Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 171: 5 Qi Chaoyuan

"Stop that, uncle, I brought a lot of spirit stones this time, which can make up for your shortcomings. There are also some elixir that can completely improve your vitality without any side effects."

Wang Rulai's tone changed, and his eyes filled with coldness: "The reason why I came to the earth this time was to open up a market and transport goods, and on the other hand to deal with the Jiang family. When my uncle was arrested, I am afraid that there is also Jiang family power Let ’s make a difference in the future. It ’s not Jiang Nalan who spoke. How dare the human government run into our royal family to catch people? ”

"Yes, Jiang Nalan is very powerful. The Jiang family has relied on him to develop to the present. He is a master of the soul and a manifestation of the Holy Strong, except for our ancestors of the royal family. So far, there is no second human who can be manifested." Thinking carefully, tapping the desktop with your fingers seems to be grasping the power gap between the two sides: "Once a strong man appears in the family, it represents glory, glory, strength, and immortality. Now there are only a few masters of human souls. Jiang family has one, so Jiang family is terrifying and has great potential for development. "

"However, he should never and should not oppose my Wang family." Wang Rulai's tone was fierce, apparently he had a great grudge against the Jiang family.

"He thought that our ancestor Wang Chao could never come back or fall down." Wang Changrong said brightly in his heart, "After all, Jiang Nalan is still active in the high-level politics of mankind and is a vice president. With great power, it can provide more convenience for the Jiang family. Fortunately, the battlefield of the cultivation world now involves his mind, and there is a lot of pressure. Otherwise, when he returns to human society, the Jiang family does not know what it will swell into. "

"Uncle, it's still important for you to improve your strength. Brother Jiang Li, please bother you. Take out the wood, metal, soil, wind, fire, electricity, and water. This is my special preparation for my uncle. "Wang Rulai's tone was full of regrets:" Although the uncle is a constant state, it's a pity that vitality has been exhausted too much. The spirit stone I brought this time is specifically to make up for the five elements, but also There is a five-character dynasty Yuandan, which was auctioned for three billion yuan, and was also specially prepared for my uncle. This elixir is the elixir made by a master of alchemy in the world of human cultivation. "

"Five Qi Dynasties Yuandan?" Wang Changrong was also slightly moved: "This Dan is incredible, it is a means of cultivation. People in the realm of fetal interest, collect the five qi of the void, use countless drugs, and at least six with their own fire and blood sacrifice. It takes ten years to build a furnace, with a maximum of five. We humans cannot analyze the ingredients in science and technology and cannot manufacture them in batches. I am an aging body. Why do you take such good drugs? "

"Uncle, you are only sixty years old now. What is old?" Wang Rulai retorted, taking over a box that Jiang Li took out. This box was made of metal and had many strange textures on the surface, which could block energy and not leak it.

Wang Rulai pressed the button on it, and it didn't take long for the box to open slowly. It contained seven spirit stones and an elixir.

These things are of great value. Even Jiang Li is very envious when he looks at them. Those spirit stones are good things that cannot be bought. Even if there is one occasionally, they will be desperately scrambled, and the value will soar many times in the auction.

At this moment, a scent diffused from the box, Jiang Li smelled it, only feeling relaxed and happy. Among the internal organs, there seemed to be a clear air rising up, condensing into a baby shape.

"This drug is simply out of the blue!"

He was taken aback and looked at the elixir in the box.

The aroma is emitted by the elixir. This is the legendary "Five Qi Dynasty Yuandan" that can be refined only by those who practice it. The five colors are similar to the exquisite flowers.

In the Five Qi Dynasty Yuandan, five-colored exquisite flowers have been used as medicinal materials. Of course, there are many other precious medicinal materials, which are rare big treasures between heaven and earth.

This elixir is colorful, the size of longan, and emits five-color light and fragrance throughout the body. When people smell the fragrance, they feel that their whole body is comfortable and their blood is soft, like a dragon flying in the clouds.

This is a medicine that cannot be produced by modern technology, because it contains the spirit of the spiritual master, and the soul power is in it. The spiritual master cultivates day and night, the blood and soul spirit are integrated into the depth of the elixir, which makes the elixir contain a strange Energy is spirituality.

Modern technology cannot simulate this spirituality. Even if the same material is used to produce the same structure of the elixir, the effect is not as good as one ten thousandth of the elixir.

This is also a difficult problem that cannot be broken by modern scientific and technological means, and this problem involves "soul grafting technology".

Of course, scientists now struggle to overcome these.

"Good elixir, good elixir." As soon as Wang Changrong grabbed it, the elixir flew to his hand. This was also a kind of airflow manipulation. He watched it carefully and didn't take it.

Suddenly, he looked up, handed the medicine to Jiang Li, and said, "Jiang Li, take this medicine."

"Me?" Jiang Li was startled, and waved his hands again and again: "Father, this thing is so precious, I dare not be, it is important for you to improve your vitality. I have enough vitality now, what do you take this medicine?"

"Since my ancestors of the Wang family are holy because of you, it means that there must be a reason for it. The stronger your strength is, the better." Wang Changrong's eyes were like a torch and his tone was slow: "Five Qi Dynasty Yuandan can nourish its own life potential, I have already It can be seen that there are five strong energies in your body, that is, Feijian, but Feijian itself is too heavy, killing cells, and fused blood is very difficult. After you take Wuqi Chaoyuandan, you can five Sword unity. Although the unity of the sword body is still not achieved, the combat effectiveness and life potential will be greatly increased. "

"The old man thinks about this for me, it really makes me feel complacent." Jiang Li resolutely said: "But I will never take the elixir. I have received many goodwill from the old man. Although you and I cross each other, big grace Don't say thank you, but let me be blessed, I am afraid I will retreat. "

"No matter, no matter, since you have decided, I won't force it any more." Wang Changrong saw Jiang Li take out his heart to retreat to convince himself, so he stopped and took the elixir.

Immediately after the entrance of the elixir, five-colored light appeared on his body, and there was an aperture behind it. A large amount of five gases emerged from the body, gathered and not scattered, and gathered into the shape of a baby on his head.

Five Qi Chaoyuan.

The five energies, combined with the five internal organs and six internal organs, gradually improve the body's potential from the inside out.

"Lingshi, come!"

Subsequently, Wang Changrong beckoned again, the air flow pulled, seven spirit stones with attributes also flew into his hands, he swallowed them one by one, and the whole body flashed thunder and thunder suddenly, the wind and fire were rife, and visions appeared everywhere.

His body is calcined in wind and fire, tempered in lightning, and spiritual stones of metal, soil, wood, and water are nourishing.

Jiang Li seems to see that many impurities on Wang Changrong's body have been evaporated, the cells in the body are creeping, the whole person begins to restore youthful vitality, and the vitality presents a parabolic improvement.

Originally, Wang Changrong's vitality was 5, but after a while, it rose to 5.5, then to 6, then to 7, and finally to 8 until it slowly stabilized.

Wang Rulai looked at a piece of software for testing vitality on the chip, and was very happy.

In the end, all the energy was incorporated into Wang Changrong's body. At this time, he was at least 20 years younger and his vitality increased to 8. He could tear the mech with his bare hands. And brain cells are at least several times more powerful, and the number and range of hypnosis must be larger.

"Congratulations to the uncle's vitality increased to 8! But there is still some energy that cannot be refined. After a long period of recuperation, it will certainly be able to rise to double digits within a month." Wang Rulai closed the test software, and the joy overflowed.

"This is a miracle! We have increased 3 vitality in a while, and it is not easy for us to improve by 0.1." Ji Qingwu was shocked and incredible.

Luo Han and Xue Ling were also stunned. Only Lei Zheng and Jiang Li were calm.

"As long as the spiritual realm is here, everything will come to pass." Wang Changrong waved his hand: "The most important thing is the spiritual realm. The spiritual realm is not up to that point. No matter how many resources the flesh obtains, it is because the woods are seeking fish. Once the spiritual realm is reached, as long as the spiritual realm is abundant, it will be successful. No Buddha is impossible. "

Jiang Li naturally understood this.

"Brother, let's count the goods."

At the moment, he carried out many goods and robots in the space, stacked in the warehouse, and prepared to sell. Some of these resources are not prohibited items, such as precious wood and metals, which can be traded by companies and auctioned through the human government's tax system.

With so many robots, island construction will also accelerate.

"If you discuss how to wipe out the black market, I'll meet my parents first." Jiang Li greeted him and couldn't wait to go home. Of course, his family has now moved and hasn't lived in Xinghua City anymore, but Live below the island.

When he rushed downstairs, he saw his mother in the hall, and his father Jiang Zhendong was debugging the instrument inside a huge laboratory. There were many scientific researchers beside him, all busy and nervous. .

"Good boy, you're finally back." The mother smiled with an eyebrow. As soon as she saw Jiang Li, she pulled him up and down to see if she was thin or not hurt. When you saw Jiang Li was tall and strong, there was no problem. , Rest assured, and began to ask Star Sky University life, how about various training.

Jiang Li quickly persevered and made up lies.

This is a good-faith lie. If you tell your mother that you have been beheaded, beheaded, and killed the Jiang family's Jiang Tianhe, then the mother should not be scared to death? Don't stay at home ~ www.readwn.com ~ too worried.

"A Li, have you discussed with Mr. Ku Rong? Your dad is studying the production process of Sun and Moon Essence and is familiar with the procedures. Your sister is in class at school. Now she is studying at the best high school in Jinghua City. At home, you can find a chance to see it. Unfortunately, Taoer still has no news. Instead, the military sent condolences to him, saying that nothing is wrong, so that our family members can rest assured. "

"Well, I see, then I'll go and see my dad." Jiang Li and his mother talked and went into the huge laboratory.

The laboratory is partitioned by a few feet of large radiation-proof glass, with a total area of ​​more than 100,000 square meters. This kind of construction cannot be destroyed even by small missiles.

As soon as Jiang Li entered the laboratory, he saw his father analyzing various data, and he calculated some extremely advanced equations on the brain, and even he could only understand a small part.

He looked closely at his father, and found that his father was younger. It seemed that he was well-regulated, energetic, active in thinking, and his vitality had reached 0.9. It seems that Wang Changrong sometimes also nursed his father's body.

"Dad, I'm back."

"Okay, you go first. Dad is too busy here to pull hands, we will talk later." Jiang Zhendong looked up at his son, his face flashed, but then he analyzed his data: "This Why is there a problem with the group data? Come, Xiao Li, come here. You have studied this set of drug data equations. Look! What are you studying? "

A researcher hurried over and was scolded by Jiang Zhendong.

After swearing for a while, Jiang Zhendong turned to another researcher and said, "This drug response and human hormones are always wrong. It seems that clinical trials are needed."

Jiang Li couldn't help crying, knowing that his father had entered a state of madman science.

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