Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 222: Big family

{Today is still the third change, at eight in the morning, at 14 in the morning, at 20 in the morning. Everyone supports .........}

"Hong Heil, I know a lot of information about the mother emperor. Although I do n’t fully grasp the mystery, I have obtained one tenth of the memory of the mother emperor. I will now pass on these memories to you. You can get Many high-tech, flesh and energy technologies ... "

A huge mental wave appeared.

It's "Little Emperor".

He passed it directly to the hearts of everyone, and everyone saw a man in white in front of him, talking eloquently, and his style was heartbreaking. This is what Xiaodi looks like.

"Okay ..." Hong Hei Jie was a little excited. He couldn't hold back. The technology of the Godwort Mother Queen surpassed humans. They absorbed energy, made biological crystals, and condensed into various flesh and blood. Once this science and technology Cracking, you can understand the mystery between energy and flesh, and have made breakthroughs in many studies of biology.

"Finally, it works." Jiang Li was relieved. He thought that the empress was a big energy-eating household. For at least thirty years, he couldn't go in and out. It had no effect on him. Instead, he would waste a lot of money. Resource provision.

"What's a bit of a role? It's a big effect." Hong Heiyuan stared at Jiang Li fiercely: "With it, my research is successful, and we can develop a biological crystal light brain, and even a biological crystal room. Furniture, cars, changing shapes at will. For example, if you take a bunch of crystal cells, the size of a fist, carry them at will, and suddenly become a mech, covering the whole body. Or inject energy, and instantly turn into a car, a ship The battleship, even a house, a light brain, a weapon, are ever-changing. In the future, when humans go out, they can take this thing and change it at will. Is it a revolutionary thing? If you think about it, Successful research, how much money will we earn if we apply for a patent? In a few years, we have no dream of becoming the largest group of human beings. "

"Sure enough," Jiang Li heard sweat from Heihei's explanation.

Biological crystal cells can change as long as they are charged. Holding a clump of crystal cells and injecting energy can change various forms. This clump is in my hand, and the world has it. It is indeed a revolutionary change for human life. Since then Human beings bid farewell to all kinds of machinery, and they could even bring down all kinds of manufacturers of warships, automobiles, and all kinds of machinery to unify the human market.

This is disruptive technology.

Wang Rulai also grew up the biggest, he thought of the future.

Such technology is truly invincible.

"Jiang Li, how is this mother emperor egg studying for me for a while?" Hong Heili thought for a while, and began to ask, he would not rob students of things.

"Tutor, the mother emperor egg is not mine, he is the young emperor. A senior, the invincible existence of the emperor's relic, has been entrusted to the mother emperor by the Yuan Shen. Therefore, you must seek his consent for the instructor." Jiang Lihe The mother's eggs were not considered her property.

"No problem, Mr. Hell, we work together, and I also want to learn about the various technologies of human beings. There are changes in our practice that are similar to our practice. In fact, whether it is Taoism or technology, it is an understanding of the universe. When Matter and energy are fused with each other, and when they can be exchanged, they return to the same destination. ”Xiaodi said:“ The development of human technology is extremely extreme, which can make people immortal, transform their bodies, have great power, and even manipulate brain cells to gain the spirit of the great shore And when you practice to the highest level, you can also realize that science and technology, matter and matter change each other, turning stone into gold, changing matter. "

"Well said, you are a senior, and it is also helpful for my cultivation. Let's study it together." Hong Heiyu brought the mother emperor eggs into the laboratory. "This time, it's really developed. If I research this technology, The entire archipelago will change again. The base is solid, and now I plant the female emperor's eggs in the depths of Lingxue, and it should absorb energy quickly. "

At the moment, Hong Heiyu was conducting research with Xiaodi, and the two had a great meeting, completely forgetting Jiang Li and Wang Rulai.

Seeing the frenetic look of Hong Hei Prison, Jiang Li shook his head: "Forget it, let's wait for the two of them to study. I ran a trip to Heilongtan for nothing and got such a result, hey."

"Go, go to my base, and move the base over. We may not have harvested a lot. We obtained a large amount of dragon-searching grass. I auctioned out a part of it, and at the same time, some of it was made into Fulongdan." At this time, Wang Rulai ’s The battleship also flew here.

His battleship was not lost at Black Dragon Pool.


The crowd flew up and came to Wang Rulai's base.

Many robots come and go to work back and forth, running this base, Jiang Li goes deep, and he sees a drug laboratory. In the center of the laboratory, some fiery red medicine has been manufactured.

"A total of thirteen fulongdans were produced, six of you and me, and one of black. How?" Wang Rulai started to distribute: "This medicine will greatly enhance the potential of life, compared to taking dragon grass alone. The effect is several times better. "

"I don't have to." Dahei waved his claws: "I have already trained the Yin Demon into a blood demon. With this high-end foreign style, I don't need elixir to enhance vitality, and give me some Thunder Thunder beasts. The genetic potion is just fine. "

"No problem, this gene potion can still be purchased." Wang Rulai started the big move: "Jiang Li, open your space, my base is transferred to your base, and big construction is started."

Jiang Li didn't say much, opened the space, and saw that many robots began to move in an orderly manner. Now he has enough space, more than 50 square kilometers, and a volume of 3 kilometers. There is no problem in evacuating a city completely.

A mountain can be put into it.

The efficiency of the robot is fast, all kinds of materials, materials, light brain, and everything start to move. It is all completed in one day. He brought a lot of materials to the archipelago base. Wang Rulai began to develop other archipelagoes. Of course, he followed Hong Hell's drawings were developed.

The entire archipelago has become a whole Feng Shui array.

The former archipelago was a natural geomantic fengshui pattern, perfect combination of time and place, but now it has become more peaceful through transformation. On this basis, many artificial geomantic fengshui patterns are added, and the heaven and earth are connected, and it will condense into a huge and incomparable future. The matrix method began to run slowly.

Ooooooo ...

Between Wang Rulai's construction, suddenly, a cloud of smoke emerged from the island under the control of the Lord, scattered around, and fell on many islands, and then many buildings began to form, and huge energy fluctuated around. .


Wang Rulai quickly stopped construction: "What is this going to do? Change the geomantic landscape?"

"You quickly stopped construction and let the nano-robots come. I am now laying down the emperor's array in accordance with Xiaodi ’s array, and reversing the ambiguity, bringing all the array of eyes and acupoints together through this Fengshui array to form a thousand. The aura of Double Reiki increased the speed at which the empress absorbed energy. "

The voice of Hong Heil passed out.

"A thousand times aura of spirits!" Jiang Li was startled, watched quickly, and saw the nano-robots constantly building, towering with strange buildings, some like rings, some like lotus, some like totems, Overall it gives people an unrealistic dreamy color.

Three more days passed.

The whole archipelago has been renewed. The fish and dragons are full of beauty. Jiang Liyi walks into it, only to feel upside down and confused. The whole person has a drowsy taste. However, he has a strong mental strength, barely guards his soul, and watches the changes. Sure enough, I feel that the aura in the air is concentrated in one place, and on the central island, it has condensed into a thousand-fold spiritual cave.

With the spiritual power of Hongheil, Qianbei Lingxue means that it can absorb 10,000 grams per day, which is 10 kilograms of spirit energy.

Although the emperor's spiritual power is not completely relieved now, and the mother emperor restricts each other, its spiritual power is also above Hongheil.

The number of spirit stones absorbed every day is definitely not a small number.

Moreover, it also continuously absorbs mechanical energy, and the wind energy on the entire island is very strong.

"Come here." Hong Heil greeted.

Jiang Li landed on the island, and immediately saw a gallbladder placed in the center, and countless energy was input into the egg. The crystal cells on the egg began to spread, and the ground was also dyed into a crystal. Creeping ~ www.readwn.com ~ spread out.

Every time a cell moves, it also absorbs free energy from the universe and begins to spread around.

"This crystal cell would be strong if it could be made," he thought.

"The preliminary construction of the base is completed, which is ten times stronger than the previous defense. If it takes time, the crystal cells of this mother's ovum will spread out and re-aggregate into a sporadic time and space. Chen Tianshu will fall into it and be captured by us. "Hong Heilin pointed at the Emperor Egg.

"Xiaodi, what is your current mental strength, and how many kilograms of spirit energy can you absorb each day?" Jiang Li asked.

"The mental power I can release now is about 20 dimension units, which means that I can absorb 20 kilograms of energy per day. My overall mental power is entangled with the original will of the mother emperor. Only by constantly absorbing energy You can unlock spiritual power. If you unlock all of them, although you can't restore my previous strength, you can definitely defeat any master under the Holy Spirit. "Xiaodi made a voice in it. This is not a spiritual fluctuation, but a real voice.

Xiaodi now has a body, although it is an egg.

"Aren't you the master of the sacred realm before? Why can't you recover? It is impossible for the sacred realm to retreat." Jiang Li frowned, and he wanted the young emperor to compete against Jiang Nalan.

"I'm actually dead. Now I'm resurrected with all kinds of might, but I haven't been completely resurrected. According to strict principles, my thinking is now a process, equivalent to the brain, and no soul has been born. Unless one day, I understand the secret of life and death before I can restore the state of manifestation. "Xiaodi said, let Jiang Li understand.

It turns out that Xiaodi is still a powerful intellectual brain, not a real soul, but it can think, communicate with people, and just like real people, what is missing?

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