Emperor of The Cosmos

: Chapter 168 Appearance

Jiang Li was also worried about making money. Wang Rulai immediately provided a way to make money. This was simply a sleeper and someone would send a pillow.

Using his space to smuggle materials, although it is said to be illegal, but if you do n’t buy it from Star University, but collect it on the Emperor and bring it out, there is no moral problem.

According to the "antitrust law" of mankind, Xingkong University did create a monopoly.

Unfortunately, Jiang Li's space can't carry any materials now. Since Wang Rulai knew the secret, he also made it clear: "I don't need space now, I'm afraid this business cannot be done."

"Why?" Wang Rulai was anxious: "Do you think I don't have enough benefits? I have accumulated a large amount of materials myself, as long as I can transport them outside and sell them on the black market, it will immediately be a huge wealth. Your company It can also develop. This is a mutually beneficial and win-win thing. Why refuse? "

"The space is really out of the question, and the truth tells you that you are not afraid. My tutor and I also surrendered to a cultivator ’s cave, and obtained many flying swords. The remaining forty-four mouths assassinate each other in the depths of the space, and anyone who enters must be twisted into powder. "Jiang Li told the truth.

"What?" Wang Rulai's eyes swelled like a copper bell, and she even burst into swearing, surprised: "Crouching! Isn't it? Forty-nine flying swords! I don't have any such flying swords, how many do you sell me? Mouth? I have this flying sword, I have collected enough dragon-searching grass, and transformed the flying sword into energy by special cultivating methods, and then integrated with the body, the lethality has increased ten times. ”

"These forty-nine flying swords are a set. For each additional one, the power is increased by one. It is a pity to take it apart. If you want to see it, you can enjoy it for some time." Jiang Li is not afraid of being taken away. The emperor relic, even when Chen Tianshu saw the emperor relic, retreated from the three-pointer and left in shock.

"A strange encounter is a very curious encounter, and you are blessed." Wang Rulai calmed down, feeling again and again: "Walk around, I will take you to my field laboratory."

"You set up a field laboratory?" Jiang Li was surprised. "It's strange."

"What is this? The Star University base does not have the site of our students. Every move must be closely monitored, so many masters have set up secret bases in other places of Emperor Star to store items and study various sciences. I The laboratories are not large. Really large laboratories, such as the laboratories of the Immortal Squad and Saint King's Squad, are built deep in the ground, tightly sealed and extremely mysterious. They are said to have found the caves of the spiritual masters, and their stability is even It is comparable to the base of Xingkong University itself. The reason why I played Heilongtan this time was because I liked the Dongfu of the cultivator and hoped that after conquering, he would use Heilongtan as his own experimental base. "Wang Rulai planned very much. Be thorough.

"Research base?"

Jiang Li suddenly thought of the valley where the sword was practiced.

There seems to be some secrets deep in that valley, and it is extremely stable. It can absorb the energy of the stars in the sky and the essence of the galaxy. It is a natural base.

Your own lab may be set up there.

Of course, setting up a base requires a lot of money, and you have to buy a lot of robots to do hard work. Each robot is worth a lot. It costs more than 10 million yuan. Various materials, energy furnaces, reactors, large-scale optical brain computing are all money. .

Without tens of billions of funds, I don't want to set up a laboratory on Emperor Star. If a large-scale laboratory is needed, hundreds of billions of dollars can be dropped.

At night, the atmosphere of the whole party was getting more and more heated. Many students were communicating with each other, meeting new friends and forming circles of all sizes. This kind of ball is the best platform for socializing. Every Star University student is a leader. Most people have huge forces behind them. If they are united, they can call the wind and rain in human society.

So every student at Star University attaches great importance to socializing.

Maybe, a small group united together, it was only a flashy idea at first, and eventually a human giant business group could emerge.

Jiang Li, Luo Han, Xue Ling, Lei Zheng, Ji Qingwu, Wang Rulai, six outstanding people formed the Chidi Group, I do not know where the fate of this group will go?

The party ended in the middle of the night, and a battleship flew out of nowhere, and those students went back to each other or chose to go for a drive.

"There are so many students participating in the sorority party this time." Jiang Li left the hustle and bustle and sighed, "It is really a dragon and a tiger."

"What is this?" Wang Rulai said in a faint tone: "This year's fraternity came with small shrimps. The big students and students are busy practicing, researching, collecting, and can't wait to improve their strength. We have rarely participated in such activities. Let's go and see my base. "

Between words, everyone boarded his warship and flew out of the human base.

"A big battleship." This battleship also has a hundred meters. The decoration inside is luxurious and stable. Although it is not as good as the warship of Hongheil, it also far surpasses the starfish battleship, and the cost is definitely more than 10 billion yuan.

"This battleship was created by my painstaking effort and cost 20 billion yuan." Wang Rulai caressed his own battleship: "Unfortunately, this battleship is not enough to compete in Heilongtan, so I want more To upgrade warships, but without money, everything is empty talk. So you have to transport all kinds of materials to the earth, sell them through the black market, and make huge profits. "

"Do you have a customer base?" Jiang Li asked.

To transport resources to the earth, there must be a source of customers and a market. Otherwise, it will be a waste in the end.

“You do n’t need to worry about customers. Numerous people want to buy materials, but they are sighed because they have no channels. They ca n’t buy them.” Wang Rulai waved his hands and was very confident. It will be swept away in no time. I can't buy it but worry about selling it. "

Jiang Li thinks that it is true. There are many rich people, but the supplies are scarce. Any kind of supplies on the Emperor Star are good things. Countless rich people dream of having them.

The battleship flew silently, not even the atmospheric fluctuations.

This is the most advanced airflow control system, so that when the warship flies, it will make a roar of waves and be known to the enemy. Such a system does not have the usual warships, and the value is also very high.

Dangdang ...

Ji Qingwu beat the warship itself, making a dull metallic sound, and said, "This is a rare Heerkin, ordinary warships do not have this material."

"Where, Hegemin is a peculiar metal that contains the rules of the universe. It ’s too expensive. My warship is only added about thirty grams of Hegemin. If the whole body is built with Hegemin, this warship is You can cross the universe. "Wang Rulai was very hospitable and introduced everyone to the various equipment on board.

The battleship started until it dawned, and Jiang Li saw the rolling mountains. The feng shui was very good. The hills were like turtles and snakes, rising and falling. At the position of the dragon head, a base could be seen faintly.

"This is a natural fengshui dragon vein, called a turtle-snake panlong. It is a rare feng shui pattern. Establishing a base on this dragon head will increase luck in the midst." Wang Rulai lowered the battleship, and everyone saw To the Fengshui faucet is the base gate, silver-white, and from a distance, it seems that the mountains and dragons contain a dragon ball, absorbing the heaven and earth aura and the essence of the universe.

Feng Shui pattern is really unique.

The gate of the base slowly opened and saw many robots inside doing work and construction back and forth. There is no human on Emperor Star, and all construction must rely on robots or energy bodies.

The energy body is expensive to manufacture, and Wang Rulai cannot afford to use it, only robots can be used to construct it.

Kaka Kaka ... The silver-white door opened, Jiang Li and others walked into it, and found that the base directly led to the mountain belly, but the inside was not suffocating. You can see the outside, it seems that the rocks have been transformed and turned into A crystal that can be seen from the inside, which looks like a rocky mountain.

"Let's go to the incense in front of the statue of our ancestor of the royal family." Wang Rulai took everyone into a hall that looked like a temple. Jiang Li looked up and saw that there was a stone statue in front of him. It looks like a deity, wearing a white clothes, a teenager, smiling, kind and ordinary. At first glance, it looks like the taste of the elder brother next door, but if you look closely, this person does not seem to be in this world, or even in the physical world, as if Integrate with the void.

"This is Wang Chao, the ancestor of our royal family."

A word from Wang Rulai immediately made everyone respectfully, and felt that this idol had a hint of sacredness and inviolability.

"Come up, worship, maybe our ancestors will bless us." Wang Rulai stepped forward and knelt down, worshiping, as if worshipping the avenue, and the mountains recede.

"Is senior Wang Chao alive or dead?" Jiang Li asked suddenly.

"I don't know, there is no message." Wang Rulai shook his head: "But we always believed that the old ancestors were not dead, because our disciples of the Wang family must shape an idol of the old ancestors, pray to the ancestors, incense and worship the ancestors, there are His disciples have been blessed by their ancestors, and even taught various boxing and martial arts experiences in dreams. When they wake up, their vitality has increased from time to time. This shows that our ancestors of the royal family may be at the other end of the starry sky. Watch us. "

"What?" Jiang Li was taken aback: "You can still pray for the blessings of the ancestors of the Wang family? Isn't this the legendary **** and Buddha manifestation?"

"Human master of the soul ~ www.readwn.com ~ People who practice to manifest the Holy Realm are themselves gods and gods." Wang Rulai looked at Jiang Li: "You should be clear. People who manifest the Holy Realm do not need energy and can They appear directly in the material world, so they can cross the distant starry sky with a single thought and bless people. Is n’t Guanyin Bodhisattva saying that all living beings in the world have encountered disasters, just read his name and immediately come to the rescue of suffering. "

"It's true. The people who manifest the sacred realm are too strong. They are gods and Buddhas." Jiang Li also knows the horror of such people. Chen Tianshu, the first master of the Aboriginal Star, is almost invincible and seems to be able to teleport. That powerful The spirit sword was collected by him as soon as he beckoned, but it was nothing more than sitting in and forgetting, which was a thousand and eighty thousand miles away from the state of Xiansheng.

"This is the greatest human being. Although it is not our ancestor, but out of respect, let's worship it." Luo Han stepped forward, and respectfully folded his hands and knelt down to worship.

Jiang Li nodded, and followed him to incense, salute, and worship the strongest man ever, the hegemon in martial arts, with the ritual of worshipping gods and Buddhas.

All six were incense, worship, and salute.

Hum ...

Just during worship, all of a sudden the miracles appeared!

This idol actually started to shake. What was originally a hard stone sculpture turned out to be as delicate as fleshy, with a human flavor, completely violating the physical rules.

At this moment, everyone seemed to be settled.

They all looked dumbfounded, staring blankly at the living idol.

This idol actually started to walk around and came to the crowd. First he stroked Wang Rulai's head, then he touched Luo Han, Xue Ling, Lei Zheng, Ji Qingwu's head, and finally stood in front of Jiang Li.

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