Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 207: Underwater

Under the water, Jiang Li looked at the altars around. Although it was only a few square meters in size, it was crystal clear, all of them were solid spiritual stones that penetrated into the ground and turned into a vein. Spiritual power penetrated into the rocks, everywhere. The spirit stones, which are all stars, seem to be emerald inlaid deep in the original stone.

In addition, beneath the altar, there seemed to be a faint glimmer of light.

Underneath the altar of spirit stone is also a spirit stone, which is a property spirit stone.

"I'm rich, I'm rich, this altar is all spiritual stones, at least one hundred kilos. Now I'm rich, even if I condense the body of the emperor, the emperor's womb needs a lot of energy, and I'm afraid it's enough. Moreover, Here is a vein. When I mine them one by one, it is possible to mine thousands of stones. Isn't that a rich country? "

Jiang Li touched the altar and drooled.

It's as if a hungry person saw a big cake, and of course they had to pounce on it and talk about it.

"Lest night long dreams, immediately take out the spirit stone and put it into the space of the great emperor's relic." Jiang Li took out a special tool for cutting and mining the spirit stone from the space. Bang Rong was mined from the bottom. The underwater operation was very difficult, but His physical strength is overbearing, and the emperor's watermark can reduce the water pressure and fuse with water, which is smoother than a fish. He can almost mobilize the energy of water, but use pressure to temper his body.

After a while, an altar of about a few cubic meters was cut off, a huge spirit stone.

Jiang Li said, 201 kg.

The spirit stone is very light. Because it is an energy block, it has only 200 kilograms per cubic meter. However, a gram of spirit stone is very valuable. The 200 kilograms of spirit stone is against the sky and immediately becomes a rich man. Many people on the earth The wealth of the group is not more than this time.

Sure enough, the wealth gained from the exploration of alien planets is the most outrageous.

Of course, according to the rules, even if the students of Xingkong University found the spirit stone, they only sold it to the university at a low price and could not take it out, otherwise it was smuggling, but it was a pity to absorb it, but where could they absorb so much.

The altar was cut down and thrown into the depths of the relics of the great emperor to store it. Fortunately, there was space, otherwise it would not be collected. The robot could not come down, and was smashed by the storm above the canyon.


As soon as the altar was moved away, Jiang Li's eyes were straight, because the beautiful Guanghua directly radiated out, was embedded in the rocks, and some attribute spirit stones appeared.

"This is a water-based spirit stone ..." Jiang Li dug his finger and dug a sphere out of the rock. The water flashed, and there was a sound of waves. It seemed that the river was tidal and flowing.

"Also, this is the spirit stone of the thunder attribute." He dug one of them out again, the same fist, holding it in his hand, the lightning crackling around the whole body, and it seemed like the thunder world in the depth of the spirit stone.

"Wind-type spirit stone!" Another piece was dug out, and the storm was screaming. It was oscillating all the time. It really smelled like the wind and thunder of Wuzhou shaking.

"Fire-type spirit stone ..." Jiang Li found another piece, much better than the fire-type spirit stone he got last time.

"There are spirit stones of water, fire, wind and thunder here, huh? Actually there are also light stones ........." Jiang Li took out a piece of spirit stone, milky white, slightly shaking, the light was lasing, and pierced the dark waters.

Then he got another dark spirit stone, dark.

In the end, he dug out the metal spirit stone, which is actually a pure metal energy stone. This is different from Feijian's metalness. It is an uncontaminated metalness, which is congenital and can be integrated into the body and strengthen the bones.

However, Jiang Li does not need it. Among the seals of the emperor, the four seals of water, fire, wind and thunder have no gold, and the cultivation comes from the system. It seems that this metallic spirit stone will only be sold or exchanged for other treasures.

In addition, there are no other spirit stones.

There are seven types of spirit stones.

Water, fire and thunder, light and dark gold.

Originally, there should be no fire spirit stones on the sea floor, but Jiang Li stroked the veins in this area and found that the stones were hot and hot. In deeper places, there was clearly the existence of volcanic lava on the sea floor.

In this way, firestones can be formed over time.

"A big vein."

Jiang Li left this altar and looked around. There are many spirit stones hidden in the deep rocks, ranging from small to small, only a few grams, and large fists, but you must dig out the rocks to put these spirits Collecting all the stones is a huge project.

Because some spirit stones are hidden in rocks hundreds of meters deep.

Exposed to the outside is an altar with seven orb-like spirit stones beneath it.

Everything else needs to be mined. Jiang Li also finds it difficult to mine, but it doesn't matter. What he fancy is the spirit cave here. The location of the altar, a few square meters of the spiritual cave, actually gathered at 300 times the speed of the aura. He is now two yuan of spiritual power, and can absorb 600 grams a day.

What if it is Hongheil?

10 dimensional mental power can absorb at least 3000 grams per day. How much does a 3 kg spirit stone sell for?

Of course, Honghei prison can't absorb it, just like a person can only eat that meal a day, if he eats too much, he will die. However, masters can use spiritual power to transform the heaven and earth aura into spiritual fluids and collect them. The effect is similar to the magic stone.

In short, this treasure of Feng Shui cannot be lost or given to others. It is a pity that the geographical location is not good and it goes deep into the water, otherwise it would be good to build a base.

If there is high technology, it is not impossible to set up a base, but it is too difficult. The sonic cannons in the Storm Canyon that are several tens of miles away cannot be entered. With the current forces of Jiang, it is impossible to establish a base unless he is promoted. Interest, refining the body of the emperor, and repairing the fetus of the emperor. With the ability to move mountains and mountains, you can consider building a Dongfu here.

"When the instructor is notified, he came here to mine with a battleship. The veins here extend to a distance, and there are at least thousands of kilograms of spirit stones. The instructor spent a lot of money to train me. It is appropriate to obtain these spirit stones." Jiang Li Entered into the relic space of the emperor again, ejected from the water and landed on the island. Looking at the feng shui pattern, he began to take photos and send an email to the instructor Hong Hei prison. Only the ability of Hong Hei prison can mine all the spirit stones here.

"Good place, good place. In addition, there must be many undiscovered wealth on these thousands of islands." Jiang Li surrounds the surrounding area. If this archipelago is developed, the economic value it brings will definitely be Makes people rich overnight.


Just then, a huge roar of warships passed from afar.

"Huh? The mentor is here? No, he hasn't responded to me, even his warships don't have such a fast speed." Jiang Zhongzhong tightened.

One, two, three, four .....

Four battleships appeared above, not the Starfish, but a more advanced, more powerful, tens of billions worth of battleship Star Dragon.

The Starfish battleship is worth 4 billion, while the Star Dragon battleship is between 20 billion and 30 billion. Then Wang Rulai is the more luxurious of this model. This time he wants to upgrade the battleship and completely rebuild it. "Upgrade to Star King.

The four warships are definitely not the native planet, but the students of Xingkong University, and even the extremely powerful existence of the students. As soon as they fly above, Jiang Li knows not well, and this treasure of feng shui was discovered.

Ooo ...

The four warships united, and a fierce storm of energy swept over.

Jiang Li was too late to dodge. This is a search radar. His dodge was useless. The range of the four battleships was tens of thousands of square kilometers in an instant. It can continue to expand. The speed of energy radiation is the same as the speed of light. Ten times faster is useless.

Zizi ...

In this moment, four intense lasers locked him, radiating him all over the body, and then the sound of the rumbling mech fell, and dozens of black shadows in the sky shot down, not far from the river. .

The dozens of black shadow helmets retracted automatically, showing faces, white, yellow, and black. However, they are all Star University students, each of whom has an extraordinary momentum. Obviously, after many years of training ~ www.readwn.com ~ is an absolutely powerful role in the Star University team.

"Who are you? A student at Star University?"

A white man came up and spoke in the true native language of the earth: "Why is it here? Did you discover the secret here?"

These words were very polite and hostile, and it seemed that the treasures they had buried had been excavated.

"Who are you?" Jiang Li secretly warned, because this white man has a vitality of 10 or more, and may even surpass Wang Rulai. It is not a simple role, and there are so many people present, some of which are unfathomable.

"I am the captain of the Glory Squad, Oulang." The white student's tone became more and more severe: "This time, a total of four teams joined together to develop this mining area, the Glory Squad, the Hengshan Squad, the Longhua Squad, and the Bright Squad. They are all in the ranks of less than a thousand. I ask you, what did you find here? "

"I didn't find anything. I just went out and traveled. When I saw the feng shui is good, I came down to observe it." Of course, Jiang Li would not admit it. He received two hundred kilograms of spiritual stones. Of course, even if he admits it, these people have no regard to him Method, but it is better not to expose the wealth.

"You're lying." Another student came forward, about 24 years old, and was actually a yellow man: "Say, what did you find here?"

His tone was somber, with the magical power that affected the soul between his words, and infiltrated into Jiang Li's mind instantly, he actually controlled his spirit, and this was the beginning of hypnosis.

"Changding!" Jiang Li felt that his spiritual cultivation was a great figure, but this spirit of the realm was no longer his opponent. He didn't answer and asked, "What's your name?"

"Hengshan martial arts." The yellow man snapped, but answered, at this moment, he was hypnotized.

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