Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 217: Snake hunting

"You have come to understand the mystery of the Seven Killing Swords? Slay the soul, absorb the strong life potential, infuse it into other people's bodies, and then increase the power of others. This is the ingenious flesh rebirth in the magic path, life grafting, and magic Predatory, a superior means of parasitic potential. "

Jiang Li saw this scene and knew it. In fact, in the world of cultivation, there are a lot of such monks who kill too many people and cannot absorb the potential of life themselves, but they can be stored and used by disciples.

For example, in his dreams, he knew a brilliant magic Taoist method called "blood **** fruit", which is cultivated into a blood gourd-like Tao fruit, storing great life potential in it, suspended above his head, regardless of encounter In any attack, even if the human body is broken, as long as there is a strong potential for life in the blood Shinto fruit, it can be repaired again and again. It can be described as an immortal body.

This is the same principle as the fruit of life, but it is much higher than the fruit of life.

In fact, the study of the fruit of life also refers to some theories in magic.

However, the practice of this kind of life magic skills, also has great regrets, that is, to always be prepared to be protected from thunder and lightning, a little weather operation, the charge changes, the thunder bombed down.

Often these monks and monks fight with each other. When the thunder hits them, they will turn into powder, or they will practice spiritually and travel to the world. When they are enlightened, the thunder will also come down and disturb his practice.

In addition, because killing too much life, when extracting the life of the soul, the soul will be extremely painful at that moment, which will cause resentment and cursing. There is a demon in the spirit. When you are enlightened, you often have different demons and thoughts. Hundreds of them, nine out of ten became nervous, and finally died of madness.

Therefore, in this area, nine thousand of the 10,000 monks died of the Thunder, and 999 died of their own madness. People are not like people, ghosts are not like ghosts, and they have completely lost their reason.

Only one, great perseverance, great wisdom, can break everything, realize life and death, take life as a living being, and enter the incomprehensible depth of mystery, can all kinds of calamities be resolved, become the king of magic, dominate the world, and gain great freedom .

"This is the life transfer of human research, grafting technology." Wang Rulai admired: "Human science and technology have long begun to study the graft of one's vitality onto another, so that dying people can obtain youth and life. A bit of technology is stuck in the bottleneck. I can't imagine that Magic Road can do it. "

Although human beings are now entering the high-tech era, life, death, and death are a big problem that cannot be solved. Practice is a good way to solve life and death. But how many people can practice to the apex?

Moreover, even if it is a master in the realm of birth rate, it is estimated that the life will not exceed 500 years.

The average life expectancy of the elite district is just over 200 years old. Some rich people have enjoyed the wealth brought by technology, and of course they are unwilling to die, so they began to study life transfer technology.

It is to extract the life potential of others, graft it onto your own body, and restore your body to youthful vitality.

For example, a rich man with only one year of life left can buy a young man's life potential into the body for ten years, and then he can extend his youth for another ten years.

Unfortunately, this science and technology has not been researched yet, and it is a scientific limit that human beings can hardly cross.

But the Dark Lord can do this, just to be struck by lightning.

"Jiang Li, what do you do now? Do you dive into the underwater cave house immediately or kill the snake outside?" Dahei seems to have some intoxication. "This black snake has pure and rich potential for life. It is not comparable to human beings. Every time one kills, It is equivalent to beheading an existence that is stronger than Wang Rulai. "

Speaking, it looked at Wang Rulai up and down with bad intentions.

Wang Rulai was startled: "Brother Cat, don't think of me."

"Well, I just give an example. It shows that the life of this black snake is pure and has a flavor of energy. It is really an ancient alien. I have killed countless lives in more than a month. No one can match this black snake. And the black snake's body contains a lot of aura, water-based aura, nourishing the body, which is very good for repairing the wound. "Dahei laughed, and the human language became more and more proficient:" I think it is good to hunt snakes here , The more kills one by one, the more we kill, the stronger we will be. This is a real fight! "

The cat is a tiger.

The snake is a dragon.

Dragons and tigers are fighting each other, and they are born with a taste of being in harmony with each other. It is of great benefit to kill each other.

"The so-called blue dragon, white tiger, Suzaku, and basalt. In fact, the Thunder Thunder beast is the legendary white tiger. The evolution of our feline is extremely extreme, and the black snake in front of it has some blue dragon flavor, alas, killing. After dying, I think life genes have evolved a lot, how about you? "

It asked Da Meng Er Meng and other cats.

"We're fine too, cool!" The other kittens bellowed.

"In this way, Jiang Li, we are hunting black snakes outside! When you dive into the water and collect the dragon-searching grass, you will get the ancient cave house." Dahei settled down.

"But!" Jiang Li quickly stopped the idea of ​​Dahei: "This is very dangerous. In case the black dragon king is brought out, how can you escape the hunt? I can't let you do this."

"It doesn't matter, this is when I'm harrowing the state of my breath!" Da Heixin refused to give up: "The state of my breath must go through a terrifying spiritual change before I can be promoted. When I meet the Black Dragon King, I escape life and death. Only in the realm of birth rate can we realize a deeper level. "

"That being the case, then we will divide the work and cooperate." Wang Rulai patted Jiang Li's shoulders: "Brother Cat is firm and far beyond us. It has its own ideas and cultivation. We go down to find the underwater cave house and collect the dragon grass. And Although my battleship can die and take off to attack the Black Dragon King, it will take at least half an hour for the Black Dragon King to completely destroy this upgraded battleship and break its energy shield and weapon system. It can win more for the cat brother time."

"That's fine." Jiang Li felt a little relieved.

If this battleship of Wang Rulai was two hundred years ago, it had the power to destroy the world, and a battleship could completely defeat all countries and dominate the earth.

Now, with a powerful battleship, the master of the battle against the fetus is recognized.

However, the Black Dragon King is too powerful, and it is no better than a figure like Jiang Hailong. Even a battleship can only delay time and cannot cause damage to it.

"Then start! By the way, Wang Rulai, is there any Gene Potions on your battleship? We need a lot of potions to cope with sudden changes." Dahei thought about it, for safety, it also needs something. .

"No, but I can go back and buy it immediately, without any hassle. After my battleship was upgraded, it was silent but extremely fast." Wang Rulai knew that this success may depend on Dahei, and immediately drove the battleship to rise silently and silently: "wait for me."


The battleship disappeared.

About a few hours later, in the middle of the night, the sky and stars were thicker, and it seemed to land on the ground. The beautiful night sky scenery was fascinating, and the battleship returned.

Wang Rulai took out many gene potions of Earthquake: "Come, every cat has them, but this gene potion is at risk. Are you really ready to use it?"

"My use of this gene has been in full swing, and recently I have come to understand many mysteries." Dahei roared, the wind rose, and a **** ghost appeared suddenly behind him.

The **** goblin drank all his genetic potions and stored them in his body.

"Is this still a demon?" Jiang Li was somewhat surprised, because the **** demon in front of him did not have a trace of **** blood, but instead carried a pure fragrance. It seemed that the spring thunder shocked the earth ~ www.readwn.com ~ The taste of blood, and the blood of the **** ghost is not pure bright red, but a touch of gold, which seems to be golden.

"Brothers, come closer to me." Dahei saw the Scarlet Demon stored a gene potion in his stomach, and his face laughed so hard that his beard trembled: "I injected life potential into the gene potion and neutralized The harmful gene changes in the potion, so that the gene potion will be 100% successful. Come on, brothers, I can tell you in charge, we can all become shocking thunder beasts! "

Uh ...

These cats rushed up, all wrapped in big black, began to fly and change, disappeared directly in the night sky, looking for black snakes looking for food everywhere.

Heilongtan is very big and it is endless. Many black snakes come out to look for food at night, which is a good opportunity to start. In the water, the fighting power of black snakes increases tenfold and it is difficult to be killed. It is much easier to go ashore. Of course, on the shore, each black snake can only be killed by a master with a breath, and Wang Rulai will have difficulty fighting one with his bare hands.

After all, the gap between humans and beasts is a genetic defect.

Belongs to the innate gap.

"Let's go into the water." Wang Rulai said hello and left the warship in place, but he could remotely control the warship to take off at any time and fly to the top of the Black Dragon Pool to drop the nuclear bomb killer, which was also his insurance means.

Originally, when a nuclear bomb was lost, it was necessary to bring it all together, but there was no problem with the space of the great relic, and it was impossible for the nuclear bomb to break the space.

This is perfect.


Jiang Li unfolded the space of the great emperor's relic, loaded it with Wang Rulai himself, and then silently poured into the lake. This time, it was much faster than the last time. Immediately, he came to the depths of the water. Hundreds of miles of powerful existence are like a torch in the dark.

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