem, this matter can be discussed carefully." Wang Rulai looked around: "The fraternity has begun."

Music is ringing throughout the hall, which is actually the familiar "eternal life".

This song seems to become the most classic and great movement of mankind.

Among the familiar singing voices, more and more students have come to the fraternity, and some students have started to look for dance partners. This fraternity is also a feast for men and women.

"Jiang Li, let's dance." Xue Ling did not know when he had changed into a pale pink dress, and the whole person was elegant with a cute, skirt swaying, walking slowly, attracting the attention of many men around.

She raised her hand to invite Jiang Li, smiling like an elf.

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