Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 235: sensation

"News, news! Thirty-six Huacheng scientists, the Red Emperor Group, have developed the true essence of the sun and the moon, without any side effects on humans, and almost the same as the legendary heaven and earth spirit."

"Jiang Zhendong has researched out the true sun and moon extract, announced the data of various clinical trials, and has submitted it to the Academy of Human Sciences for inspection. It is very likely that the sun and moon extract will be mass-produced."

"Another great leap in human science and technology, the Chidi Group announced that if the Sun and Moon Essence is put into mass production, the quality of the entire human race will be significantly improved. From now on, the vitality of ordinary civilians exceeds 1 is normal. Quality is 0.7 vitality. Ten years later, everyone can reach 1. "

"Big news, Sun Moon Essence can finally be successfully researched without the need for regulation. It has no side effects on human nerves and can be taken without deep sleep. Clinical investigations are 100% free of side effects."

The next day, various media started to cover the news. Among them, the Wang family contributed to the situation, but more often, many large media felt that this was a blockbuster news.

This is the era of freedom of the press. Even if a news organization scolds the president and criticizes the government, there is nothing wrong with it. The big president can interfere freely. Otherwise, it is dictatorship. After being protested by human beings, it is also difficult to ride a tiger.

This is the best age and the worst.

Jiang Li sits at home and browses the news on the Internet. It is almost the headlines of major websites and forums. Even Jiang Zhendong put some photos of the laboratory on it, which is more authentic and credible.

At the same time, countless emails were sent to Chidi Group, and the media came to interview Jiang Zhendong and Chidi Group.

"Son, are you going to hold a press conference?" Jiang Zhendong came over and sat down.

"Dad, what's the situation at the Academy of Human Sciences? Has the patent application been blocked?" Jiang Li stood up and was most concerned about this: "I don't think there's any problem with the application, but just in case the Jiang family would suffer from it."

"Huh! Jiang family! They have researched for decades without the technology of biological and energy transformation. It is impossible to study the true essence of the sun and the moon. In fact, if I did not get the information you gave today, there would be no sudden inspiration. "Overcome this scientific problem." Jiang Zhendong gave a cold hum. "The Academy of Humanity attaches great importance to this kind of thing. In addition, the media is now overwhelmingly propaganda. No one can cover this up. I guess this is the case now. The matter has been passed on to the elite zone of human beings, and lawmakers have begun to ask about it. After all, the development of the true essence of the sun and the moon is a good thing for the improvement of humankind's quality. "

Jiang Li thinks about it too.

Overcoming this scientific problem is a major event for all humankind. As soon as it spreads, no one can overcome it.

"Jiang Li, Zhen Dong, I have already announced the press conference, which is in the Jinghua City Government Office. A total of thousands of media have gathered there, waiting for you to announce it in the past." Wang Changrong walked over, his face full of joy, originally The Jiang family's promise to the 36th Huacheng made him a little uncomfortable, but now studying the essence of the sun and the moon can be described as a counterattack for the Jiang family.

City hall.

Kaka Kaka ... Countless lights illuminate, Jiang Li and Jiang Zhendong and his son held a press conference here and faced questions from many media reporters.

"Mr. Jiang Zhendong, how did you overcome this scientific problem? I am a reporter for Pangu News." A heavyweight news agency spokesman for Jiang Zhendong.

"We Chidi Group has some unknown technologies. Recently, I have achieved some results by studying bioengineering and energy conversion, so the research on the essence of the sun and the moon has come to pass." Jiang Zhendong answered with a smile.

"Mr. Jiang, I'm a reporter from Dongxing Media. I heard that you used to be an employee of Sun Moon Group. Now you come out to study the essence of Sun Moon Group. It will not steal the research results of Sun Moon Group. The group went to court? "

Jiang Zhendong was not angry, but just said faintly: "I have already stated this point. The previous sun and moon essence patent rights also belong to me. I originally studied half of them. According to the contract, the sun and moon group should give me shares and give me patent rights. However, they violated the contract, and I can only come out to study it myself. This is a major event that concerns all humankind. The Sun and Moon Group is selfish, and I wait for him to sue. Everyone in the court debate will see who is right and who is wrong. Just look at it. "

"Hello, I'm a reporter from Mark News. What do you do after you get the patent right? Is it produced by the Chidi Group? Or is it produced by others? As far as I know, the bases near the moon and the sun are now being sunken. The Yue Group is occupied, and you cannot mass produce. "A reporter raised the key point.

"This is very simple. I will keep the patent unused for the time being." Jiang Zhendong suddenly raised his voice a lot: "I said that I am for the sake of all mankind, not for the Sun Moon Group, for the entire self-interest of the Jiang family, everyone Knowing that the presidential election is one and a half years later, I promised that after obtaining this patent, as long as Jiang Haijiang, who is not the Jiang family, won the president, I would donate the patent of this sun and moon essence to the human government, so that everyone can have a day together. Moon essence is taken because I know that if the Jiang family has obtained the patent of Sun Moon essence, it must be to make money by himself and achieve his family. "


Jiang Zhendong's words just set off a thousand waves and donated for free! These four words immediately caused a large-scale sensation.


Jiang Centrifuge was happy. This time, his father was holding a spear and slamming it into the heart of the Jiang family. With this sensational news, attacking the Jiang family fiercely was tantamount to giving the people a promise. All the meanings can be heard, as long as the Jiang family is not elected president, the essence of the sun and the moon can be used by the entire people.

This news can be described as a sensation of multiple planets throughout the human race. How many votes will not be cast in the Jiang family when everyone hears this news?

Everyone knows that the sun and moon essence produced by the Jiang family is definitely a high price.

And if Jiang Zhendong donates patents to the government free of charge, then the government will start large-scale research and by then the people will have greater power to enjoy this benefit.

Anyway, the Jiang family's votes will drop sharply, which will cause a devastating blow to the Jiang Haiyang election.

"I believe that seeing this press conference, Jiang's senior staff will vomit blood. People at 36 Huacheng will also turn their muzzles because they know that they cannot force voters to vote." Jiang Xinzhong was very happy.

It seems his father is also politically minded.

But in the future, we must guard against the Jiang family.

For a while, Jiang Zhendong attacked the Jiang family in various ways and promised that he would benefit human society. This report will be released on multiple planets in no time. The Jiang family cannot suppress it. This is Yang Mou. The successful development of the essence has undermined the election of the Jiang family.

Jiang Li also answered some questions at the same time.

At the same time, he also revealed that Chidi Group is currently studying biotechnology, and there will be major news to be released at that time.

The mother emperor has a lot of technology. Hong Heiyu and Xiaodi researched much faster than Jiang Zhendong. It is likely that they will research various high-tech so that they can maintain sufficient exposure to the Chidi Group.

Anyway, at today's press conference, Jiang Zhendong will definitely be famous all over the world, and it is impossible for the Jiang family to strike him. No one in the society can cover the sky with one hand, and even Jiang Nalan should be cautious about influence.

A vigorous press conference lasted for a whole day and finally came to an end, followed by the thousands of large news media propaganda, some human government websites reported, and countless people paid close attention to the academy Test report.

Under such pressure and public opinion, everything is open and transparent. No one can fool.

In addition, the Academy of Sciences began testing the first time, many media flooded into the Academy of Sciences, and some news media even slept outside the Academy of Sciences, ready to interview the test results at any time.

In this way, the testing of the Academy of Sciences can not even be delayed, and the testing process can only be started on the same day.

Jiang Li and Jiang Zhendong returned to their homes to watch the situation of the Academy of Light and Brain. These tests will be announced to the public. All human beings can see clearly.

On the third day, with the test results, various clinical trials came out.

Countless media are waiting for results for the first time.

Several great scientists also held a press conference: "You ~ www.readwn.com ~ After testing by the Academy of Sciences, various data indicate that the sun and moon essence researched by Chidi Group and Mr. Jiang Zhendong meets the standard of ordinary human bodies. At the same time, large-scale production can also be carried out. According to the analysis of the light brain, if mass production is carried out, human quality can make a big leap in three years. "

Another big scientist came out: "Dear friends of the media, our Academy of Sciences' testing is transparent and fair. All data analysis is available on our official website and can be viewed."

"I hope that Mr. Jiang Zhendong can donate the true sun and moon essence patents to the human government. Don't let a certain family or a certain enterprise monopolize. This can benefit all human beings. By then, the government will mine and make all of us human beings. Master of Martial Arts. "Several big scientists also hope to get this technology.


The results of inspections in the Academy of Sciences came out, and the entire media news was once again a sensation, because once the true sun and moon essence is on the market, it means that everyone can take it, and the whole human life has once again experienced a great revolution.

For a while, Jiang Zhendong became one of the most famous scientists in humankind.

As soon as the test results of the Academy of Sciences came out, many reports were sent to high-level human beings. After a while, patents were applied for. The patent right of Sun Moon was finally vested in Jiang Zhendong.

Next, Jiang Zhendong can even send a lawyer's letter asking the Sun and Moon Group to stop the production of the Sun and Moon Essence, otherwise it is an infringement and has to compensate for large losses.

Of course, Jiang Li will definitely do this.

"Send a lawyer's letter, let Riyue Group stop production and compensate us for the loss of 300 billion yuan!" When the patent right came, he immediately convened a team of lawyers from Chidi Group and the Wang family to bring Riyue Group to court.

This is the serial conspiracy attack.

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